Chapter 708

Now that Lin Hua has taken back the ice dragon, he doesn't need to allocate his mental power to control the ice dragon. He has devoted himself to the battle with the ancient zombie warrior second corpse king who is the peak strength of the epic five miles. , Lin Hua's attack on this ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank became more and more sharp.

The second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of epic, saw that the attack became sharper after Lin Hua retracted the ice dragon, and felt a little more uneasy in his heart. At first, he could still draw with Lin Hua. Now Lin Hua's sudden sharper attack made her a little overwhelmed. The second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank also understood that this should be Lin Hua's true strength.

The second corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic, can feel that Lin Hua's strength should be similar to that of the first corpse king, and he is definitely not his opponent.

Although he knew that he must not be the opponent of the current Lin Hua, but this ancient zombie warrior No. 12 corpse king with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank was not an ordinary corpse king. Even if he knew that he would die, he had to seriously injure Lin Hua Hua, if he followed the current style of play, he wouldn't be able to seriously injure Lin Hua until he was defeated by Lin Hua.

There is only one way to seriously injure Lin Hua, and that is to attack Lin Hua desperately. He simply does not defend against Lin Hua's attack, just to seriously injure Lin Hua.

After thinking of this, the eyes of this ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic suddenly became fierce and abnormal. She was very vigilant, Lin Hua knew that the sudden change of the ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank must have done something, otherwise it would not have been like this.

Seeing that Lin Hua was wary of him, the second corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth epic, couldn't help laughing, "If all human beings are as smart as you, then the human army might not lose."

After the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, finished speaking, he started to attack Lin Hua frantically, completely defenseless.

Lin Hua saw this ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, suddenly became no longer defensive, and attacked himself desperately. Lin Hua understood at that time that this ancient zombie with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic The second corpse king of the warrior thought, knowing that he suddenly attacked him in order to seriously injure himself. This should be a good opportunity for him. If Lin Hua also plays in the same way, then at most Lin Hua will be seriously injured. , or minor injuries, but this epic fifth-order peak-strength ancient zombie warrior second corpse king needs to pay the price of his life, and the result can be separated soon.

Although Lin Hua really wanted to quickly kill the ancient zombie warrior No. 13 who escaped, the epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior No. [-] corpse king, but Lin Hua The experience of fighting so many times told him that it is not the right time to rush to fight head-on with this ancient zombie warrior who is at the peak of the epic fifth rank, the second zombie king. Then they are about to fight against the army of ancient zombie warriors. If he is seriously injured at this time, then Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, is definitely not the opponent of the ancient zombie warrior Corpse Emperor!

If you don't defeat the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, then they humans will definitely be defeated. This is not the result Lin Hua wants!

Later, Lin Hua just calmly resisted the desperate attack of the ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, looking for opportunities to attack the second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, and fought for himself. Kill him yourself.

In the beginning, it might be difficult for Lin Hua to find a chance to kill this ancient zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the fifth epic level, but now the second zombie warrior second corpse king with the peak strength of the epic fifth level This kind of desperate play is very easy to have this kind of one-hit kill chance.

The second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of epic, saw that Lin Hua did not fight him desperately, but carefully defended against his own desperate attack. Strength is not only extremely powerful, but also particularly smart.

The second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, attacked Lin Hua so desperately. The purpose was to seriously injure Lin Hua. He guessed that Lin Hua's strength should be the top existence in the human army. In his words, when the human army fights with their ancient zombie warrior army, Lin Hua will definitely not be able to participate in the battle due to serious injuries. Then their ancient zombie warrior army will lose a powerful enemy, but now Lin Hua is so defensive. Otherwise, he would never have the slightest chance to seriously injure Lin Hua.

At this time, the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank, wanted to provoke Lin Hua to fight himself desperately, and then said to Lin Hua with a face full of sarcasm, "You are about to be killed by the army led by our emperor!" This world has been completely wiped out and reduced to food in our mouths. I am very curious now, why did you come here to organize our army to gather? Wouldn’t it be better to live a little longer? Damn it, you humans are all fools.”

After Lin Hua heard the words of the second corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic level 13, Lin Hua didn't look angry at all, and smiled and said, "Hehe, don't say these words to anger me, it's just It doesn't have the slightest effect, I won't fight you head-on, and I'm not in a hurry to hunt down that epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior No.[-] Zombie King, because he just doesn't know much about us humans , he ran away, it’s just that there is an epic fifth-level enemy in a few days, if we continue to fight like this, I won’t be injured at all, and I can kill you, because I’m not injured by then , can kill many of your ancient zombie warrior corpse kings, and our human army’s chances of winning have increased a lot.” Lin Hua said this because he just heard that the second-ranked ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth-order When the zombie king said the first sentence, he understood that the second zombie warrior, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic fifth level, wanted to irritate himself and fight him recklessly, seriously injuring himself at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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