Chapter 85 Bazooka

The huge body of the golden poisonous spider shook violently. Lin Ye knew that the golden poisonous spider was powerful, and this blow must inflict thorough damage on it, so Lin Ye poured all his strength into it.

"Brutal!" A roar that shocked the world came from the mouth of the golden poisonous spider, and the sound moved the whole field.The heavy blow caused the golden poisonous spider to suffer unceasingly.

On the golden head of the golden poisonous spider, a big hole with a diameter of one centimeter appeared out of thin air. No, it is more accurate to say that it is a big hole. At this moment, golden blood is flowing from the big hole on its head.


The golden poisonous spider turned its huge body angrily.

The golden poisonous spider's eyes revealed great anger, it wanted to see who was so bold behind it, and gave itself such a painful blow.

Lin Ye had no expression on his face. He had already landed on the ground at this moment, calmly looking at the behemoth in front of him that was several times taller than him.

Seeing this little black man standing quietly, the anger in the golden poisonous spider's heart can be imagined.


The golden poisonous spider moved its huge tentacles and pressed towards Lin Ye.

On the other side, the four people who just came back to their senses at this moment also looked at the figure in black with dumbfounded.

When they were chased out of the side street by the golden poisonous spider before, they saw Lin Ye and his party. Although they were surprised by the size of their team, the four of them didn't think much about it in an emergency.

Unexpectedly, the young man in black in front of this group of people dealt a sharp blow to the golden poisonous spider, and his strength was so powerful.

This was obviously beyond the expectations of the four.

In an instant, the tentacles of the golden poisonous spider cut towards Lin Ye, whistling.

Lin Ye stepped on his feet and slid backwards. The golden poisonous spider is very powerful, so it's not wise to go head-to-head.

Of course, Lin Ye didn't stop at these methods. At the same time, a cluster of crystal ice rose from the ground. The ice seemed to be alive, and it instantly climbed onto a giant tentacles of the poisonous golden spider, spreading for five feet. meters high.Every part of the ice cluster is covered with sharp ice cones. With Lin Ye's five-degree ice ability, the sharpness is astonishing.

The golden poisonous spider suddenly stopped, and a chill that invaded the mind was transmitted from the tentacles to its brain, causing the golden poisonous spider to be extremely painful. One of its tentacles was solidly frozen, and it lost consciousness.

This young man can control such a strange ice, this is absolutely never thought of by the golden poisonous spider.

The golden poisonous spider gradually moved its ten-meter-long giant tentacles, and as the golden poisonous spider struggled, "click..." the ice clusters covering its tentacles slowly shattered piece by piece.

Time can determine many things. When a gust of wind blows, one of the black shadows rushes towards the poisonous golden spider. Lin Ye wants to take advantage of the subtle effort of the poisonous golden spider to break free from the ice, and give its front tentacles another kick. Hit hard.

On the hunting knife, Lin Ye wrapped it with a thick layer of ice power, and hit it down fiercely.

"Dang..." There was a loud sound of metal clashing from Lin Ye's attack.

"Brutal." The golden poisonous spider let out a shrill howl, just broke free from the ice, but was attacked on its forelegs, and the pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

With a successful blow, Lin Ye quickly backed away to prevent the golden poisonous spider that broke free from the ice to counterattack.

Lin Ye's dark eyes looked at the golden poisonous spider, and then his pupils shrank.

Although the golden poisonous spider screamed shrillly and was extremely painful, but after careful observation, there was not even the slightest trace on its tentacles hit by Lin Ye's hunting knife, and there was no sign of injury at all.

Good guy, the tentacles of this golden poisonous spider are actually harder than the body of the scythe reaper.

The poisonous eyes of the golden poisonous spider shot at Lin Ye fiercely.

The golden poisonous spider rushed forward, raised its two tentacles and cut around like a large meat grinder, cutting towards Lin Ye with bursts of knife shadows.

Now that the golden poisonous spider has stepped up its offensive, Lin Ye no longer holds back, and directly uses his abilities to create an ice field.

A faint ice curtain was formed on the trajectory of the movement, and Lin Ye's speed soared more than twice in an instant, swimming nimbly and quickly between the battles, while watching every movement of the golden poisonous spider.

The huge sharp tentacles slid to the top of the head, Lin Ye jumped up quickly, and the hunting knife slashed on the tentacles.

"Dang." Taking time out, Lin Ye used the correct angle to attack the hard tentacles of the golden poisonous spider, but every time the result was that Lin Ye's hands were numb from the shock, and he could only touch the golden poisonous spider's tentacles. Leaving a shallow white mark can't hurt it at all.

During this process, Lin Ye also discovered that the golden poisonous spider's tentacles stand on the ice, which is very easy to slip.So he would release a piece of ice from time to time, making the golden poisonous spider unstable.

Lin Ye was also secretly anxious, thinking of a solution to the golden poisonous spider.

"Brother, quickly avoid the golden poisonous spider." At this moment, a very urgent shout came from behind the golden poisonous spider.

Lin Ye was surprised when he heard the voice. He took time to look behind the golden poisonous spider. The scene behind was indeed beyond Lin Ye's expectation.

Among the four of them, the middle-aged man with the supernatural ability of the gold system was holding a bazooka that was as wide as a palm and as long as an arm. They actually had a bazooka.

Lin Ye immediately retreated violently, and when Lin Ye's figure flashed backwards, the golden poisonous spider, who was in full swing, refused to let Lin Ye go, and chased after him closely.

You should stay there. Looking at the golden poisonous spider that is about to chase, Lin Ye waved his arms behind him, exuded a burst of cold air, and condensed towards the eight tentacles of the golden poisonous spider, hindering the movement of the golden poisonous spider .

Feeling that it wasn't enough, Lin Ye mobilized his abilities again, so in front of the golden poisonous spider, a wall of ice seven or eight meters high and half a meter thick exploded, blocking the golden poisonous spider behind.

At the same time that the ice wall blocked the golden poisonous spider's progress, the rocket fired by the middle-aged gold-type supernatural power followed one after another, and hit the golden poisonous spider's huge golden head along a straight line in the air.

"Boom." A huge fire burst shot above the head of the golden poisonous spider, like a huge flame flower.The ice wall in front of the golden poisonous spider also exploded at the same time, countless ice flakes exploded in the air, reflecting a unique light blue light.The interweaving of ice and fire, the combination of red and blue, the scene is a bit glamorous and cruel.

The huge body of the golden poisonous spider stepped back a few steps, and its heavy body made a loud sound.

Slowly, the dust fell, and the figure of the golden poisonous spider appeared in front of everyone.

A small half of its golden head has been blasted to pieces, and its shape is tragic. The golden blood has been lost in a large area. It makes an indistinct sound of gurgling, and the golden blood keeps slipping.

In the end, its figure fell heavily on the ground, losing its vitality forever.

The power of the rocket launcher is extraordinary.

Lin Ye looked at the four people behind the dead body of the golden poisonous spider. The dust had not yet cleared, but the faces of the four people were obviously happy, and half of them were relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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