Chapter 717 Risky
What these two city lords said is indeed very correct, because any tactics and strategies now have no effect on them.

"Leader Lin, what do you think?" After hearing what the two city lords said, the city lord Yehua looked at Lin Hua and said.

When Lin Hua heard Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, asked about herself, Lin Hua thought for a while and then slowly said, "Just now the city lords also said that there is no good way but head-on, but this is for us. There is not much advantage in saying it, but just as you were speaking, I had an idea in my head that might work for us."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, all the city lords looked at Lin Hua. They looked at Lin Hua with some longing in their eyes, not knowing what Lin Hua was thinking.

"City Lord Lin, if you have any good ideas, let everyone hear them." A city lord of the fourth level of epic said to Lin Hua.

"City Lord Lin is not ordinary. He can still think of a way at this time. City Lord Lin, please tell us what a good way can be useful to us," said a city lord at the third level of Epic.

"Well, City Lord Lin, tell everyone what you think," Duanmu Hanjiang, the City Lord of Yehua, said slowly.

After Lin Hua looked at the city lord who spoke just now, he looked at Duanmu Hanjiang, the night chat lord, and then smiled and said, "The army of ancient zombie warriors is no longer gathered, so they should be ready to fight with us soon. Human beings are at war. Now the strength of the human army and the ancient zombie warrior army is fixed and will not increase. Although it cannot be increased, it can be reduced. Before fighting the ancient zombie warrior army, we should consume as much as possible of the ancient zombie warrior army. The strength of the army of zombie fighters should be good for us."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, had a smile on his face, and his previous thoughts were also the same.

"City Lord Lin, it's easy for you to say, but how do we consume the army of ancient zombie warriors? Should we send death squads first?" a city lord of the fourth level of epic said very puzzled.

"Yes, City Lord Lin, what you said is indeed very reasonable, but the main thing is, how should we consume the strength of the ancient zombie fighters?" said another city lord of the fourth-level epic.

"City Lord Lin, if your idea is to organize death squads to consume the army of ancient zombie warriors, then the strength of our human army will also be affected," said another city lord of level four epic.

Lin Hua smiled and shook her head after hearing the words of these epic fourth-tier city lords, "I don't mean to send death squads to consume the strength of the ancient army of zombie warriors. How could I not know that this would consume the strength of the human army? Well, my idea is that I will take a few people from our team to consume the strength of the ancient zombie warrior army, because the people in our team and I have a wide range of attack methods, which can consume some of the strength of the ancient zombie warrior army."

"City Lord Lin, have you ever thought that although you have consumed the strength of some ancient zombie warriors, you have also wasted a lot of abilities. When the time comes to fight, your combat effectiveness will be greatly affected. You and the people in your team are the top experts in our human army." A fourth-level epic city lord said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yes, City Lord Lin, if you release your skills, you will definitely consume a lot of powers. The powers recover slowly. We are also at a disadvantage when dealing with big battles," said another city lord at the fourth level of Epic.

Yehua City Lord frowned after hearing the words of these two epic level [-] city owners, because what the two epic level [-] city owners said was correct. Lin Hua and the others are the top experts in the human army, especially Lin Hua. He still wants to join forces with himself to deal with the unfathomable ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang. Well, if Lin Hua consumes too much power, then Lin Hua will not be able to fight. Defeat the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King by yourself.

"You don't need to worry about this, city lords. How can I not know that this will consume a lot of abilities, but since the army of ancient zombie warriors has died and stopped gathering ancient zombie warriors, then they will soon attack us humans , we are now here is the only way for the army of ancient zombie warriors to attack human beings. We don’t need to travel. We wait here to wait for the arrival of the army of ancient zombie warriors. If calculated according to the distance, the army of ancient zombie warriors will march tomorrow. If it is the day after tomorrow at the earliest, they can reach here, then there is still nearly a day and two nights, if all the abilities are not used up, then this time is enough for us to fight two waves of recovery abilities," Lin Hua After thinking about it, he said to everyone.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, all the city lords felt that what Lin Hua said was very reasonable, but they were worried about the safety of Lin Hua and the people in their team. After all, they were tens of thousands of ancient zombie warriors, and the corpse king And the existence of the corpse emperor.

Then a city lord of the fourth-tier epic said to Lin Hua, "Leader Lin, I think it's too risky for you to do this, the risk is particularly high."

After hearing the words of the fourth-level city lord of the epic, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, also said, "Yes, city lord Lin, although your idea is very good, but the risk is too high. You still need to deal with the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor." And me, compared to the consumed strength of the ancient zombie warrior army, it is more important to deal with the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor, so I don't agree with your idea."

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Yehua City, Duanmu Hanjiang, Lin Hua understood that the Lord of the Yehua City, Duanmu Hanjiang, said this because he was worried about his own safety, and then Lin Hua smiled and said, "I know that my thoughts are very risky. But that's only dangerous for those who can't fly, but if we can fly and attack those ancient zombie warriors in the air, then those zombie warriors have nothing to do with us."

'Yes, yes, what City Lord Lin said is correct. If you attack those ancient zombie warriors in the air, then those ancient zombie warriors can only be beaten passively. They simply cannot attack the sky. Last time in Hollow Mountain, That's it," said Bai Zhantang, the city lord of the fourth-level epic, after hearing Lin Hua's words.

And after hearing Lin Hua and Bai Zhantang's words, the city lord understood this point. Lin Hua and the others basically would not encounter any attacks in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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