Chapter 726

"Forget it, although this ancient zombie warrior Dino looks very majestic on the surface, he is definitely a sinister villain behind him, and he is very careful. When he is not absolutely sure, he cannot come out and fight us. "Lin Hua thought for a while and said to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk.

"Leaving now, I'm really not reconciled. I really don't know if there will be such a good opportunity next time," Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, said very unwillingly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"I'm not reconciled either, but I think we should give this ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang a gift before we leave, so that we can confirm the location of this ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang Nuo," Lin Hua said slowly.

After Lin Hua finished speaking, he was summoned one day at a time. The brand new ice dragon was exactly the same as the one that was broken just now. To Lin Hua, the broken ice dragon just needs to consume some powers!

Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang climbed on top of the ice dragon, and then flew in the direction where the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King flew away just now.

And those ancient zombie warriors on the ground who rushed towards Lin Hua and the others were very unwilling to see Lin Hua and the others flying away on an ice dragon. They thought they could eat some of Lin Hua and the others. But I didn't expect that Lin Hua and the others could summon the ice dragon to fly away in one go.

Lin Hua searched for more than half an hour in the direction that the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuofei left, and finally saw the giant chariot where the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor was. Then Lin Hua directly controlled the ice dragon to move towards the huge chariot The chariot flew away.

The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor had a puzzled expression on his face when he saw the ice dragon flying towards him. He purposely crushed the ice dragon just now, and wanted the ancient zombie warriors on the ground to consume Lin Hua and the others. At the end of the day, he was sending the powerful ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King to kill Lin Hua and the others, but he did not expect that Lin Hua could still summon an ice dragon, and Lin Hua summoned After getting out of the ice dragon, instead of running away, he came to look for him.

Soon Lin Hua's ice dragon came to the front of the huge chariot where the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was.

"Why do you still want me to give you a gift?" The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo looked at Lin Hua on the ice dragon and Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Night Talk, and said.

Lin Hua smiled and said after hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, "I met the corpse emperor for the first time today, and you gave us gifts. If we don't give you something, we think we humans are stingy."

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she released the skill "Sword Rain of Frost Profound Truth", and in an instant, a huge ice giant sword was shot down from the sky around the chariot where the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was sitting.

After seeing the huge ice giant swords released by Lin Hua, the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King showed some smiles on his face. Although Lin Hua's skill has high damage, it is not suitable for ancient zombie warriors above the third level of the epic. It just doesn't have the slightest impact.

When those huge icy distances were about to fall, Lin Hua then released the skill Ice Profound Slash on the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo, and a huge ice giant sword more than 30 meters long was aimed at the ancient zombie warrior Shi Emperor Nuo. Nuo cut over.

After Lin Hua released the Frost Mystery Slash, without the slightest hesitation, she directly controlled the ice dragon and flew back quickly.

When the ice swords of Lin Hua's skill "Ice Mystery Sword Rain" hit the ancient zombie warriors around the chariot where the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was, there was a burst of wailing!

The moment when Lin Hua’s huge ice sword slashed towards the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level rushed to the front of the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo. , swung his broadsword, and shattered Lin Hua's ice sword that was slashing at the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Zhe Nuo with one blow.

After smashing Lin Hua's icy giant sword, the No. [-] Zombie King, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic level [-], retreated directly to his position just now. All this happened in an instant, and everything was calm. It's as if nothing happened just now, but the difference from before Lin Hua's attack just now is that there are a large number of injured ancient zombie warriors around the huge chariot where the corpse emperor is.

Looking at Lin Hua and the others going away, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo showed some smiles on his face, and then said to the ancient zombie warrior No. How sure are you that you can kill the person who just attacked him?"

"Based on the strength he showed just now, I'm [-]% sure to kill him." The ancient zombie warrior No. [-] corpse king with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic said slowly after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor.

"Obviously, hehe, the two of them are the strongest in the human army, the commanders of the two human armies." The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo said after hearing the words of the first corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior at the peak of the fifth level of the epic.

After hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, all the corpse kings were particularly puzzled. Since their Emperor Nuo knew that the two of them were the commanders of the human army, why didn't they kill them both? It is to let them go, if their two coaches die.Then their so-called human army is just a broken barracks, and it is easier to defeat them, so they are getting closer to their goal of eradicating the human beings in this world.

After thinking of this, the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic said, "My lord, do you know which two humans are the commanders of the human army? Why don't you kill them today? When the time comes, the human army will have no leader. It will be much easier for us to defeat that human army."

"Yes, the emperor, what the first corpse king said is not wrong," said the sixth corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior with fifth-level epic strength.

After hearing the words of these two ancient zombie warriors with the strength of the fifth level of the epic, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo smiled, shook his head and said, "The strength of these two people is not as simple as the peak of the fifth level of the epic. The combination of the two of them is indeed capable of fighting against me, and I don't want any accidents before I wipe out the human race."

(End of this chapter)

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