Chapter 84
The tentacles of golden poisonous spiders are as hard as metal and as sharp as blades. They don't want to be scratched and cut into two pieces.

Lin Ye observed carefully, and he judged that, apart from the earth-type supernatural beings, another young man had roughly stepped into the threshold of the second-level silver, and those two middle-aged men were full of energy, unruffled in danger, and their eyes were calm. It is very likely that it has reached the third level of silver.

Lin Ye was secretly startled. Are all the supernatural beings improving so fast now? The first time they approached a human base, they encountered two silver third-levels, one level higher than the reborn himself.

However, if nothing else is counted, Lin Ye is not afraid of single-handedly fighting a third-level silver power user.The profound combat experience he has accumulated for so long, and the special ice ability are not vegetarians.

The ten years of training in the previous life gave Lin Ye the aura of a bloody hero.


I saw the golden poisonous spider rushing towards the four of them at this moment.

Its sharp tentacles cut fiercely at one of the middle-aged people, and at the same time, it spit out a spider silk and shot it at the other three people, distracting their attention and preventing them from being attacked.

When the spider silk was shot, the three people who were the first to bear the brunt looked alert and quickly jumped away from the attack point of the spider silk.

And when one of the youths dodged, he jumped nearly ten meters away in an instant. Lin Ye squinted his eyes. If his judgment was correct, that person should have the same jumping ability as Hu Fei.

"Bang" because of the avoidance of the three people, the spider silk shot straight to the ground, and there was a huge roar, like a grenade explosion, splashing dust all over the ground. Behind the flying dust, the ground was hit by a hole with a diameter of one meter. pit.

On the other side, the extremely sharp tentacles of the golden poisonous spider were facing the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man suddenly became serious, and he saw a faint yellow light flashing from head to toe all of a sudden. The moment the yellow light appeared on his body surface, it immediately disappeared from his skin, making people feel This seems to be just an illusion.

Just when the golden poisonous spider's tentacles were about to cut this person, he didn't even have the slightest intention to dodge.

I saw the middle-aged man stretch out his hands very calmly, seeing that the formation turned out to be like the sharp tentacles cut by the golden poisonous spider.

"Dang." When his arms collided with the huge tentacles of the golden poisonous spider, there was a burst of metallic sound, surging from the place where the two contacted.

The middle-aged man was instantly sent flying ten meters away by the huge tentacles of the golden poisonous spider, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Bah! Cough cough." Surprisingly, after lying on the ground for two seconds, the man sat up again with one hand supported, and then stared indifferently at the golden poisonous spider in front of him.Judging from his expression, the terrifying blow just now didn't seem to have caused him any harm.

"Gold type ability." Lin Ye's pupils shrank again, and he couldn't help secretly paying attention to this team of four.

The metal power, the gold in the five elements of natural force, has the metal power, the whole body can be metalized, and it is extremely hard, so this person was able to head-to-head with the golden poisonous spider's tentacles just now, and he was not injured.

Moreover, gold-type abilities, among all types of abilities, relatively strengthen strength and body are also very large, so the hand-to-hand attributes of gold-type abilities will be very strong, and they are also unique in the use of cold weapons bonus.

Seeing that the attack failed, the golden poisonous spider became even angrier, "Ruth!" screamed viciously.It moved its eight giant tentacles towards the four of them.

As soon as the golden poisonous spider approached, it waved its huge two front paws and attacked quickly, leaving no chance for the four of them to breathe.

The four cheered up again and dodged flexibly.

Fortunately, the golden poisonous spider has a huge body, which also has the disadvantage of being huge, that is, to it, four people are like four little mice, too small to attack accurately.

The huge tentacles swiped towards the earth-type supernatural youth.

The young man's psychological quality is not bad. Although he was in a hurry, he was calm and ran backwards. At the same time, a hill-like solid mound suddenly protruded from the ground, impacting under the golden poisonous spider.

The moving body of the golden poisonous spider staggered a little, and almost stopped, but its body was really hard as iron, and the sudden uplift of the mound did not cause any harm to it, but only made it agitated.

"Boom." The golden poisonous spider moved two steps forward, and the two huge tentacles in front of it slid towards the four of them like two ten-meter-long steel knives, bringing silhouettes and wind noises.

"Boom." The earth-type supernatural youth once again cast an earth wall to resist the sharp tentacles of the golden poisonous spider. Where the two collided, there was an impact sound.

The four of them dodged repeatedly, and the situation was a bit embarrassing. The two tentacles of the golden poisonous spider became faster and faster. the wind.

The scene is a little critical.

These four people originally formed a team to kill the golden poisonous spider, but they didn't expect that although two of them were at the same level as the golden poisonous spider, the strength of the golden poisonous spider was beyond the expectations of the four of them. , all four of them were in crisis, and the situation became a little tricky.

Lin Ye knew that he couldn't wait any longer. Looking at them, it seemed that they were no match for the golden poisonous spider, so Lin Ye decided to make a move.

Looking down at the golden retriever under him, Lin Ye raised his head again, looking forward firmly.

Lin Ye patted the golden retriever's huge head. "Golden Retriever, let's go."

After hearing Lin Ye's instructions, the golden retriever immediately swooped forward and rushed out with extremely fast steps, like a whirlwind.

The four of them were still dealing with the golden poisonous spider. The two tentacles of the golden poisonous spider danced wildly, leaving afterimages. Under its huge body, the four of them jumped and dodged in embarrassment like clowns in a circus.

"Pfft." If he didn't pay attention, the earth-type supernatural user was swept by the sharp forelimb of the golden poisonous spider. In an instant, his body was blown away by the huge impact, and fell more than ten meters away.He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and there was a blood hole about half a meter long on his chest, and the blood slowly seeped out of his clothes.

"Baohui, are you okay?" The middle-aged man with the gold-type supernatural ability shouted anxiously when he saw the young man was injured, while quickly dodging the tentacles drawn by the golden poisonous spider.

At this time, Lin Ye had come to the front of the battle, not far from the golden poisonous spider.

Lin Ye didn't stop at the moment, and shouted to the four people: "I'll help you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Ye suddenly jumped up from the golden retriever mutant dog.

The hunting knife shone with dazzling light, and the figure in the air, carrying unparalleled power, smashed down on the golden head of the golden poisonous spider.

"Touch!" With one blow, a huge explosion sound swept away, echoing in the sky, and spreading to a distance of [-] meters.

(End of this chapter)

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