Chapter 80

The huge pupils of the leopard suddenly shrank, and the sudden appearance of the figure and the light of the knife also shocked the leopard.

However, the leopard body was already in the air and rushed towards it along the trajectory. It was impossible to dodge such a fast and sharp knife light at this moment.

Turning around as hard as possible in the air, the leopard avoided its vital parts. At this moment, the leopard could only make itself less injured.

The light of the knife came with great strength, and the side of the leopard hurt, and the leaping figure of the leopard was directly hit and flew backwards, and the leopard fell to the ground at a slant.

On the side of the back half of the leopard, there was a long gash half a meter long and two inches deep, with flesh turned out and blood dripping.The severe pain in the wound made the leopard grin its teeth.

I didn't expect that the blow just now was so fierce. This seemingly ordinary person is not easy to mess with, but he is powerful, so let's retreat first. The leopard carefully looked at Lin Ye who injured it in front of him.

"Roar." The leopard stretched its neck, let out an ear-splitting roar, bared its ferocious fangs, stomped its hooves, and rushed towards Lin Ye.

However, just as the leopard was about to jump up, it suddenly turned around and ran away in the opposite direction to Lin Ye.

"My silver core is indispensable." Lin Ye was very calm, watching the movement of the leopard fleeing, but said indifferently.

As soon as this sentence fell, Lin Ye's figure was already rushing towards the fleeing leopard like a gust of wind. A long ice surface leading to the leopard appeared under Lin Ye's feet, and he rushed towards the leopard, which was faster than before. The famous leopard is more than half times faster.

The leopard looked back a little in the nick of time, seeing the astonishing black shadow that was getting closer, an unbelievable fear appeared in its pupils.

In a few seconds, Lin Ye chased after the leopard, and a sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Ye's mouth, who was used to killing.

"Five styles in the world, explode!" I saw Lin Ye, who was moving rapidly, took up the saber flower, and the right wrist holding the saber flipped rapidly, and the fast-moving saber shadow formed a beautiful cluster of huge silver flowers.

At the same time, Lin Ye's figure seemed to be blessed by some kind of mysterious power, and his speed was greatly improved again.

In two seconds, Lin Ye arrived in front of the leopard. He felt the sound approaching. The leopard didn't even have time to look back and ran away with all its strength, but this didn't change its ending.

"Explosion!" With a loud shout, the silver "flower" held by Lin Ye's right hand fell on the running leopard.

Immediately, I saw the figure of the leopard running as fast as possible, changed direction in an instant, and was smashed and flew to the right. "Bang." With a heavy sound, it fell to a place ten meters away from Lin Ye.

Looking at the leopard, I saw countless deep cuts on its back by Lin Ye's Five Human Styles at this moment, because the cuts made by the hunting knife are too dense, like a whole connected ellipse Like a scar, the area covered its entire back, blood flowed out, a large red area, the skin was ripped apart, and the original beautiful fur had long been lost.

The leopard was seriously injured all of a sudden, and its body was extremely weak. It fixed its eyes on Lin Ye and tried to stand up, but within two seconds of standing up, its front hooves gave way and fell to the ground.

Lin Ye looked at the leopard coldly, and the leopard could no longer escape from his palm.

The leopard tried to stand up again, this time, it succeeded, and continued to run away with a limp.Of course, there is a world of difference from the previous speed.

It's a pity that you are so tenacious, but today you cannot escape death.

Lin Ye's eyes flickered, and he was ready to completely deal with this seriously injured leopard.

At this moment, there was a sudden change.

"Roar!" A loud roar came from behind the woods.

Lin Ye was also shocked at the moment. From the roar, he could tell that the owner of the voice must also be a mutant beast with strong strength, and it couldn't be the helper of the leopard.

Lin Ye immediately looked towards the place where the sound came from in the forest, and saw the bushes buzzing there, and a figure was rushing towards this side at a high speed. Because of the cover of the bushes, it was temporarily impossible to see what that figure was.

However, in a short while, the figure rushed over, and immediately after, two huge white tigers with a height of two meters rushed out.

The dust splashed, and the two white tigers fell from the sky directly to the middle of the battlefield between Lin Ye and the leopard, and the ground suddenly shook.

"Two white tigers, it's a little more troublesome." Lin Ye was only surprised when he saw the two white tigers in front of him with their jaws open and their claws baring.

However, Lin Ye was a little surprised that after the two white tigers appeared, they looked around first, as if they were looking for something, and when they saw the seriously injured leopard behind them, there was a gleam in their tiger eyes. , there was a flash of surprise and doubt.

If you can stop and observe carefully, you will find that these two huge white tigers are two meters tall, one of them has black eyes, and the other has a strange blue light in their eyes .

No, they are not mutant beasts, but orcs with supernatural powers.

Observing this, Lin Ye immediately slid back several meters vigilantly.

Their strength is not weak, one of them is the fifth level of bronze, while the other has reached the first level of silver.

The wisdom of humans is not comparable to those of mutant beasts. Although mutant beasts of the silver rank are also intelligent, they still have the habits of wild beasts, but it is different for mutants of the same rank.

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared, interrupting Lin Ye's thinking.

"Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand, we are all our own." The man who was rescued by Lin Ye before suddenly ran over eagerly and quickly, shouting as he ran.

I saw him running panting, just after being chased by the leopard, at this time his whole image appeared to be in a state of distress.

When this person's voice appeared, the two white tigers looked over at the same time. After seeing this person, the eyes of the two white tigers immediately relaxed, as if before that, they had been holding a sigh of relief. .

It seems that these two orcs have an unusual relationship with the man who fled just now.

It turned out to be a friend of the man he rescued, so Lin Ye gradually let go of his vigilance.

I saw the badly injured leopard from before, watching everyone stop because of the sudden change, it also seized the time and escaped secretly. At this time, it had already limped 30 meters away.

Seeing the movement of the leopard, Lin Ye sneered in his heart, "How can the fat in the mouth run away?"

In the current situation, since the fleeing man knew the two orcs with supernatural powers, they must not bring any danger for the time being, and seeing that the two men were worried about the man's safety, it didn't seem like they had any intentions. For those who are bad, the top priority is to leave the leopard that wants to escape first.

(End of this chapter)

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