Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 76 Silver Tier 2

Chapter 76 Silver Tier [-]
Three inches is another deadly place for snakes besides seven inches, because it is the most vulnerable place on the spine of snakes, and it is the easiest to break. In the past, snakes were caught at three inches, so that snakes could not Turning your head hurts your hand, and as long as the spine is broken, the communication nerve center and other parts of the passage will be destroyed. Therefore, snakes must die.


The ice blade suddenly changed its direction, making it impossible for the purple ring poisonous python to dodge. Unprepared, it was hit by the ice blade within three inches.

A series of friction sounds sounded, and the powerful penetrating power of the ice blade tore the scales of the purple ring poisonous python, piercing through its body.

The huge impact was like a thousand catties of gunpowder exploding, the blood was sprayed, and the purple ring poisonous python was instantly taken away.


The body of the purple-ringed poisonous python flew to the side of the river bank, smashed a series of trees beside it, and stirred up the soil on the ground. The whole ground seemed to be trembling slightly, and a depression of more than two feet appeared on the ground.


The purple ring poisonous python was in pain, and the huge snake head kept shaking. There was a huge blood hole three inches away from it, and the blood kept spilling out. The blood-red snake eyes were fixed on Lin Ye's figure, with With a touch of uneasy restlessness.

"Not dead yet?"

"Come again."

"All arrows fired at once!"

A large number of Frost Arrows appeared in the air, and quickly fell towards the purple ring poisonous python.Seeing that the Zihuan poisonous python was seriously injured, Lin Ye wanted to take advantage of his illness to kill him, and then launch an attack to directly kill the Zihuan poisonous python.

The Zihuan poisonous python buried the snake's head in the ground in time.

All the ice arrows whizzed down and shot at the wound of the purple ring poisonous python.

"Bang bang..."

The Zihuan poisonous python was in extreme pain, and its huge body kept rolling on the ground while fleeing elsewhere.

The purple ring poisonous python started to flee. If it hides in the woods, it will be troublesome. Lin Ye hurriedly chased after it.

Seeing this situation, Zihuan Poison Mang stopped. It didn't know why that human being was so stupid and dared to enter its attack range, but since it entered, it would let you come and go.

The body of the purple ring poisonous python was unimaginably sensitive, and the snake's tail was drawn into an afterimage, bringing a series of sonic booms to Lin Ye who was already approaching.

Turning his body sharply, Lin Ye narrowly avoided the snake's tail's blow.

At the same time, the Zihuan poisonous python turned its head and opened its mouth again to shoot a poisonous arrow at Lin Ye.

"What you're waiting for is you to open your mouth." Lin Ye sneered, condensed the ice spear that had been secretly prepared in an instant, threw it out fiercely, poured mental power into it frantically, and the ice spear flew directly into the purple ring at an incredible speed In the bloody mouth of the poisonous python.

Lin Ye quickly condensed an ice cover in front of him to block the deadly venom splashing over.

"Pfft!" The ice gun pierced through the huge mouth of the purple ring python, and fixed the body of the purple ring python on a tree behind him.

But immediately, click, click, the ice gun shattered, and the body of the purple ring python fell under the tree along with the broken ice gun.

"Huh..." Seeing the Zihuan poisonous python die in front of him, Lin Ye finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The scales of the purple-ringed poisonous python are extremely strong, but inside they are as fragile as human beings. Seeing that the scales of the purple-ringed poisonous python are difficult to attack, Lin Ye risked his life to lure the purple-ringed poisonous python to open its mouth and spray out the venom , Taking advantage of that moment, shot the ice spear into the mouth of the purple ring poisonous python, killing it.

"However, the strength of the frozen ice is not enough. If it is strong enough, the ice spear will not shatter. It will still be very dangerous in future battles." Lin Ye looked at the fragments of the ice spear on the ground, He said dissatisfied in his heart.

At this moment, Li Jie also walked behind Lin Ye, looking closely at the body of the purple ring poisonous python in front of Lin Ye, who was in a terrible state of death, and smacked in amazement.

Especially looking at the sharp fangs of the purple ring poisonous python several feet long in the sun, it made Li Jie's scalp tingle.

Lin Ye said: "This purple-ringed poisonous python is full of treasures and should not be wasted, especially its snake gall. After eating it, the body's resistance to poison will be greatly increased. In the future, when it encounters ordinary toxins, it will generally be harmful to the body. Not threatening."

Lin Ye pulled out a hunting knife, cut open the body of the purple ring python from top to bottom, picked out the different nucleus, and then picked out a purple snake gall the size of a duck egg.

Lin Ye threw the bloody snake gall to Li Jie, who was stunned for a moment, "Eat half of this snake gall, and keep the half for me. I will find a place to eat this silver-grade heterogeneous core, and prepare to eat it." breakthrough."

Li Jie took the snake gall, looked at the purple egg in his hand, his eyes were filled with the light of seeing Jinshan, "After eating, all poisons will not invade, it really is a crisis and an opportunity coexist."

Lin Ye ignored Li Jie who was still immersed in joy, walked to the bank of the river and sat down cross-legged.

Ever since he ate the fifth-level bronze core of Gray Wolf last time, he felt that he was not far from the second-level silver in his body.

This time, with the addition of the silver-level heterogeneous core of the purple ring poisonous python, Lin Ye is confident that he can break through to the second-level silver.

Power is always what excites him, the constant theme he pursues.

This time I came out to fish, although I experienced extreme danger, but I also harvested this silver heterocore that fell from the sky.

After calming down a little bit the abnormality in the body that had been a little changed due to the battle just now, Lin Ye stretched out his hand and swallowed the different core of the purple ring poisonous python into his stomach.

Not long after, Lin Ye felt a heat flow in his body, which began to circulate in the muscles, and every nerve felt a burst of tenderness, which made Lin Ye feel so comfortable that he couldn't help but want to groan. Lin Ye knew this was The heterokaryon is transforming its own body.

Slowly realizing that the energy of the ice ability in his body is getting stronger and stronger, Lin Ye estimates that he will be promoted to the second level of silver.

Sure enough, after a period of time when the power in the body skyrocketed, the soaring power slowly stopped, and then, a burst of abundant power instantly rushed into Lin Ye's limbs and bones.

"Crackling." There was a burst of bones in the body, and Lin Ye's pores were all relaxed, and he was extremely refreshed, as if there were faint traces of electric current swimming in every inch of muscle, making Lin Ye full of energy.

Lin Ye opened his eyes in satisfaction and twisted his neck.

Standing up, Lin Ye punched the air in front of him forcefully, and a series of loud sonic booms sounded in the air.

The power of the second level of silver is really strong. After checking his whole body, Lin Ye walked back in satisfaction.


At night, the moon was high and the night was a bit cold. A group of people sat in front of the bonfire.

Lin Ye and Li Jie also resisted the body of the mutated python.When everyone saw the body of the python with thick water and as many small fish as the hills, they couldn't help giving Lin Ye a thumbs up.

Xue Wu lit the fire with his fire ability, and everyone ate grilled fish and snake meat.This lively scene, if not in the last days, would be like a bonfire party.

(End of this chapter)

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