Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 86 Change of Rights

Chapter 86 Change of Rights

All four of them looked at Lin Ye with gratitude in their eyes.

The gold-type supernatural person walked towards Lin Ye first.

"Thank you brother, if we didn't have your help today, we might not be able to take down this golden poisonous spider." The gold-type supernatural person walked up to Lin Ye and said.

Lin Ye smiled, "You're welcome."

The young man with jumping ability in the group of four stood on the broken body of the golden poisonous spider, holding a saber, cutting around its body, looking for something carefully.

The hunting of the poisonous poisonous spider was originally started by the group of four, and in the end it was they who used the bazooka to end the poisonous poisonous spider's life. This third-level silver core, they take it, just take it.

Although this silver third-level heterogeneous core is not insignificant to Lin Ye's attraction.

Lin Ye looked at the middle-aged man with the metal superpower, "Are you from Tianshui County?"

The middle-aged man turned his eyes, looked at Lin Ye and said, "Yes, we have been in Tianshui County for two months, and today we are here to deal with this golden poisonous spider."

Lin Ye's face relaxed a little, "Are there many residents in Tianshui County now?"

A proud look appeared on the middle-aged face, "That is, Tianshui County has a population of more than 20, and it is under the jurisdiction of our Giant League."

"That's great, can you take us to Tianshui County to settle down?" The middle-aged man said that Tianshui County now has a population of 20, and a big stone in Lin Ye's heart finally fell. I also thought about it in my heart, but I didn't open my mouth to ask.

"Okay, no problem. Now in this world, alas..." The middle-aged man smiled and looked at Lin Ye, which means that you know, the zombie disaster broke out all over the world, and people everywhere are devastated.

"It doesn't matter if you come to our Tianshui County. Tianshui County is now a gathering base for human beings. Everyone gathers together to defend against zombies..."

The middle-aged man began to introduce Tianshui County to Lin Ye.

Because the strength Lin Ye showed just now is extremely powerful, and he is the top existence in the entire Tianshui County. In the current era, only strong personal strength has the right to speak, so the middle-aged man wanted to win over.

The golden poisonous spider had been killed, and Zhang Ren and his party hurried forward.

When dealing with people, when meeting for the first time, it is inevitable to have some pleasantries.

Zhang Ren also came up to ask the middle-aged man with the gold-type ability, and everyone got a general idea of ​​the situation.

After the young people in the group of four dug out the third-level silver heterocore of the golden poisonous spider, seeing the middle-aged look of the gold-type supernatural ability, it seems that they don't want to stay here any longer.

It seems that the middle-aged man with the gold-type ability should be the leader of these four people. Through the names of others, everyone heard that his name is Wen Cheng, and the young man with the earth-type ability is named Liu Yang.

Wen Cheng looked at Lin Ye and his party and said, "Since the golden poisonous spider has been dealt with, there is nothing to stay here. The most urgent thing is, I think I'd better take everyone into the county town for a rest. You must be tired after traveling all the way."

"Okay, I'll thank you then." Lin Ye immediately replied with a smile.

Tianshui County was originally an ordinary small county.

After the outbreak of the doomsday, zombies ran rampant. After experiencing the initial strangeness and panic, several independent defense forces appeared here. In the end, these forces joined together to slowly form a large clearing area.

Survivors from nearby cities also came here to survive, and the scale and power here gradually grew, eventually forming an organized zombie cleanup team.

As the fame gradually spread, more and more refugees joined here. The population here is constantly growing, and the organization is also improving. Every day, the action of cleaning up zombies is carried out, and it has developed into a population of 20. scale.

In the doomsday era, the developed human base and its power organizations are undergoing a new round of reshuffle, and it is not just the former rulers who can speak.

In Tianshui County, there are several forces competing, thermal weapons are no longer a pure deterrent force, it is true for zombies, and it is also true for human beings.

Some supernatural beings with supernatural powers gathered together and transformed into the leading force in Tianshui County. They have great power, so they have the right to speak. The Giant League that Wen Cheng said is the largest power of supernatural beings in Tianshui County now.

Two hundred miles to the east of Tianshui County is a large city based on human beings, the famous Cold Cloud City.

According to Wen Cheng's tone, there is a leader above him, the general leader of the Giant League, whose strength is stronger than Wen Cheng, who is at the third level of silver, and Wen Cheng should be the second in command of the Giant League.

A group of people walked on National Highway 216, on the road near Tianshui County, but there were no vehicles parked in disorder. At a glance, the entire road was clean, empty and tidy, extending all the way.

Wen Cheng tilted his head and explained to Lin Ye with a smile, with a touch of pride on his face, "Since the establishment of our Giant League, we have assisted the residents of Tianshui County to clear all vehicles within a radius of ten miles of Tianshui County, including On the road. These cars will be inspected and repaired by professionals, put into use again, and managed by our giant alliance."

Lin Ye forced a smile on his face, "The end is coming. Every place really needs a new organization to be established to manage the area. If there is no management in any place, it will be chaotic."

Wen Cheng smiled and said: "Every week, we organize some young people with supernatural powers and strong bodies to form a team and go out to clean up the zombies around. We used to go every day. Now, the zombies around, including you see When we reached Dujia Village, we cleared them all, and the surviving residents nearby were also transferred to Tianshui County by us."

"Now there are basically no zombies on the surface, but some zombies hiding in dark places and remote dark corners may appear sporadically at night, but they are very few. It is our responsibility to protect the residents of Tianshui County."

"The golden poisonous spider you saw just now is the last large mutated beast here. Because the rank of this golden poisonous spider is too high, we didn't come to clear it until today. Fortunately, Brother Lin has your help. Otherwise, what happened today, I guess, the golden poisonous spider has killed many people these days." Wen Cheng sighed.


Half an hour later, some edge scenes of Tianshui County began to appear, and some relatively low buildings appeared on both sides of the road.

At this time Wencheng took out the black walkie-talkie at his waist, switched to a channel and put it by his mouth, "Wencheng the Giant League, call the third team, please reply if you receive it."

Soon the other party's voice came from the intercom, "The third team received it, please tell me."

Wen Cheng said: "I am Wen Cheng. The payment of the golden poisonous spider has been completed. I am coming to the street of the county town with dozens of people and more than 100 mutant dogs. These people are all my own. Please reply."

(End of this chapter)

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