Chapter 77

After dinner, everyone went to sleep separately. The night passed by quietly, as calmly as this black night.

On the second day, when the first ray of morning light fell on Lin Ye's face, he opened his eyes. After a night's rest, all the tiredness in his body was swept away, replaced by a body full of energy and strength .

A group of people were walking in the small woods in the ravine, and the sunlight shone through the dense leaves.

The mutated dog's hooves stepped on the fallen leaves in the woods, making dry, dry sounds. Zhang Ren walked at the front of the team, looking around with vigilant eyes.

Everyone in the woods was also walking with concern. The woods in the last days are not the normal woods in the Taiping era. Although there are no zombies, they are full of all kinds of alienated mutant beasts, which are full of aggressiveness. Lin Ye has long been aware of this. I reminded everyone.

After walking for less than half an hour, when everyone just relaxed, a porcupine covered in red came out of the dense forest.

Porcupines are also called porcupines because of their hard spines like hedgehogs.

It feels like it should be at the fifth level of Bronze. For Lin Ye now, it can be killed in an instant in basically three rounds.

Lin Ye looked at the mutated pig quietly, "Let Xuewu practice."

Xue Wu has been following Lin Ye, but until now she is only at the third level of Bronze. Lin Ye wants her to improve as soon as possible.

Lin Ye tilted his head to look at Xuewu, Xuewu looked a little nervous, after taking a long breath, he seemed to have made up his mind, looked at Lin Ye with beautiful eyes and nodded.

She drove the mutant dog to the front of the team.

The porcupine will not show any mercy to the beauty, and there is a scarlet and fierce light in the red eyes.

"Hmph...Hum..." The porcupine exhaled thickly from its nostrils, making people startled, and the porcupine quickly stabbed at Xuewu with its half-meter-long fangs on both sides of the nose.

Looking at the ferocious porcupine rushing towards him, Xuewu pursed her charming red lips, stretched out her palm, and saw a palm-sized fireball erupting from her fingertips.

Xue Wu frowned, penetrated the supernatural power, and then quickly shot the fireball at the porcupine. Now she can condense the fireball much faster.

The fireball arrived in front of the porcupine in the blink of an eye, carrying a fiery flame, and a flash of heat energy was reflected in the porcupine's pupils.

However, the side of the porcupine narrowly avoided the oncoming fireball. The fireball instantly hit the air and flew elsewhere.

With the strong wind, the porcupine rushed to Xuewu in a blink of an eye, kicked off the ground with its thick and powerful legs, flew up, and stabbed its two fangs towards Xuewu's face.

If it was stabbed, there would definitely be two terrifying blood holes on Xuewu's beautiful cheeks.

Xuewu used to be a big sister, so her character is naturally not vegetarian, unlike other girls, Xuewu's character is definitely calm, decisive, and ruthless, otherwise, no matter how she leads her subordinates It's the younger brother who lives on violence.

Frowning her eyebrows, Xuewu didn't panic, she jumped out of the porcupine's attack range at this dangerous moment, she didn't want to be stabbed into a sieve.

Lin Ye, who had been watching Xue Wu's coping ability from behind, nodded slowly, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

The porcupine hit the air with a blow, and its two front hooves stretched forward in the air. The moment it landed on the ground, the huge inertia made the porcupine body continue to slide forward. The soil on the ground was washed up, and the porcupine hurriedly stopped. , leaving two dents several meters long on the ground.

Everyone tacitly did not choose to attack the porcupine, and watched how Xuewu solved it alone.

"Hehehehe..." The porcupine spewed more vigorously, leaving two white columns of air around its mouth, and it was still chewing white foam. It was extremely ferocious, and the porcupine was obviously angry.

Xuewu jumped to the side of a tree, her eyes were calm, her body was like a cat, and she looked seriously at the red and angry porcupine, but she became calmer now. As a woman, she is not afraid of danger, she can definitely be said to be a hero among women .

The porcupine kicked its hind legs, and its eyes became even redder.

It slammed into Xuewu again, and when the porcupine approached her, she jumped lightly to the other side of the tree, avoiding the porcupine easily.

Generally, wild boars attack with a heavy force and sharp fangs to hit the enemy and kill the enemy.After they mutated, they didn't develop any other special skills, except that they were faster and much stronger.

But as long as you calm down, most of the mutants should be able to deal with it. Pigs, after all, are not very clever.

Of course, the pig that Lin Ye met in Luxing Village before couldn't be compared. That pig was the king of pigs, stronger than ordinary mutant monsters.

The figure jumped in the air, and the porcupine hill-like body looked so thrilling.

"It's now."

Xue Wu dodged again, a blazing fireball condensed on the palm of his hand.

"Go to hell." Xue Wu burst out the fierceness that was suppressed in his heart, and with a wave of one hand, he saw the fireball suddenly shot out from among the trees, and hit the porcupine's back firmly.

"Bump." The galloping figure of the porcupine landed on the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

But in the next moment, the fireball ignited on the porcupine's body, instantly igniting the spikes on its back. The burning sensation pierced every inch of its heart, causing the porcupine to let out a heart-piercing howl.

The porcupine jumped up in pain, and it fell to the ground and rolled around in unbearable pain.

But after tossing for a long time, the fire could not be extinguished. It seemed that the porcupine gave up because it was difficult to extinguish the fire. It stood up again and let the flames on its back burn like holding a cluster of torches.

The angry porcupine wanted to take revenge, and rushed towards Xuewu fiercely, regardless of the flames on his body.

The body of the porcupine galloping was moving, getting closer and closer to Xuewu, it was too late, then soon, a suitable timing and position, the running porcupine exposed more than half of its belly to the front of Xuewu.

Xue Wu decisively condensed a fireball the size of a football, hitting the porcupine's stomach.

"Chi..." The fragile belly was attacked, and the red flame climbed up the body of the porcupine in an instant, covering most of the porcupine's volume.

A sharp cry that was three or four times louder than before shook the entire forest, and the porcupine was insanely hurt by the sweeping burns.

The porcupine, which lost its mind, began to scurry in the woods in a frenzy, and the flames enveloping it became bigger and bigger. It must be burned to death after a long time.

Lin Ye looked at the crazy porcupine, and was also afraid that the porcupines running around would hurt someone in the team.

Lin Ye said slowly, "Let me end your pain."

Lin Ye slammed down on the dog's back. With the help of strength, Baiyin's second-level strength directly jumped up several meters with ease, and the hunting knife slashed down fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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