Chapter 690 Ashamed
After hearing Bai Zhantang's words, the city lord of Yehua sighed and said, "Bai Zhantang, you leave now. I will see who dares to detain you. I can't let the meritorious people feel cold." Get up and stare at the city lords below.

And those city lords, and the three deputy city lords of the epic level [-] of Yehua City knew that Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, was really angry this time, so they didn't speak.

After Bai Zhantang looked at the Yehua City Master with firm eyes, he turned around and left. This time, no one stopped him.

After Bai Zhantang left, all the people in the tent were silent, and no one said a word. At this time, the Lord Yehua suddenly laughed.

After seeing Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, suddenly laughed, all the people in the tent looked at the owner of Yehua City in surprise, not knowing why he suddenly laughed at this time.

After seeing the surprised expressions on these people's faces, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, slowly smiled and said, "Aren't you a little surprised? Why did I suddenly laugh? I was just laughing at Lin Hua and the others. The battle between our human army and the ancient zombie warrior army can only have one more chance of winning. It is a desperate effort, and what is the exchange? After seeing the facts tomorrow, what kind of attitude will you face? As for the truth, should I slap myself hard in the face, I, the human coach, really can’t do it, it’s really a failure.”

After hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, some of the city lords showed some ashamed expressions on their faces, because although they did not believe that Lin Hua and the others killed a 200 million ancient zombie warrior army with a team of a hundred people, but at this time After being like Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, they all believed in this impossible thing, because they usually have a great degree of trust in Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua, who is the strongest human being. A big man is also a good lord who cares for the people wholeheartedly.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, saw that none of the city lords had spoken, and then continued, "Let's go here first today, everyone go back and have a good rest, and the results of the matter will come out tomorrow."

After hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, all the city lords left one after another. In the hall tent, only the city lord Yehua and three deputy city lords of level [-] were left.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, saw that the three epic fourth-tier city lords hadn't left, and said slowly, "The three deputy city lords haven't left, do you have anything to say?"

"City Lord, what we want to say is that if what happened to Lin Hua tomorrow is true, then the three of us are ashamed of the City Lord's trust in us all the time, and let the City Lord fight alone, so we will apologise with death." Epic Wei Chen, deputy city lord of the fourth rank, spoke slowly after hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua.

"Yes, the city lord, if Lin Hua and the others really kill that army of ancient zombie warriors tomorrow, the three of us will apologise with death," another fourth-level deputy city lord of the epic continued.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, shook his head after hearing the words of the two epic fourth-level deputy city lords, and said, I don't need you to apologize with death. You have been with me for so many years, and you don't know who I am. All you need is for the three of you to keep an eye on the two epic level [-] city lords who made trouble today, and treat other things as if they never happened.

After hearing the words of Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, the three epic fourth-level deputy city lords all showed complicated expressions on their faces, and then the three epic fourth-level deputy city lords left one after another.

After Bai Zhantang left the camp of the human army, he quickly walked towards the resting place of Lin Hua and the others, because what happened today is too big. If it is not handled well, then the human army wants to defeat the ancient zombie warriors The army is simply impossible.

At this time, after Lin Hua and the others left Bai Zhantang, they all ate different cores to improve their strength!
Li Jie, Huo Guang, and Bei Bei, the three of them had already reached the peak of the fourth level of epic before eating the different cores, so after eating the different cores, their strengths were all upgraded to the fifth level of epic.

As for Xuewu and the others, none of them had broken through to the fifth epic level, but a few of them had reached the peak of the fourth epic level, and Murong Xian's strength had also reached the fourth epic level.

After Lin Hua ate the alien core, her strength did not rise from the fifth level of epic to the first level of immortality, but the abilities in her body increased a lot, and she had already reached the peak level of the fifth level of epic.

The strength of the two city lords, He Qiguang and Jiang Liang, who are at the fourth level of the epic, has not improved, and they are still at the fourth level of the epic. has been promoted to the second level of epic.

Although the number of Lin Hua's vanguard force has decreased by more than 20 people, the combat effectiveness has not weakened at all, but has increased by a large margin.

"Unexpectedly, I really broke through to the fifth level of the epic this time. The feeling of the fifth level of the epic is different. It is much stronger than the fourth level of the epic." When the fire was warming up, Li Jie said excitedly.

"Yeah, although there is a little difference between the peak of the fourth level of epic and the fifth level of epic, the difference in strength is indeed too much. If you are fighting against the ancient zombie warrior corpse king of the fifth level of epic in the daytime, I can settle her easily," Beibei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

"Yes, the strength of the fifth level of epic is just different. The change is so great that I really can't imagine it." Huo Guang said after hearing what Li Jie and the others said.

"Can you stop showing off, it's just a step ahead of us, is that all? Maybe we will all rise to the fifth level of epic tomorrow." After hearing what they said, Gu Tian said, Said a little depressed.

"Oh, we're not showing off. Isn't this an upgrade? I'm just happier. I'm not allowed to talk about it. If it's done, then I won't talk about it. It seems to be angry with you." Li Jie heard the lonely After Tian's words, he smiled and said.

After hearing Li Jie's words, several people burst into laughter, and then Lin Hua smiled and said, "Don't worry, there will be more and more ancient zombie fighters in the future, so don't worry too much about leveling up."

(End of this chapter)

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