Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 82 Out of the Mountain

Chapter 82 Out of the Mountain
The original plan of the three Wang brothers was to go to a human base called Tu Gucheng in the north of the mountain range, where their mother was.But before that, they had to get out of this mountain range first, so they still went the same way for the time being.

Half a day later, the group stopped temporarily at an edge of the forest.

Zhang Ren stood at the forefront, looking at the compass in his hand, his brows furrowed, he couldn't find an idea after much deliberation.

Zhang Ren looked at the canyon in front of him. Both sides of the canyon stretched over a thousand feet, as if opening a terrifying mouth. The canyon was covered with tens of millions of acres of green vegetation, and there were probably many mutant beasts.

The sky is surprisingly blue, clear and empty, boundless, like a beautiful and vast beauty.

But under this beautiful scenery, there are countless dangers and crises hidden. If you are not careful, you will be ruthlessly devoured by it.

Zhang Ren felt powerless. They obviously came from a bifurcated valley that was selected before, but now it seems that they came to the other side of the canyon strangely.

Zhang Ren couldn't tell the direction, and Zhang Ren was extremely distressed. If he got lost, it would be dangerous in the depths of the thousands of mountains.

There were as many as six forked Grand Canyons in front of him, leading to different directions, and Zhang Ren didn't know how to get there.

Have they gone the wrong way before?Is it necessary to turn back and find the road again?

When Zhang Ren was distressed, Wang Hao, the second of the three Wang brothers, walked to Zhang Ren's side.

"Brother Ren, take the second canyon on the left, that's the right direction." Wang Hao glanced at Zhang Ren, stood in front of the canyon, and pointed to a canyon in front of him, with a calm and certain expression on his face, as if he was familiar with this canyon. , already familiar with the general.

"Eh?" Zhang Ren heard what Wang Hao said, and turned to look at him with doubts, "How do you know?"

As if he knew what Zhang Ren was wondering about, Wang Hao smiled, staring at the valley in front of him and said: "In the past, the three of us brothers were not very peaceful people. The mountain range in front of us is the most peaceful place in the Tieling Mountain The outer circle is close to City B. At that time, the three of us, three brothers, drove hundreds of kilometers to explore the primeval forest here. After all, the primeval forest is vast and boundless, and we didn’t dare to go too deep at that time.”

"That's why we dared to choose the Tieling Mountains as our forward route. After crossing this mountain, we can reach the boundary of City B, and City B is not far from what you call Cold Cloud City. Cold Cloud City and City b, if I remember correctly, they seem to be next to each other."

If what Wang Hao said is true, then they will be able to reach City B after leaving this mountain range, and will soon reach Cold Cloud City.This journey has gone through untold hardships, and Zhang Ren didn't have an accurate prediction in his heart, how long it would take to get out. Now that Wang Hao told him that the exit is to climb over this mountain range, Zhang Ren was also relieved.

Zhang Ren was worried about getting lost before, but Wang Hao was like a genius, pointing them in the right direction. It is conceivable that without the three Wang brothers, they would have had to spend a lot of trouble along the way.

Now that they had the right direction, after a while, everyone set foot on the road again.

According to Wang Hao, after crossing this mountain range, at the foot of the mountain on the other side is the Tieling Forest Park built by City A, which also has a playground with an area of ​​nearly [-] mu. It used to be a tourist industry with a particularly strong flow of people, but now It's hard to say what kind of miserable phenomenon in the world it is.

If they arrived in Tianshui County, they would have arrived at a relatively large human base, and their safety would be guaranteed.

For a long time, living under such great pressure and constant danger, a safe place to settle down is undoubtedly what everyone longs for.

The vast mountain is full of forests, full of greenery, and the occasional breeze blows the leaves in the forest. A group of people are walking in the deserted mountain forest. At this moment, these people's footsteps seem to be much lighter. rush to that safe environment.

Several hours later, everyone's footsteps finally came to the other side of the mountain, and they set foot on the wide road of Tieling Grand Park for the first time.

The huge park is indeed hard to see at a glance. Nearly [-] hectares of playgrounds are arranged in the west of the park. The colorful modern entertainment facilities are extremely attractive.

Seeing the buildings of this modern city, everyone felt a huge contrast in their hearts. The scene in front of them was the living environment they were familiar with.Before, in the rolling mountains, they faced endless green forests every day, and the group lost their way several times. The primitive forest environment that was the same every day made many people feel depressed.At this moment, he finally came out of the endless mountains, and the world in front of him suddenly opened up.

"We came out." Jiang Xinyu sighed, looking at the blue sky above the playground in front of him.

"Yeah, if I stay in the forest for another month, I'll probably become a savage." Hu Fei turned his head and looked around, and made up his mind.

Lin Ye could understand their state of mind. After all, he also came out of the forest together and nodded, "Well, the outside environment is much more spacious and comfortable."

"However, we have to be careful. After leaving the forest, although there may be fewer mutant beasts, we will continue to face the zombies outside." Lin Ye reminded.


Everyone nodded, and their faces became more dignified.

Coming down from the wide park road, everyone followed the prompts of the three Wang brothers and walked to the huge playground area in the west of the forest park.

"Go out from the playground in this direction, and the gate of the playground is National Highway 216."

"Go south from Highway 216 for another eighty miles, which is the Tianshui County you mentioned. Then we will find that human base soon." Wang Hao said confidently, looking at the front of the playground.

In the huge playground, everyone is walking on the neat and spacious road. Looking up, the huge Ferris wheel on the upper right is full of colorful colors. The roller coaster tracks that used to be one after another once carried so much laughter, countless amusement facilities and artificial construction , symbolizing that this was once a beautiful place.

But today's amusement park can't even see a tourist. A breeze blows by, blowing a drink bottle on the road, and the drink bottle rolls to the other side of the road clangingly. All these scenes The desolation is a little scary.

Lin Ye turned around and saw several miserable bloody handprints on the huge glass window of the nearby supermarket.

Walking along the curved road of the playground, after walking for about 10 minutes, everyone arrived at the exit of the playground, and a ten-meter-high colorful arch exit appeared in front of everyone's eyes.The atmosphere of the group was somewhat depressing. The playground that used to have a huge crowd was now too quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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