Chapter 716

"I feel that you are thinking too much. The Lord of Yehua City should not be a person with too much ambition. The boss just said that Yehua City is very powerful. If he really wants to unify all the cities, he will soon It's unified, and I feel that the Yehua City Lord doesn't care too much about these people, because the last time the Yehua City Lord took such a big risk and chose to trust us, it shows that he is indeed a person who thinks about others , This is very similar to the boss, so I feel that you are thinking too much." Gui Wu said to Li Jie and the others after thinking for a long time.

After Li Jie and the others heard Ghost Dance's words, they also felt that it made sense. In addition, they are now facing the moment of human life and death, so they can't think too much. The things they said just now have a prerequisite Yes, that is, they have won the war.

But whether they will win this war is still unknown!After Li Jie and the others talked for a while, Lin Hua was notified to go to the tent in the conference hall for a meeting.

"Okay, I'm going to the meeting, Huo Guang Li Jie, you two go with me, the rest of you should go back to rest early, you haven't had a good rest these days, what's the matter tomorrow, let's talk about it tomorrow" Lin Hua said to the couple After I finished speaking, I walked directly outside the tent. Li Jie and Huo Guang followed Lin Hua's h, and Xue Wu and the others rested one after another after seeing Lin Hua leave. These days, I have never had a good day off.

When Lin Hua and Li Jie were walking towards the tent in the meeting hall, they met some city owners who came to the meeting and they all took the initiative to say hello to Lin Hua, because Lin Hua's strength and what their vanguard troops had done were enough to make them I admire Lin Hua.

When Lin Hua and the others arrived at the tent in the conference hall, most of the city lords had already arrived, and Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, was sitting on the top stool.

Lin Hua and the three of them randomly found a seat and sat down, waiting for the other city lords to get it!After about five or six minutes passed, all the city lords arrived!Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, saw that all the city lords had arrived, smiled and said, "Lingtian summoned everyone here and I want to tell you a piece of news, that is the human supernatural being I sent to inquire about the news." The news just sent back said that the army of ancient zombie warriors has stopped gathering now, and it seems that they are planning to go to war! At the latest, we will have a decisive battle with that army of ancient zombie warriors the day after tomorrow."

After hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, all the people did not show too much surprise, because they had guessed it a long time ago, and the day after tomorrow should be a decisive battle.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, was not surprised when he saw all the city lords, and then said with a smile, "I want to tell you a good news. There were originally eighteen ancient zombie warrior corpse kings of the fifth rank in the epic, and now there are only eight left." That's right, the remaining ten epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior corpse kings were all wiped out by the vanguard led by Lin Chengzhu."

After hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, all the city lords showed very happy smiles on their faces, because they all knew that last time Lin Hua and the others only killed five epic fifth-level ancient zombie warriors, and now That is, there are eight ancient zombie warriors of the fifth level of epic left, so it means that Lin Hua and the others have killed five more in the past few days. This is very good news for their human army!

These city lords looked at Lin Hua one after another, and they admired Lin Hua more and more in their eyes. Because of the existence of the vanguard led by Lin Hua, their human army marched towards this hell on earth. His strength has not been consumed in the slightest, and Lin Hua has also eliminated ten ancient zombie warrior corpse kings of the fifth rank of the epic. The fifth rank of the epic is the peak existence in the army of ancient zombie warriors. The other city lords other than the city lord can't be right at all.

Lin Hua saw the admiring eyes of these city lords and smiled and said, "Everyone thinks that I did it all by myself, and it's all the credit of all the brothers in our vanguard, especially the two around me. , one of them killed two of them."

After the city lords heard Lin Hua's words, they all looked at Li Jie and Huo Guang who were sitting on both sides of Lin Hua, and sighed in their hearts. Not only was Lin Hua's strength strong, but also Lin Hua's men They are all stronger than these city lords, and they all feel extremely ashamed of doubting Lin Hua before.

"By the way, the Yehua City Lord called us here today to tell us these two news, right?" A city lord of the fourth level of epic said to the Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang.

"Yeah, City Lord Yehua, do you have anything else to do?" Another city lord of the fourth level of epic asked the city lord of Yehua. They all looked at Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City.

"Boss, can you guess the purpose of this Night Talk City Lord for bringing us here?" Li Jie glanced at Night Talk City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang and asked Lin Hua.

"I want to talk about the city lord at night. Duanmu Hanjiang called all our city lords here to discuss the matter of the battle. After all, the day after tomorrow is going to fight that army of ancient zombie warriors. We don't have much time," Lin said. After hearing Li Jie's words, Hua said slowly.

Lin Hua's guess was correct. Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, called all the city lords over, not only to inform the two news, but also to discuss the issue of the war.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, heard the words of several city lords, and then smiled and said, "It is true that all the city lords are called, and there are other things. This thing is that we are going to confront the army of ancient zombie warriors later. I think I would like to ask all the lords, is there any good way, such as tactics and strategy?"

After hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, a city lord of level [-] epic said directly, "What good tactics and strategies can we have now? All tactics and strategies are nothing in front of absolute strength. We can only fight with ancient zombie warriors." The army will fight hard"

"Yeah, what good tactics can we have now, it can only be a direct confrontation with the army of ancient zombie warriors, let's fight head-to-head, and see which group can fight to the end, then this group will win" another epic The city lord of the fourth rank said to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua.

(End of this chapter)

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