Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 83 The Golden Poisonous Spider

Chapter 83 The Golden Poisonous Spider

Coming out without any risk, everyone saw a long low-speed highway in front of them. The yellow dividing line on the asphalt-colored road was very obvious. It seemed that this was newly painted not long before the end of the day.

No more hesitation, everyone discussed for a while, and then headed south along the highway.

For some reason, the weather was extremely hot, and Lin Ye was sweating a little on his forehead, and the ordinary people who accompanied him without supernatural powers were also terribly hot.

Along the way, there were cars parked indiscriminately, many of which were directly stuck in the channel, and there was no one. It was really desolate.

Two days later, everyone finally saw the station sign of Tianshui County on the side of the road, a big blue road sign—go straight ahead for [-] meters and enter Tianshui County. Everyone's faces showed joy.

Immediately, they all speeded up and walked, expecting to arrive a moment earlier.

Just after everyone had advanced less than 300 meters, they found a signboard on the side of the road again.

It reads: "On the right, there is a third-tier golden poisonous spider infested on the height of 500 meters in Dujiazhuang. The Giant League has not yet cleared it. The golden poisonous spider likes to hurt people, so it must not be approached."

There is an avenue on the right side next to the sign, extending from the road, and there are residential houses in the village next to it. It seems that this is the so-called Dujia Village.

At this moment, the ground suddenly gave a slight vibration. Although the vibration was not large, Lin Ye and Zhang Ren could clearly feel it.

Lin Ye turned his head and looked at Zhang Ren who was sitting on A Hui's back.

"Come on, let's go and see."

Everyone rushed to the place where Dujia Village was shaking.

With the strength of Lin Ye and his group, if there really was a third-tier silver poisonous spider, they wouldn't be too afraid.

"Boom..." As we got closer, we could feel the earth trembling more violently.

At a glance, it seems that the nearby houses are shaking uncontrollably.

Lin Ye was secretly startled, what kind of behemoth could make such a large-scale vibration.

Behind the residential houses on the left side road, four figures running away suddenly flashed at this moment, two young men and two middle-aged men.

Although the four people were running away, they didn't look too flustered, and their speed was also very fast. They could run more than ten meters in a second. They were definitely not ordinary people, and most of them were supernatural beings.

Five seconds later, a huge tentacle appeared behind them, its height was actually higher than the house.When his full figure appeared in front of everyone, everyone was dumbfounded, and Jiang Xinyu couldn't help stretching out his hands to cover his open mouth.

This is definitely the biggest mutant beast Lin Ye has ever seen in this life. He saw a body more than ten meters high in front of him. The color of his body was golden as bright as metal. The body was as huge as a house. The tentacles are nearly ten meters high when they are straightened out, and they have a metallic luster like a cold weapon, and there are a total of twelve such tentacles.

With every fall of the giant golden poisonous spider's tentacles, the ground will tremble, which is a thrilling scene.

And the four people who had escaped earlier were also shocked when they saw Lin Ye and his party suddenly appearing on the main road. Especially when they saw that there were more than 100 mutant dogs in this team, the surprise and curiosity in their eyes were even more surprising. It is thick.

But at this time, the extremely ferocious golden poisonous spider followed closely behind, and they didn't have time to care so much.

Suppressing the astonishment in their eyes, the four of them did not stop at all, and then fled to the west of the road, luring the golden poisonous spider to the other side, obviously fearing that the golden poisonous spider would hurt Lin Ye and his group.

The distance that the golden poisonous spider takes each step is more than ten meters, so even though the golden poisonous spider's footsteps are not fast, its overall moving speed is relatively high, even slightly faster than the four fleeing people.

The four of them were dressed in suits, with all kinds of practical and compact pockets, full of guns and bullets. It was obvious that they had just experienced a big battle with the golden poisonous spider.

The golden poisonous spider ran quickly in two steps, getting closer to the four fleeing people.


Immediately afterwards, the golden poisonous spider opened its huge rectangular black mouth, and shot out a ten-meter-long spider web from the mouth, covering the four of them like a huge white horse.

At this critical juncture, the young man who fell at the end of the line suddenly stopped running, and then he squatted on the ground in an instant, and slammed his right palm on the ground.

There was a muffled sound from the ground, and then, as if controlled by a god, a solid yellow earth wall rose out of thin air, half a meter thick, and soon the earth wall grew to a height of five meters. With the rising momentum of the earth wall, it brought There was a cloud of dust.

"Boom~" The huge spider web collided with the earth wall. At the moment of the collision, an invisible shock wave radiated to the surroundings. Even Lin Ye in the distance felt a strong thrust in front of him.

Three seconds after the violent collision, a small crack slowly appeared on the earth wall.

"Crack..." The cracks expanded, slowly spreading to most of the wall.

"Boom." With a bang, the earthen wall exploded in an instant, turning into yellow powder all over the sky.

"Earth ability!" Lin Ye said.

The soil ability, as the name suggests, all the earth elements in the world, can be controlled by the earth-type abilities. It can be said that as long as there is earth, it is the exclusive battlefield for the earth-type abilities.And where in this world can there be no earth, it is conceivable how unique the earth system supernatural powers are.

According to Lin Ye's knowledge, earth-type supernatural beings are strong enough to perform earth escape, and their bodies instantly blend into the earth.It can be said that it comes without a shadow and goes without a trace. Its strength is quite terrifying.

The earth-type power user in front of him should be at the first level of silver, and the distance from being able to use earth escape is still quite far.

Those four people, with the protection of the earthen wall, blocked the golden poisonous spider for a while, and opened a distance from the golden poisonous spider.

The four of them turned their heads, picked up the micro-charger, and fired left and right, attacking the huge body of the golden poisonous spider frantically.

"Bang bang...", at the muzzle of the gun, flames erupted, shell casings flew horizontally, and the dense bullets continued endlessly.

The golden poisonous spider's body was hit by bullets in all directions, and the hard body collided with the bullets, as if shot on metal, making a clanging sound.

However, the golden poisonous spider yelled out in pain, "Cruel!" On its golden head, some small wounds were shot out, revealing traces of golden blood.

After suffering a loss, the golden poisonous spider became even more angry, "Cruel!" it screamed viciously, and its voice echoed in the world.

At the same time, the golden poisonous spider rushed towards those four people again, countless bullets landed on it, but it chased those four people regardless.

Seeing the huge golden poisonous spider getting closer and closer, the four of them hurriedly stopped the slight rush and ran back, keeping a certain distance from the golden poisonous spider.

(End of this chapter)

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