Chapter 78

At the porcupine's neck, a huge pig's head fell to the ground along a neat cut.

Immediately, the porcupine's huge body fell to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Its body had been burned terribly. From the belly up, most of the flesh and blood were black and scorched. The huge pig's head that fell to the side was full of panic and pain before death.

It seemed that there was a roast pig to eat, Lin Ye smiled appreciatively at Xue Wu next to him.

This girl who has been by his side since the end of the world is also performing very well today. The calmness and decisiveness shown in the woods against the enemy all show that she is a woman who can take on great responsibilities in the future.

When she slowly grows up along with her own journey, and stands at the peak of the strong, what a dazzling and proud existence it will be.

The flame queen of the last days, Lin Ye thought with a smile.

Xuewu's flame ability also made everyone look at him with admiration. It turns out that the flame ability controlled by this woman has such a strong strength. Zhang Ren also had some evaluation of Xuewu in his heart.

After taking out the bronze heterocore of the porcupine, the group continued on their way, shuttling through the forest.

Sitting on the dog's back, Lin Ye and Xuewu walked side by side, and the steady footsteps of the mutant dog made everyone stand still.

"Your calmness today is commendable. When facing the enemy, the most important thing is to be calm. No matter what the situation is, if you panic, you will lose most of it. When facing the enemy, the most important thing is wisdom. The process of victory is Find the enemy's weak point."

"You have also become more proficient in using the fireball. Whether it is the speed of condensation or the quality of condensation, it has greatly improved compared to before. It seems that you have not been idle during this time." Lin Ye said with a smile.

"That's right." Xue Wu smiled lightly, her tone was actually a bit flat.

Aware of this dullness, Lin Ye remained calm on the surface, and secretly said in his heart, "My girl, could it be that the former Queen Fan has returned."

It seems that after a period of apocalypse, Xuewu has adjusted, her mentality has gradually stabilized, and she has regained the meaning of a queen in the peaceful era.

In the largest underground force in G city before, Lin Ye was the boss, Xue Wu was Lin Ye's second in command, and she herself led a group of people independently. The boss is still Lin Ye.

Xuewu has a relationship with Lin Ye that is not only his subordinate, but also the second-in-command on equal footing with him.

In every incident, Xuewu's hands were ruthless and merciless.

And because of her beauty, every man who dared to provoke her would end up extremely tragic.

Among Xuewu's subordinates, of course there are people who like her, but they are all terrified of her, only dare to think about it, none of them dare to really approach her.

If she dared to offend her a little, the consequences would be serious. Slowly, someone secretly nicknamed her "Queen of Snakes and Scorpions!", and then somehow it spread both inside and outside the Tao.

It is conceivable how far she has become a queen.

Lin Ye smiled softly, "Your fire ability is very mature now, you can try to activate other fire skills, such as flame guns, fire walls, etc. These can be used in your future situations against enemies , and it is very practical, just a fireball is not enough."

Xue Wu turned her head to look at Lin Ye with her beautiful eyes, and nodded.

However, even if Xuewu's Queen Fan came back, one thing would not change, that is, her heart had long been unknowingly tied firmly by the man named Lin Ye in front of her.

Lin Ye and the others have been marching for more than half a month, and the mountains and forests they crossed are also very long. Each time it took a whole few days to get out.

And during this half month, everyone was attacked by mutant beasts no less than a hundred times.In the early days of the end of the world, most of the mutated beasts encountered were still in the bronze class. These mutated beasts, regardless of their species and habits, were eventually eliminated.

Of course, the apocalypse is not about playing games. During this period, three teammates without superpowers were sacrificed. Two of them were bitten to death by poisonous snakes, and the other was scratched by a mutant bear, and a horrible bloody mouth was cut on his stomach. , carried him on the march for three days, but the man died in the end.

In this process, Xuewu, Li Jie, Hu Fei, etc. have become more and more proficient in their supernatural powers through actual combat training. Whether it is the proficiency of manipulating supernatural powers or their xinxing, they all have a qualitative improvement. promote.

It seems that the dangerous environment in the mountains and forests does not only bring danger and death. For people like them, the improvement of combat experience and xinxing is a huge benefit.With these improvements, more protection can be added in more dangerous situations in the future.

Zhang Xinyu doesn't have supernatural powers. Although the woman didn't say anything, she was always a little depressed. After all, not everyone can have such great luck, otherwise people with supernatural powers wouldn't be so scarce.

Zhang Xinyu is also a girl who refuses to admit defeat, her marksmanship has become more and more proficient and precise.

Human thermal weapons are also very powerful. Maybe in the future, Jiang Xinyu will be equipped with more practical and powerful thermal weapons. After repeated survival and blood training, she can also become an outstanding and dazzling female warrior with thermal weapons. The strength is not necessarily worse than those supernatural beings.

During the time of crossing the woods and canyons, I also harvested various heterogeneous nuclei of different grades, including silver and bronze.These heteronuclei filled a small half of the bag, plus the ones that were eaten, there were hundreds of them.

Li Jie went from Bronze Level [-] to Bronze Level [-], Hu Fei went to Bronze Level [-], and Xue Wu went from Bronze Level [-] to Bronze Level [-].During this period, Lin Ye also ate a lot of different cores, and he is still at the second level of silver.

Overall, after a period of dangerous training in the mountains and forests, Lin Ye's strength has improved by more than a little bit.

The mountain wind gracefully blows the leaves of the trees in the forest, and some extremely small branches shake gently with the wind.

"Kuchi~" There was a sudden abnormal sound in the bushes, which made everyone who had been carefully watching the surrounding environment tense.

After the bushes made a noise, they immediately became quiet again, as if everyone's vigilance was just a frightened bird.

However, everyone will not think so lightly. Countless crises have told everyone that the slightest doubt cannot be let go.

Sure enough, the bushes were only quiet for a few seconds, "Whoosh~" A brownish-yellow figure, like a flying arrow, fell towards the range of the crowd. Its stature is less than half a meter, but its fangs are full of deadly poison, being bitten is no joke, ordinary mutants can't handle it.

(End of this chapter)

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