Chapter 703
Zhang Ze was waiting, waiting for the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior corpse king to come to his side so that he could attack suddenly. That might change Beibei's current situation.

Zhang Ze touched his surroundings and found that his weapon was not nearby. He remembered that his weapon should have fallen when he was stunned. If he didn't have any weapon, then he would not be right at all How much damage did the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior corpse king cause?

At this time, Zhang Ze was also very anxious, thinking about what he should do!Seeing that Beibei's body was wounded by the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the tenth corpse king, Zhang Ze finally thought of a way, that is, hug the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth-level epic The tenth corpse king doesn't need a long time, as long as it is an instant, then it is worthwhile to buy time for Beibei to attack, even if he dies.

After thinking of this, Zhang Ze's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness. From the first day Zhang Ze joined the vanguard, he had reported that he must die. He is not a person who is afraid of death!And even if he died this time, if he had bought enough time for Beibei to kill that epic fifth-rank ancient zombie warrior and the tenth corpse king, then his death would be very valuable.

But now Zhang Ze is still a few meters away from Beibei and the others. If he stands up suddenly, then this ancient epic warrior of the fifth level of the epic, the tenth corpse king, will definitely notice it. If he is on guard against her then he It is very difficult to sneak attack.

Zhang Ze thought about it for a while and had to wait for the fifth-level ancient epic warrior, the tenth corpse king, to be very close to him, so that it would be effective if he suddenly woke up.

Now the fifth rank of the epic ancient zombie warrior and the tenth corpse king is facing Zhang Ze, while Beibei is facing Zhang Ze. Zhang Ze is afraid that the time will drag on longer and longer, so Beibei will become more and more dangerous. So Zhang Ze just gestured at Beibei with his hand.

When Beibei saw Zhang Ze's gesture to let him go, she was very puzzled. She didn't understand why Zhang Ze let him go. Then Beibei thought that no one could drag him out to help her, so she took the attitude of giving it a try. He began to dodge in the direction of the position where Zhang Ze was lying on the ground, the attack of the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior of the epic, the tenth corpse king.

After seeing Beibei retreating to avoid his own attack, the tenth corpse king, an ancient epic warrior of the fifth level of epic, couldn't help but intensified his mocking expression towards Beibei!He thought Beibei was going to run away.

After seeing Beibei who was getting closer and closer to him and the fifth-level epic zombie warrior tenth corpse king, Zhang Ze became more and more nervous. Whether the Tenth Corpse King's sneak attack will be successful or not will be tested, because this is the only way and opportunity for him to help Beibei.

When Beibei was more than half a meter away from Zhang Ze, she began to dodge to the left. Beibei understood that Zhang Ze wanted him to sneak over this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the tenth corpse king, for a sneak attack. If the sneak attack is to be successful, then the back of the fifth-level ancient epic warrior, the Tenth Corpse King, must face Zhang Ze. Only in this way can Zhang Ze's sneak attack be successful.

Regarding what Beibei did, the ancient zombie warrior tenth corpse king of the fifth level of epic did not think so much at all!Because he knew that whatever Beibei wanted to do now, it was impossible to change Beibei's defeat.

When Zhang Ze saw this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior and the tenth corpse king with his back facing him and the distance was less than half a meter, Zhang Ze knew his opportunity had come.

Zhang Ze suddenly stood up, and directly hugged the hands of the fifth-level ancient epic warrior, the tenth corpse king, all of which happened in an instant. Although the tenth corpse king, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior He was wary of Lin Hua and the others coming to help, but he was not at all wary of Zhang Ze lying unconscious on the ground!He thought that Zhang Ze should still be in a coma.

That's why this fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the tenth corpse king, was suddenly embraced by Zhang Ze. When Ze was hugged tightly, he used his head to hit Zhang Ze's head hard.

When Zhang Ze saw this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior and the tenth corpse king hit him with his head, he knew that if he didn't dodge, he would definitely die, but Zhang Ze didn't dodge. There was only one thought, and that was to tightly hug this epic fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior, the tenth zombie king, to buy enough time for Beibei to kill him.

When Beibei saw Zhang Ze suddenly get up and hug the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior tenth corpse king tightly, he also understood that Zhang Ze was trying to buy time for himself, so Beibei just waved his two arms. Two sharp claws grabbed the head of the epic fifth-rank ancient zombie warrior tenth corpse king.

With a "bang", Zhang Ze's head was directly knocked off by the head of the fifth-order ancient zombie warrior of the epic, the tenth corpse king. Zhang Ze died on the spot because his head fell off, but he held this tightly The hand of the tenth corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic, did not send half a point, and still hugged tightly.

Seeing that Zhang Ze's head was knocked off by the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior Tenth Corpse King, Beibei's face showed pain. He knew that Zhang Ze's death was to gain time for himself to kill this epic The fifth-rank ancient zombie warrior and the tenth corpse king.

After seeing that Zhang Ze was already dead, the tenth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. He thought that Zhang Ze was dead, so he would hold his hand tightly and let go Yes, but this was beyond his surprise. After Zhang Ze died, his hands still tightly hugged the body of the fifth-level ancient epic warrior, the tenth corpse king, so that his two arms could not move. Half a point, this is Zhang Ze's belief before he died.

After seeing Zhang Ze dead, the ancient epic warrior tenth corpse king of the fifth level of epic still hugged himself tightly and couldn't help being furious, because Beibei's attack was coming soon, but this ancient zombie warrior of fifth level of epic No matter how the Tenth Corpse King struggled, Zhang Ze's hands holding him did not loosen at all.

(End of this chapter)

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