Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 691: Some Changes

Chapter 691 Some Changes

"By the way, Bai Zhantang has been back for so long. Based on the time, he should be back. Why hasn't he come back for so long?" Huo Guang said after hearing Lin Hua's words with a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, don't tell me I really forgot about it. Bai Zhantang has been back for such a long time. Could it be that he encountered some powerful monsters or ancient zombies?" Li Jie heard Huo Guang's words Then he said with some worry.

Lin Hua looked at the time, and it was true that Bai Zhantang had been around for about eight hours. According to the speed of Bai Zhantang, it would take more than five hours to run back and forth. He should have returned early, and it is impossible to stay late!It may be that something happened, but it must not encounter a powerful monster like Li Jie said, because all the monsters along the way have been cleared!Simply no more.

And Bai Zhantang hasn't come back yet, it must have been delayed by something, and it should have been delayed by something in the human army.

Then Lin Hua said slowly, "Bai Zhantang will not encounter monsters, because we have cleared all the monsters along the way, and if we haven't come back for so long, it should be time spent in the human army."

"Boss is very reasonable. Bai Zhantang must have wasted time in the human army," Gu Tian said slowly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"If this is the case, what will happen? Could it be because we killed the army of millions of ancient zombie warriors? Yehua City Master and the others left Bai Zhantang to tell them how we killed that team?" Li Jie said speculatively.

"Yes, what Li Jie said, there is really such a possibility," Beibei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

After hearing Li Jie's words, Lin Hua frowned. Lin Hua thought, the news that Bai Zhantang brought back this time is incredible!Could it be that the city lords didn't believe it and detained Bai Zhantang?

Then Lin Hua said slowly, "I think Bai Zhantang should be detained, because basically no one can believe the news that Bai Zhantang brought back this time, and the Yehua City Lord gave us three days, only the Yechao City Lord Believe us, other city lords will not at all, maybe there will be some changes."

"Yes, yes, what City Lord Lin said is not wrong. When I went back to tell the news, only Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, believed it. The three deputy city lords of Yehua City didn't believe it, let alone the others. The city lord is here," Jiang Liang said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Since those city owners don't believe that there will be an army of ancient zombie warriors ambushing in Hollow Mountain, they will definitely feel dissatisfied because of the delay. At this time, Bai Zhantang brought back the news that we have wiped out the army of ancient zombie warriors. This directly aroused the dissatisfaction of these city lords, and it will really change as League Leader Lin said." Huo Guang said slowly after hearing the words of Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic.

"Ah, so Bai Zhantang should have been detained?" Li Jie said nervously.

"Well, maybe, but if the city lord trusts us overnight, then he probably won't detain Baizhantang," Xuewu said slowly.

"The Lord Yehua believes in us, but his position is rather embarrassing. The commander of the human army, if those city lords use us to delay the march of the human army, then the Lord Yehua is also very difficult to do. If you don’t take Bai Zhantang down, you won’t be able to convince the crowd, so he’s very embarrassed,” Lin Hua said after thinking about it.

"Ah, boss, shall we go to Baizhan Hall when we go back?" Li Jie said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yes, if Bai Zhantang is detained, then we should go back and rescue her," Gu Tian continued.

After Lin Hua heard what the two of them said, she shook her head and said, "If Bai Zhantang is really detained, then anyone who goes back will be detained. This matter is easy to solve. The human army will come here tomorrow. It will all come to light”

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others thought about it, and it was true that what Lin Hua said was true. They would really be detained if they went back at this time. Lin Hua and the others couldn't do anything. It's getting more and more serious, and it's not a trivial matter, but a major event that affects whether human beings can defeat the army of ancient zombie warriors!

At this moment, Bai Zhantang, who was on his way, came back. Li Jie and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Bai Zhantang came back!However, seeing Bai Zhantang's complexion at this time was a bit bad, Li Jie looked at Bai Zhantang and said, "What are you doing? It took so long and you came back in a bad mood."

"Yeah, we were worried about whether you were detained just now. We didn't expect you to come back. We were all worried in vain. Let's talk about what happened when we went back. Why are you in a bad mood? What?" Gao Fei looked at the serious Bai Zhantang and said.

At this moment, after seeing Bai Zhantang like this, Lin Hua already guessed a little bit, it must be similar to what she thought just now, and then said to Bai Zhantang, "The Lord Yehua let you come back."

After hearing what Lin Hua and the others said, Bai Zhantang said with a surprised face, "How do you know? I was really close to being detained just now, but in the end I was saved by the city lord of the night talk. Let me go." I come back, afraid of the chilling hearts of the brothers in the vanguard"

"You haven't come back for such a long time, the boss guessed it, and we just studied to save you." Li Jie looked at Bai Zhantang and said after hearing Bai Zhantang's surprised words.

"Yeah, I admire the boss more and more now, how does this head look like, why is he so smart, he knows everything" Li Jie looked at Lin Hua, then touched his head and said.

"Yeah, I also admire Leader Lin now, my head has been exhausted for the rest of my life," Jiang Tian said with some embarrassment.

Lin Hua looked at Bai Zhantang and said slowly, "Bai Zhantang, please tell me about going back."

After Bai Zhantang heard Lin Hua's words, he told him everything about going back. Although Li Jie and the others supported what Lin Hua said and knew a little bit, after hearing Bai Zhantang's words, they all agreed. Especially angry, Huo Guang, who has always been very good-tempered, and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, both clenched their fists tightly.

However, Lin Hua didn't have much anger, because this was all within his expectations, but there was one thing that surprised Lin Hua, that is, the main force of Yehua City defended Bai Zhantang, even though it was Bai Zhantang, but Lin Hua knew that the owner of Yehua City, Bao Bai Zhantang, was supporting himself.

(End of this chapter)

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