Chapter 702 Impatient
After hearing the words of this ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, Lin Hua couldn't help but sink in his heart. The second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic knew what he was thinking, so he wouldn't If you fight against yourself, you will definitely delay the time. In that case, it will not be so easy to kill this ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic.

Sure enough, after the second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic said it, Lin Hua's attack on the second corpse warrior of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic was all defeated by the second corpse king of the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic. The two corpse kings were carefully resisted!

The second corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic level [-], could obviously attack Lin Hua, but instead of attacking Lin Hua, he chose to defend against Lin Hua's attack, obviously wanting to delay time.

Seeing this situation, Lin Hua couldn't help becoming more and more anxious, because Beibei's situation is already very bad, and there are three very terrible wounds on her body. If the beating continues like this, then Beibei will soon die. Died in the hands of the tenth corpse king of the fifth level of the epic.

Li Jie and the others were all aware of Beibei's current situation. They also wanted to go to help Beibei, but they were all held back by their opponents, and they couldn't get away at all.

Gu Tian and the others were also in the same situation, being held back by their opponents, unable to move away, and the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior Tenth Corpse King who fought with Beibei was also wary of Lin Hua while attacking Beibei. They came to help, as long as there were a few minutes, then he could kill Beibei.

At that time, he can help the other corpse kings, and they will be the ones who will win the best.

Thinking of this, this ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic, the tenth corpse king, couldn't help showing a thick smile on his face, and then said to Beibei, "Tell me about you, you are really dying. Just now I want Go, if you don't let me go, you will die in my hands right now, what do you think?"

After Beibei heard the words of the second corpse king, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, he couldn't help but snorted coldly and said, "It's not the end and we don't know who will die in whose hands."

"Haha, it's time to laugh at myself. Your mouth is still so hard. After I kill you, I haven't run away with that human. I'm going to help and kill all the humans. All of this is caused by you blocking me." After hearing Beibei's words, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of epic laughed wildly and said to Beibei.

Beibei also understands the current battle situation. The two sides can be said to be evenly matched, especially the battle between Lin Hua and the ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the epic fifth order. The battlefield can still be stabilized now, but Beibei knows If no one came to help him, then he would definitely die in the hands of this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the tenth corpse king, and which two epic fifth-level ancient zombies would Li Jie and Huo Guang deal with? The situation of the Warrior Corpse King is also very bad.

If the tenth corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the fifth level of epic strength, killed himself, and then went to help the two ancient zombie warrior corpse kings who fought against Li Jie Huo Guang, then Lin Hua and the others would definitely lose .

Thinking of this, Beibei is even more anxious, but Beibei's anxiety is not the opponent of this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the second corpse king.

At this time, the fat man who was knocked out by the ancient zombie with the peak strength of the epic level [-], Zhang Ze, the human supernatural being, had already woken up, but he didn't get up, because he was knocked out by the heavy blow just now, so his head was still a little dizzy of.

At this moment, Zhang Ze discovered that Lin Hua's vanguard army was fighting those ancient zombie warriors, and the situation of their vanguard army was not very good!
Especially Beibei who was not far away from him was in the worst situation. He was completely crushed and beaten by his opponent, and his body had already suffered a lot of injuries.

Zhang Ze knows Beibei's strength. The last time Beibei killed an epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior corpse king, then the strength of this ancient zombie warrior who injured Beibei not far from him must be He is much stronger than the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior Zombie King who fought with Beibei last time. He wants to help Beibei deal with that ancient zombie warrior Zombie King.

But Zhang Ze found that his dizziness was severe, so he pretended to be fainted and didn't move, waiting for his head to recover before getting up to fight.

The fifth-order ancient zombie warrior of the epic, the tenth corpse king, saw that Beibei did not answer his words, and said sarcastically, "Your vanguard army was defeated because you came to stop me from taking that human. It’s all because of you, haha, it’s funny to think about it.”

After Beibei heard the words of the fifth-level epic ancient zombie warrior, the tenth corpse king, she couldn't help but become even more angry, but Beibei was still sensible. If you want to irritate yourself, you can attack him, and then this ancient zombie warrior with epic fifth-level strength will easily kill yourself.

Beibei knew that the consequences of his death would lead to the defeat of their vanguard, so Beibei knew that he had to persevere. Although he couldn't beat the tenth corpse king of the ancient epic warrior with epic fifth-level strength, he still had to delay Hold him, wait until Lin Hua and the others kill their opponents!Beibei didn't want to cause any harm to his teammates because of himself.

"Haha, half-human, half-monkey, you really can bear it. Do you think you can persist until those people come to help you? Look at their situation, how many people have the opportunity to come to help you Well, you'd better wait to die obediently, and don't do unnecessary struggle any more." The Tenth Corpse King, an ancient zombie warrior at the fifth level of Epic, said sarcastically again after seeing that Beibei was still silent.

Zhang Ze, who had already woken up, understood after hearing the words of the epic fifth-rank ancient zombie warrior and the tenth corpse king. It was all because of himself. They wouldn't cause the current situation just to come to save him.

Zhang Ze's head is no longer as painful as when he woke up just now, and he is already much better, but he still didn't get up, because he knew that even if he helped Beibei in the past, it would not be of much use, Beibei's epic five The strength of the first rank was all wounded by the tenth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior, and his strength of the second rank of the epic would not have much effect.

(End of this chapter)

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