Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 81 The Three Wang Brothers

Chapter 81 The Three Wang Brothers

The limping leopard was extremely anxious and wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

On the other side, Lin Ye narrowed his eyes, and without hesitation, he quickly chased after the leopard. Every time he took a step, there was a popping sound under his feet, and his whole body was like a black wind, sweeping towards the leopard.

Within a few breaths, Lin Ye's figure quickly caught up with the leopard.

The leopard suddenly felt a tightness behind itself, and a sense of crisis came, it hurriedly looked back, this time it saw the demon holding a long knife, and followed closely, the leopard was so frightened that it was out of its wits.

But nothing can be changed.

Lin Ye swung his knife, leaving an afterimage in the air, and slashed at the fleeing body of the leopard.


The running figure of the leopard stopped abruptly and was thrown two meters away by inertia.

Only one-fifth of the leopard's head was connected to its neck, blood flowed out, and it remained motionless, dead beyond death.

Lin Ye unhurriedly stepped forward to split the leopard with a hunting knife, and took out its golden heterocore.

Playing with the golden heterocore reflecting the sunlight in his hand, Lin Ye tossed it upwards, with a hint of joy at the corner of his mouth, and got another silver-level heteronucleus.

Putting the alien core into his pocket, Lin Ye walked towards the two orcs with abilities.

I saw the two orcs with supernatural powers changed from the animalized white tiger form to the human form at this moment, standing in the forest clearing just now.

Zhang Ren and other curious people also surrounded them and walked up to the two of them.

I saw that the two men were tall and strong handsome men, one was in his early thirties, and the other was 27 or 23 years old.The other one, the young man with messy hair that Lin Ye had rescued before, was probably only [-] or [-] years old.If you look closely, you will find that the three of them look quite alike.

Those two big white tiger men, even though they were wearing shirts, through the outline of their clothes, they could clearly see the explosive muscularity of their arms and other places. Their skin was dark, presumably because they often bask in the sun, and their eyes revealed fortitude and bravery The expression on his body seemed to be fearless, like an invincible hand-to-hand fighter in the doomsday era.

Just looking at the appearance of the two of them, Lin Ye couldn't help but admire inwardly.

The crowd didn't say anything, and led the three into the forest directly.

At noon, a bonfire was slowly burning in the forest, crackling, and the cracked wood occasionally made a crisp sound or two, splashing out a few sparks, and it seemed that it was almost burnt out.And above the bonfire, several unknown wild beasts were strung across with wooden sticks.

After the meat was roasted, everyone chatted while eating.

"So, you have been in this forest for a week?" Zhang Ren asked.

"Well, it's been eight days." Said the strong man sitting opposite Zhang Ren. He was the oldest of the three. He had beards that hadn't been shaved for many days. He looked very manly and his voice was unusually calm. , It seems that it has gone through countless trials.

It turned out that these three people looked alike because they were really brothers of first-milk compatriots.The eldest is Wang Jian, that is, the one with the beard, the second is Wang Hao, and the third is Wang Chong.

The three brothers opened the largest gym in City A together, and their net worth can be considered quite rich.

And the three brothers also like sports and fitness since they were young, and they feel panicked if they don't practice every day, and the eldest has to win the championship of free fighting in city a.So these three people are also full of muscles, incomparably strong and strong, only the third king is worse.

When the apocalypse happened, the three of them happened to be talking on the rooftop, isolated from the suddenly mutated crowd downstairs, so they were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe.

Seeing the sudden apocalyptic scene downstairs, the irrational zombies biting people crazily, and the world of blood and howling, the three of them were also extremely shocked. The scene was like a nightmare to them.

Wait until the head calms down.Fortunately, these three brothers are also capable and decisive people.

The three immediately discussed countermeasures, found some self-defense weapons, and after hiding on the top floor for a long time, they found an opportunity to kill them and brought out the four surviving people in the building.

They ran to take shelter in a safe building in the north of City A, and stayed there for more than ten days.

During this period, the life-and-death thrills and difficulties experienced by the three of them are hard to describe in one word, and they are simply too numerous to count.

Slowly, the three brothers also discovered that they were different from other survivors, that is, they had the ability to turn into white tigers from beasts. After turning into beasts, they all turned into giant white tigers up to two meters tall, with strength comparable to that of other survivors. The speed is also several times stronger.

After turning into beasts, they could kill zombies, and in the later time, they did kill countless zombies in crisis.

After surviving in City A for more than ten days, they thought about the way out for the future, and finally made a decision. The three Wang brothers would lead everyone through the mountains, avoid the zombie-infested city, and look for a human base in order to settle down.

So the three Wang brothers led others out of the city, together with the survivors they met later, there were about 20 of them, and they stepped into the Tieling Mountains together.

After the end of the world, countless mutant beasts appeared in the mountains and forests. This was something they had never thought of before. There were countless crises of mutant beasts, and everyone experienced countless difficulties, cruel pains and catastrophes.

After all, not everyone has such a good life as Zhang Ren, and having a group of powerful mutant dogs is a guarantee.Until now, among the more than 20 people who entered the mountain together, only their three brothers with supernatural powers remained.The others were ruthlessly swallowed up by the vast mountains in the last days.

And this morning, the three brothers were looking for food, and the third child, Wang Chong, temporarily separated from them. Moreover, because Wang Chong was seriously injured in the previous battle, his vitality was damaged, so he could not use the beast transformation ability for the time being.

The two brothers and the third child were lost, and they were extremely anxious. That was their only real brother. After hearing the roar of the leopard, they quickly transformed into a powerful white tiger and quickly chased after them.

In the end, Lin Ye rescued Wang Chong.

Therefore, the three brothers Wang Jian, Wang Hao, and Wang Chong were also very grateful to Lin Ye and his party.

The three brothers could tell that they were all tough, upright and good men.Not to mention the apocalypse, even in the previous society, it was hard to find someone as upright, loyal, and heroic as the three brothers.

So Lin Ye has always treated them very well. Lin Ye likes to make friends with such people. Maybe they are an important help for his future.

The three Wang brothers joined Lin Ye's team, and Zhang Ren also arranged for each of them to ride a mutant dog.

After a short break at noon, everyone continued on their journey as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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