Chapter 79
Xue Wu let out a soft chirp, her beautiful eyes stared intently at the attacking brown and yellow hedgehog mouse, only to see a fiery bow strangely growing from thin to thick out of thin air between its hands, instantly emitting red light, bursting out a rocket.

The firebow rockets are all formed entirely of red flames, and the hot flames dance on the firebow and rockets.

In just a short moment, Xuewu set up the arrow and pulled the bow, and saw that the rocket and fire bow was like a real bow and arrow, and the small but extremely strong bowstring formed by the flames was pulled back with her movements. , the rocket pointed directly at the flying hedgehog mouse, and the tip of the arrow was redder yellow than the body of the arrow, as if it had condensed a huge force that should not be underestimated.

The figure of the hedgehog in Xuewu's pupils zoomed in rapidly, and the calmness in her beautiful eyes seemed unmoved by any external things. When the hedgehog flew two meters in front of the woman, Xuewu made a movement - gently opened her right hand. Rocket in hand.

"Bang!" The Hedgehog mouse flying in the air stopped for an instant, and then flew backwards strangely. After flying more than ten meters, it fell heavily on the ground.

The hedgehog mouse that fell to the ground was motionless, without any breath of life, and had already died. A black hole the size of a fist was left on its neck. The edge of the wound was all burnt black flesh, and a little black blood dripped from the black hole. The drop fell to the ground, and the hedgehog was directly pierced through the neck by the rocket.

As the rocket shot out before, Xuewu's fire bow also slowly faded into nothingness in front of his hand, and finally completely disappeared into the void.Xue Wu had already put down her hands, her beautiful eyes didn't have any fluctuations, revealing her calm and calm queen demeanor.

The long-term life in the jungle has added a wildness to Xuewu's body, which faintly makes Xuewu, as a woman, even more full of a mysterious allure.

After half a month of experience on the line of life and death, Xuewu's ability to control fire has made a qualitative leap in the thrilling jungle battles again and again. With some guidance from Lin Ye, Xuewu has become proficient in manipulating supernatural powers A bow and arrow that condenses fire.

The Fire Bow is faster and the concentration is refined, greatly omitting the waste of abilities, allowing Xuewu to fight for a longer time. Of course, the condensed power of the flame arrow is also several times higher than before more than.

Xuewu can also control fire shields and muskets relatively proficiently now, but compared to the fast, light, and surprisingly lethal fire bow, Xuewu still has more practice and is more proficient in the latter.

"That's right, it's really getting better and better. Hey, but next time you keep one for me, I just wanted to practice my combat adaptability, so you shot it to death. Didn't Lin Ye say Now, do you all want to exercise your abilities?"

A thief's voice came to Xuewu, and Li Jie walked towards Xuewu with his mouth curled up, his face full of expressions.

Hedgehog jumped out, and when Li Jie was about to rush up, Xuewu got ahead and shot Hedgehog to death with a rocket. He was very depressed.

Xuewu had already replied to the Queen Fan Er of her older sister, she glanced at Li Jie lightly, her sexy lips parted, "It's what I deserve, I'm not capable."

"You..." Li Jie lost his temper by Xuewu's cold words, and was speechless for a moment.Naturally, he couldn't beat Xuewu in terms of speech. Xuewu's aloofness during this time had already made Li Jie embarrassed countless times.

But Li Jie, as always, always leans on Xuewu, with a cheap mouth, and has bumped into Xuewu countless times.And the confrontation between these two people has become a joy for everyone in this jungle. Every time everyone laughs at the bickering between these two people.

Zhang Ren also turned his head from the right side of the team and smiled softly. He was already used to this scene.

"Help." At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came, accompanied by the sound of grass, everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw not far from the woods, in a high bush area, The bushes there kept shaking, as if a person was moving over.

How can there be people in the depths of this mountain forest?This obviously exceeded everyone's inner expectations. In an instant, everyone's hearts were raised.

With the swaying of the grass, a figure in brown clothes flickered, approaching towards the direction of the crowd. The man obviously saw Lin Ye and his group, so he tried his best to escape.

"Roar." Behind him, came a ferocious roar of an unknown beast, and the man who was running for his life trembled when he heard the approaching roar behind him, and ran even faster.

If you look carefully, you will find that in the bushes behind the man, there is also an unidentified figure, which should be a mutant beast, chasing the man at a faster speed, leaving behind a trail of The strong wind shook the bushes.

In the blink of an eye, the man was about to run out. At this time, less than ten meters away from Lin Ye and his group, his figure also appeared at this time.

Wearing a brown-yellow shirt, the top of the clothes was scratched several times, which should have been scratched by thorns in the bushes when he was escaping. The man had long hair that reached his eyebrows. His hair was messy and he was extremely embarrassed. The expression is also full of tension and panic.

When the man saw Lin Ye and his party in such a huge formation, he looked hopeful.

After fleeing all the way, he was finally saved. The man opened his mouth to call for help.

At this moment, the figure that was chasing after him like a gust of wind arrived behind the man in an instant.

"Roar!" There was a bursting roar, and the man's expression became extremely tense when he heard the sound.

A pair of sharp giant claws quickly patted the brown-clothed man's shoulders, and the figure of the mutated beast appeared instantly.This beast has a golden undercoat fur, which is bright and clean, and there are circles of black spots on the skin. This is a mutated leopard, which should be at the silver stage.

Since advancing to the second level of silver, he has eaten so many different cores in the past half a month, and his strength has increased. In addition to the thrilling battle experience again and again, Lin Ye has gradually become familiar with the power promoted by the second level of silver Control, at this time, whether it is speed or attack strength, he is much stronger than half a month ago.

Since he is a human being, regardless of the identity of this man, he appeared in this forest, and was chased and killed by mutant beasts, no matter what the angle is, Lin Ye has to take care of it, and everything will be done after he is rescued first.

Lin Ye jumped from the top of the man's head to the front of the leopard, and a half-meter-long white knife light swung out from the hunting knife, hitting the leopard with a force as heavy as a thousand catties.With Lin Ye's strength, it is possible to fight beyond the level, and it is basically no problem to face the leopard of the same level.

(End of this chapter)

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