Chapter 709
Lin Hua is not a fool, how could he be fooled by this ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth epic level, the second zombie king, that's why he said that, and another advantage of saying that is that he can anger the ancient zombie warrior who is at the peak of the fifth level of the epic. The second corpse king of zombie fighters, when he gets angry in a battle, he will reveal his flaws.

This is the second zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic. After hearing Lin Hua's words, a trace of anger appeared on her face, but the anger on her face soon disappeared, and he also understood that this was Lin Hua. Using the same method to deal with himself, Lin Hua wanted to provoke himself to reveal his flaws, and finally killed himself when the time came.

The second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, was a little ridiculous in his heart. He was almost really angry just now, but he can be said to be stealing chickens without losing rice.

At this time, Xuewu and the others quickly wiped out most of the remaining epic-level ancient zombie fighters because of Gutianhe and Heisha's help, leaving only a few dozen or so ancient fourth-level epic zombies. Warriors, it won't take long for these ancient zombie warriors to be wiped out.

As for the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior who fought with Li Jie and Huo Guang and the others, although he was extremely fast, he couldn't handle the attacks of Huo Guang and Li Jie, and he was still Because just now, in order to hold back Li Jie and the others, they went to prevent the No. 13 corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic, from escaping. He desperately attacked Li Jie and Huo Guang, and paid a very high price. His back was cut by Li Jie's dragon-patterned epee with two horrific wounds where the bones could be seen, and his stomach was pierced by Huo Guang's spear.

Although the ancient zombie warrior No.12 Zombie King with the epic fifth-level strength who used two guns suffered terrible injuries, he didn't seem to feel anything, as if those injuries were not on his body, those injuries It didn't affect his display of strength at all.

Even so, he is doomed to lose. Now he can only be forced to defend. Relying on his speed advantage, he barely resists the attacks of Li Jie and Huo Guang.

Li Jie and Huo Guang were a little depressed fighting at this time, because after the No. 13 corpse king, the epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, escaped, the No. 12 corpse king, the epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior who used two guns, would not If she fought recklessly like just now, she started to defend herself. Li Jie and Huo Guang attacked her, which made it very difficult for them to deal with. If they still played recklessly like before, then this The No.12 Zombie King, the epic fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior who used double guns, died in their hands a long time ago!

Li Jie and Huo Guang knew that if the fight continued like this, although they would still win in the end, the delay would be too long, so Li Jie didn't want to waste time.

Li Jie once again activated all her skills. Although doing so consumes a lot of her powers, it can increase her power to the extreme, so if her power is increased to the extreme If you use the skill to break the shield, this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior No. 12 corpse king who uses two guns must not be able to bear it.

After Li Jie fully activated all his skills, his strength reached its peak, and then he used all his strength to unleash his ability to break the shield. He used the dragon-patterned epee to attack the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior No.12 who used two guns. The corpse king was cut off.

The No.12 corpse king, an epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior who uses two guns, saw Li Jie's full-strength blow. He has fought with Li Jie for a while. He knows Li Jie's strength is great, so her full-strength blow It must be very strong, so the ancient zombie warrior No. 12 who used two guns did not dare to slack off at all. After resisting Huo Guang's shot, he directly used his two short guns in front of his body , using the strength of the whole body to resist Li Jie's full blow.

There were two crisp sounds, this epic fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior No.12 Zombie King who used two guns, and the two short spears in front of him were chopped off by Li Jie's dragon-patterned epee. It's broken, but it's not over yet. After the dragon-pattern epee broke the double guns of the ancient zombie warrior No.12 Zombie King who used two guns in the epic five-li, it didn't stop, and continued to move towards the epic five-level Ancient Zombie Warrior No.12 Zombie King Chop.

The ancient zombie warrior No. 12 of the epic fifth-level strength stared wide-eyed in surprise as he watched the dragon-patterned epee that broke his two spears strike at him. He couldn't believe that Li Jie's power would suddenly It became so big that in an instant, the dragon-patterned epee directly split the No. 12 corpse king, the fifth-level epic ancient zombie warrior, into two parts, and the No. 12 corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] corpse king, the fifth-level epic, was waiting for him Surprised by Li Jie's sudden power, he left this world.

Li Jie killed the No. 12 corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior of the epic fifth rank, and quickly rushed towards Xuewu and the others, and then said to Huo Guang, "I already have one, this one is yours."

After Huo Guang heard Li Jie's words, he immediately understood the meaning of Li Jie's words, and then put the alien core of the No. In his own pocket, and then the same.

They ran towards Xuewu.

Although Lin Hua and the second zombie warrior, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic level [-], were both fighting, they all saw what happened just now.

Lin Hua calmly resisted the deadly attack of the second corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth-level epic, and said with a smile, "Look, there are only a few ancient zombies of the fourth-level epic left." Soldiers, it seems that you are also annihilated."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level in the epic, knew that what Lin Hua said was true, but he also knew that Lin Hua wanted to provoke him by saying that, but he still Suppressing the anger in his heart, he desperately attacked Lin Hua, not letting himself show the slightest flaw in front of Lin Hua.

This ancient epic warrior No.12 Corpse King, who is at the peak of the fifth level of epic strength, is very clear. Although Lin Hua is only defending against his own attack, it seems that he is at a disadvantage, but the fact is not like this. If this epic If the second corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level, showed any flaws, then Lin Hua would attack him mercilessly like a hungry wolf that had been lurking for a long time and suddenly saw its prey.

(End of this chapter)

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