Chapter 75
"Bang! Bang!" Miraculously, a lot of fish flew out of the river and landed on the river bank under Li Jie's feet one by one.

The water surface was hit with bangs and splashes, and when these fish jumped out, they were all covered with a layer of white ice armor half a centimeter thick.

With Lin Ye's water and ice abilities, wouldn't it be easy to catch a few fish?

He first clearly sensed the position of the fish in the river through the water control ability, and then used the ice ability to freeze the fish instantly and eject them out of the water.

After a while, a lot of frozen fish piled up on the banks of the river.

Standing on the bank of the river, Li Jie looked at so many frozen fish under his feet, full of admiration for Lin Ye, he was convinced.

"It should be almost enough. They will hunt some more food over there, plus these fish, it will definitely be enough for us to eat." Li Jie said to Lin Ye who was still squatting by the river.

"Yes." Lin Ye nodded and stood up.

"Okay, let's go back..." Lin Ye was in the middle of speaking, when suddenly his nerves tightened, and his instinctive reaction made him feel dangerous.

He condensed a strong cold air.

Then, Lin Ye felt a gust of wind behind him.

Li Jie shouted eagerly: "Be careful!"

Lin Ye directly released his ability, and saw a purple python wrapped in ice appear out of thin air, and fell stiffly to the bank of the river.

This python was nearly five meters long and as thick as a bucket, but it was frozen by Lin Ye's ice in the air, restricting its movements.

The python that attacked Lin Ye probably didn't expect that it would be suddenly frozen by Lin Ye from the air.

Variation reckless!This is a small-sized snake with a purple body. Before the end of the world, it was called a purple ring snake. It is a highly poisonous snake with a purple ring pattern. After mutation, its body length can reach more than three meters. Latent patience, relatively rare.

Lin Ye only heard about it once in a human town base in his last life. After the mutation, the concentration of venom in his body increased tenfold. Those who die must die.

At the same time, this mutated python can be nearly five meters long, at least reaching the silver class. It is worthy of such a powerful poisonous python lurking in the deep mountains.

Lin Ye's heart suddenly lifted.

His emergency action just now was not an action after thinking about it, but an instinctive habit developed after years of surviving in danger. This instinctive habit has saved Lin Ye's life many times in critical moments. .

At this moment, I saw the purple boa constrictor that fell on the river bank and its whole body was frozen seemed to have reacted. It twisted its body, "click, click," the thin ice layer wrapped around it was instantly torn apart.

Two snake eyes the size of copper bells reflect a vicious light.

At the moment when the ice seal broke open, the mutated python shot towards Li Jie beside it.

"Whoosh!" There was a sound of strong wind beating the air.

Li Jie was also taken aback. As expected of his fighting instinct to adapt to the supernatural power, his footsteps moved suddenly, his body was like a monkey, he quickly jumped out of the spot, and jumped towards a big tree next to him, avoiding the vicious mutant mang hit.

The mutated python hit the air and landed on another part of the river bank, spitting out long snake letters, and the strange purple snake scales on its head made the scalp tingle.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body of the poisonous python ejected again, like a black shadow, cutting towards Li Jie who was hugging the tree like a gear.

Without even thinking about it, Lin Ye quickly condensed a white ice shield in front of Li Jie.


The white ice shield in front of Li Jie was instantly cut with a huge hole by the poisonous python.

Li Jie half fell and half jumped like a stupid bear and ran down the tree.

Lin Ye yelled angrily, and quickly jumped to the other side of the river. At the same time, he pulled out the hunting knife he was carrying with him, and slashed at the purple ring poisonous python with a cold knife aura.

Zihuan Mang quickly swung his body to escape, but caught off guard, a bloody wound was cut from the tail by the saber air. The cold air entered the body from the wound. It is the flow speed of Qi and blood in the body, which has slowed down a lot.

"Hiss~" The purple ring python kept swallowing snake letters, and a pair of frightening snake eyes stared at the opponent in front of him.


The purple ring poisonous python suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and a transparent mist-like water arrow sprayed out from the mouth, directly hitting Lin Ye.


Lin Ye's expression changed drastically, and he quickly put up an ice shield and retreated quickly.


Although Lin Ye dodged in time, part of the liquid still splashed onto Lin Ye's ice shield, and the ice shield was covered with white mist, which was completely corroded in a blink of an eye.

"What a strong poison!" Lin Ye was still in shock.

"Frozen!" A majestic cold air spewed from Lin Ye's palm again, instantly freezing the venom that splashed on the hunting knife just now into ice beads, which slid down the knife.

At this moment, a light black dent was corroded on the surface of the hunting knife, and Lin Ye felt pain in his heart, but luckily the blade was not corroded.

Before he had time to think so much, Lin Ye quickly stayed away from the attack range of the purple ring poisonous python.

"You dare to sneak attack me, so now, make me a target." Lin Ye said bitterly.

"Extremely Cold Ice Blade!"

Lin Ye uttered an angry reprimand, and immediately, many ice blades in the shape of a crescent moon emerged from above his head.

There were more and more ice blades, and in the end, their volume was exactly the same as that of Lin Ye. The ice blades were connected to each other to form a storm top composed entirely of ice blades.

"Go." Under the storm, Lin Ye let out a low shout, and the storm top suddenly rolled and killed the purple ring poisonous python.Along the way, the ground was hung with ravines, and the soil plants were scraped into the sky, and they were cut into pieces in an instant.

The ice blade slammed down fiercely towards Zihuanmang's seven inches.

Hit a snake and hit seven inches, this is the unchanging truth for all snakes, seven inches is the key point of all snakes, the heart of a snake is located at seven inches, so as long as the seven inches of a snake is fatally injured , you will undoubtedly die.


Naturally, the purple ring poisonous python could not let Lin Ye succeed easily. The huge snake tail swung back and forth, bringing a series of sonic booms, and headed straight for the ice blade.

"Hey, I won't fight you head-on." A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Ye's mouth. The purple ring poisonous python has been moving. Lin Ye really couldn't hit its seven inches, but Lin Ye's goal was not its seven inches. inch, but...'three inches. '

Just when the ice blade and the snake tail were about to collide, the ice blade suddenly changed direction.


The purple ring poisonous python pulled out its tail, and the huge force caused the space to explode.

However, before he could react, the ice blade was already approaching three inches below the snake's head.

(End of this chapter)

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