Chapter 74
The sky darkened, and the setting sun left behind a little yellow light, illuminating the huge combined figures of people and mutant dogs.

A group of people left the city and walked for about an hour before arriving in a nearby county.

It was already night, and the sky was completely dark.

In the county seat, the group found an abandoned residential building that seemed safe enough to rest. Some mutated dogs and some people took turns to guard against various dangers.

There was not much danger at night, only two nearby zombies wandered over one night.

But before the two zombies took a few steps, they were easily dealt with by a few mutated dogs rushing up ferociously.

With so many mutant dogs around, everyone slept soundly at night.

The next day, everyone came out with enough energy to gather.

Zhang Ren led everyone to move on, the direction is the wilderness area outside the county seat.

Walking in the wilderness area, the ground is full of grass that has just passed the mutated dog's hooves. The place is boundless, the sight is wide, and the breeze blows, making people feel a little cool.Moreover, the crowd marched for a long time, and there were indeed very few zombies in the wilderness area outside the county seat.

Xuewu rode the dog and walked behind Lin Ye. She spent half of her time looking at the surrounding scenery, and half of the time staring at Lin Ye's back in front of her.

Xue Wu patted the big head of the white Tibetan Mastiff, driving the Tibetan Mastiff to speed up and catch up with Lin Ye.

Lin Ye felt someone coming from behind, turned his head and saw that it was Xuewu who followed.

Xue Wu looked at Lin Ye, and asked absently, "Lin Ye, how long do we estimate it will take to reach Cold Cloud City?"

Although Xuewu asked this question on her lips, she didn't want to drink, she just wanted to strike up a conversation with Lin Ye, so she asked a random question.

Lin Ye frowned and thought for a while, "It will take at least 20 days. It is very far from here to Cold Cloud City."

"Ah? It will take so long." Xuewu said.

"What do you think? However, you are not the one who is tired when you are walking on a dog." Lin Ye turned his head and teased Xue Wu.

Xue Wu made a ghostly look at Lin Ye and stuck out her tongue, "But riding on a dog is also very tiring. After a long time, your back will hurt, okay?"

Lin Ye no longer has the same knowledge as this woman, "You have time to practice your abilities more, and you are still far behind in controlling the flames. Your abilities will grow up to be very powerful. The zombies and dangers you will face in the future There's still more."

"Okay, I understand." Xuewu said angrily.

Lin Ye looked up at the sky, and blinked helplessly, which is the so-called speechless looking at the sky.

What's wrong with this Xuewu, she's so good at acting like a baby.

Lin Ye couldn't understand how powerful love is to women.

Jiang Xinyu also followed Lin Ye all the time.

She just saw Xue Wu go up to find Lin Ye, and she felt uncomfortable, and now she saw Xue Wu and Lin Ye fighting so fiercely.

So Jiang Xinyu couldn't stand it anymore, she ran to Lin Ye's right.

After Jiang Xinyu passed by, she walked side by side with Lin Ye.Jiang Xinyu raised her head and said to Lin Ye with a sweet smile, "Brother Lin, I found that you are very good at using a spear. Can you teach me?"

"Although I have a professional background in the police force, I used regular police pistols for practice at that time, and I know very little about other guns. Brother Lin, teach me, and I will definitely be able to use them in the future."

Lin Ye nodded, "Okay."

Although Jiang Xinyu came here to talk, but the gun is indeed very useful.

In the last days, there are various unexpected emergencies. If you want to survive, you must be very familiar with various types of firearms and weapons, so as to ensure the chance of survival.

"Let's face the immediate crisis first, and we still have to go to Cold Cloud City. It's a precarious situation right now. Let's talk about teaching you marksmanship when it stabilizes." Xue Wu said to Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu: "..."

Then, the two women began to talk to each other next to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye came to Zhang Ren's side, Zhang Ren turned his head and glanced at Lin Ye.

"Where are we going next?"

Zhang Rendao looked at the wilderness in front of him. The weeds on the ground were blown by the breeze. He glanced at Lin Ye meaningfully, and then said calmly, "Let's walk along the ravine in County T."

"Ravine?" Lin Ye asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it is a ravine. There must be no people living in the ravine, so there will be few zombies, and there must be a river at the bottom of the ravine, so we don't have to worry about the water source. Although the road is remote and difficult to walk, where are we now? Go wherever there are few people, and avoid places with zombies." Having said this in one breath, Zhang Ren looked at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye nodded. He felt that what Zhang Ren said was quite reliable.

Half a day later, a group of people walked at the bottom of the valley in County T.

On both sides of the bottom of the ravine are lush green mountains, the mountains are densely covered with trees, fresh and green, and the surrounding scenery is very beautiful. At the foot of everyone is the rushing river at the bottom of the ravine. The narrowest part of the river is at least three meters wide, and the powerful sound of flowing water fills the air. vitality.

This primitive scene also made everyone feel refreshed, and unconsciously felt that their bodies were full of vitality.

Xuewu, Jiang Xinyu, etc. grew up in the city since they were young, and they have never seen the beautiful scenery in these villages and valleys. They all feel that the scenery is pleasant and refreshing.

At night, everyone and more than a hundred mutated dogs stopped in a huge open space by the river and began to rest.

Jiang Xinyu hurried up to Lin Ye, as if she had something to say to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye looked suspiciously at Jiang Xinyu who walked in front of him.

Jiang Xinyu grinned, and said to Lin Ye, "Brother Lin, I'm going to find a place to take a bath. I haven't bathed for a long time."

"I'm over there." Jiang Xinyu raised her hand and pointed to Lin Ye in the direction behind her.

"I'll be back in half an hour." Jiang Xinyu blinked mischievously.

Lin Ye was very helpless, and said to Jiang Xinyu, "Okay, don't go too far, pay attention to safety."

"Okay." Jiang Xinyu smiled happily, and she turned to leave.

"Wait a minute." Xuewu's voice came.

Xue Wu came out from the crowd and came to Jiang Xinyu, "I'll go too, let's go together."

Jiang Xinyu nodded, took Xuewu's hand, the two turned around and left, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight, probably looking for a hidden river.

Zhang Ren came over and asked Lin Ye and Li Jie to go to Shandong to get some food, and the leather armor girl Tao Yun and the strong man Liu Peng went to Shanxi to find food.

Lin Ye led Li Jie straight to a very narrow river.

The river was rumbling, Lin Ye ignored Li Jie, squatted down and washed his face with the river water, and immediately felt much cooler.

Lin Ye squatted on the spot and lowered his head to think for a while, then put his hand into the river.

After only a while, the river here was slightly fluctuating, and Lin Ye activated his ability.

(End of this chapter)

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