Chapter 718

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the City Lord of Yehua City thought for a while and said to Lin Hua, "If this is the case, then City Lord Lin, you must be careful, don't act impulsively, everything is about safety."

After Lin Hua heard the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, she smiled and said, "I will fight back and forth with the ancient zombie warrior army, so I can't run back and forth like this, or it would be a waste of time and abilities, so I can only rest at a location not far from the ancient zombie army, recover my abilities, and we will come back when the second wave is over."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Night Talk, nodded, and then said, "Just do what you want, I believe in you"

"By the way, Boss, should we collect different cores? That's a lot of different cores, which can improve a lot of strength," Li Jie said suddenly just as Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Night Talk, said.

Although Li Jie's voice was not loud, everyone heard Li Jie's words!

"This is too dangerous. If it is on the ground, it may be besieged by an army of ancient zombie warriors, so the loss outweighs the gain," a city lord of the fourth epic said slowly.

"That's right, that will increase the risk. If you are entangled by those ancient zombie warriors, you won't be able to escape at all," said another city lord at the fourth level of Epic.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "My skills will create a large-scale vacuum zone, which can instantly kill all ancient zombie warriors below the third level of the epic within the skill range, leaving a large number of different cores, but some powerful ancient zombies Warriors will not be affected by my skills. This is indeed more dangerous. Danger and benefit coexist. I want [-] supernatural beings who are not afraid of death and have extremely fast speed and reaction ability to go with me to collect supernatural powers. nuclear, so that you can react in time, and you won’t be entangled by those ancient zombie fighters, and you can save a lot of time.”

After hearing Lin Hua's words, all the city lords were silent. Lin Hua's words were fast and quick to respond, so these city lords were the ones who met the standards Lin Hua said.

"I'll go." Bai Zhantang was the first to stand up and said.

"I'll go too" He Qiguang, the city lord of the fourth-level epic, stood up and said!
"I'll go too," said Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth-tier epic, who also stood up.

The three of them were all old men who followed Lin Hua's vanguard. They all understood Lin Hua's character and would not put them in any danger at all, so they stood up directly.

However, the other city lords did not move at all, because they all understood the danger of collecting heterogeneous cores. Although collecting heterogeneous cores greatly improved their strength, the danger was even greater. If If they were entangled by those ancient zombie warriors, it would be impossible for them to escape.

Yehua City Master looked at it, and after Bai Zhantang and his three former vanguard troops led the City Master to stand up, the other City Masters did not express their opinions at all, and they frowned and said, "Leader Lin's remaining skills are only Some powerful, ancient zombie warriors, so the person who collects the heterogeneous core must be strong, and get rid of those powerful ancient zombie warriors as soon as possible."

After hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, the three deputy city lords of Yehua City all stood up, then two more city lords stood up, and four more city lords stood up.

Lin Hua looked at the city lords who didn't express their views and said with a smile, "This time I will collect the different cores with me. We will share the different cores, and we will not distribute them to other people. With such a large number of different cores, the strength will also increase. There are many, don’t you really feel moved?”

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the city lords were a little moved, but compared to life, life is the most important thing, so they still didn't speak.

"Boss, I think it's better to forget it and pick some brothers from the vanguard," Li Jie said with some displeasure after seeing that none of the city lords had spoken.

"Yes, City Lord, let's pick some brothers from the vanguard." Huo Guang said after hearing Li Jie's words.

After Lin Hua heard Li Jie and Huo Guang's words, she shook her head and said to Li Jie and the two of them, "The brothers in the Vanguard Army are at most only the third level of Epic, and they can't quickly deal with those powerful ancient zombies. Warrior, I'd rather not use them to collect heterocores than put them in danger,"

After Lin Hua finished talking to Li Jie and the others, she looked at the other city masters, and said, "Let me tell you one last time, is there any city masters who plan to go with me?"

Lin Hua's words this time were obviously a little angry. Lin Hua was really pissed off by these city lords who were afraid of death. At this moment, these city lords are still so afraid of death.

"I'm going, I thought about it just now, although collecting different cores is a bit dangerous, you may die, but have you ever thought that after having different cores, everyone's abilities have improved a little bit, so our battle with different cores In the great battle of the ancient zombie warrior army, we humans have increased our chances of victory," said a city lord of level [-] Epic after standing up.

But after the city lord finished speaking, the eyes of those city lords were full of hesitation, and they still couldn't find it in the end.

After Yehua City Lord saw that there was still no City Lord standing up, he was unconsciously disappointed with these City Lords who were afraid of death, shook his head, and said, "City Lord Lin, how many people can be accommodated on your ice dragon?"

Lin Hua heard the words of the city master Yehua and said directly, "There are about fifty people, but Xuewu's Fire Phoenix can accommodate more than 40 people."

"Okay, since you can hold ninety people, you'll hear it. You can collect a lot of different cores. Wei Chen, go out and order fifty epic third-level fast-moving supernatural beings and come right away." Then speak directly.

After hearing the words of the Yehua City Lord, Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of the fourth level of epic strength, turned around and went out to recruit people.

After hearing the city lord Yehua say fifty people, these city lords all understood what the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang meant. If the city lord Yehua wanted this city lord, he would follow him, otherwise I wouldn't just order fifty people , But they understood it, but they didn't speak.

After Lin Hua understood the meaning of Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, she smiled and said to Huo Guang who was behind him, "Go back, wake them up, let them all come here"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Huo Guang also walked outside without the slightest hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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