Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 727 Dino's Worries

Chapter 727 Dino's Worries

After hearing the ancient story of the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, these corpse kings all understood the reason why the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo didn't do anything.

Then the No. [-] Zombie King, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth-level epic, said slowly, "The emperor is wise, and the emperor thinks absolutely right. Find a way to eliminate the two human commanders, and remove all obstacles for the emperor to eliminate human beings."

After hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo smiled and said, "You don't need to do anything, we have so many soldiers in the army, it is easy to consume them "

"Your Majesty, my subordinates are a little worried about whether things like yesterday will happen again, and those human armies will consume our strength again," said the eighth corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior at the fifth level of the epic.

"It won't appear. I have already warned them. I can easily smash their mounts. It's just that the position is not good today. If it is higher in the sky, then they will be directly thrown to death. I believe this The coach of the two humans should not take any risks," said the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo directly after hearing the words of the eighth corpse king.

"Emperor Wise" The eighth rank of the ancient zombie warrior with epic fifth-level strength said directly after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Corpse Emperor.

"By the way, go down and hurry up, the human army should not be far from our position," Nuo, the ancient zombie warrior, said directly to the first corpse king behind him after thinking for a while.

At this time, Lin Hua on the top of the ice dragon and Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua city, showed a deep worry on their faces. What they were worried about was the strength of the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor. Although they didn't fight just now , but they can also clearly feel the sense of oppression given to them by the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Zha Nuo.

Moreover, their idea of ​​consuming the strength of the ancient zombie warrior army was also shattered, because the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo could fly, and his speed was extremely fast, which was comparable to the speed of the ice dragon. The most important thing is that the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo can easily crush the ice dragon!If they attack again, they will face the danger of being thrown to death.

"It seems that the idea of ​​consuming this army of ancient zombie warriors has to be given up," Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, said with some concern.

"Well, this ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor is really extraordinary, he can actually fly," Lin Hua said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo could fly, and the speed was so fast, I think it should not be much slower than the flying artifact," the night talk city lord said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

After hearing the words of the city lord Yehua, some smiles appeared on Lin Hua's face, because Lin Hua also used the flying artifact. Although the speed of the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor was fast, it was still slower than the flying artifact. Yes, if you use the flying artifact to attack the army of ancient zombie warriors, then you won't be afraid of being thrown to death, because the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo couldn't catch up at all, and the ancient zombie emperor Nuo was so careful How could it be possible for a person to chase after them!The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was afraid that Lin Hua and the others would ambush him.

After seeing the smile on Lin Hua's face, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, asked in confusion, "City lord Lin, what are you laughing at now?"

"City Master Yehua, how many flying artifacts do you have?" Lin Hua asked directly after hearing what City Master Yehua said.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, was a little puzzled. He didn't understand what Lin Hua meant by asking this, but he said directly to Lin Hua, "I only have one, but Wei Chen, the deputy city lord, also has one. Originally, there was a pair at the auction, because Wei Chen, the deputy city lord, made a lot of contributions, so I gave him one."

"That's good. If this is the case, then there are three flying artifacts, so we can still consume the army of ancient zombie warriors." Lin Hua said directly after hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, also understood Lin Hua's meaning, and then said to Lin Hua, "Leader Lin, you mean you, Miss Xuewu, Miss Ghost Dance, use flying artifacts to consume ancient zombies An army of warriors"

Lin Hua Lin Hua smiled and said after hearing the words of the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, "Yes, that's what I mean, since the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuota can't fly as fast as the flying artifact, then just be careful and stare at that ancient zombie warrior." Zombie warrior Zhadi Nuo's attack is fine, and the ancient zombie warrior Zhadi Nuo couldn't catch up, so he just stood up and didn't dare to pursue him, because he was afraid that we would ambush him."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, showed a happy smile on his face under the mask, and then said, "This method is indeed good. It can consume the army of the ancient zombie warrior corpse king, and it is not dangerous. "

"Well, it's just that this is not a long-term solution, because the ancient army of zombie warriors marched day and night and we marched for fifteen hours a day at most, and the soldiers would not be able to stop physically, so we can't use today's ancient zombie soldiers. The army of zombie warriors will catch up with our human army, and then this battle will be inevitable." Lin Hua said after thinking for a while.

"Well, what you said is not wrong, but you can consume as much as you can, which adds some chips to the victory of our human army." Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, said after thinking about it.

"Well, I'm thinking now that there are so many ancient zombie warriors. If we go to war with them directly, it will be very bad for us. I want to kill the 200 ancient zombie warriors led by the second zombie king last time. Where does the Wan Dajun have a decisive battle with the ancient zombie warrior army? Because the terrain is dangerous there, and the most important thing is that the mountain road is narrow. It is impossible to pass so many ancient zombie warriors at the same time. If there is a fight, our human army will not be surrounded. It's fine for us to defend the mountain crossing, but if we fight like this, then the casualties of the supernatural beings who gamble on the road at the forefront of our human army will be greater," Lin Hua said after thinking about it.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, thought for a while and said with a smile, "Then we will guard the exit of Hollow Mountain. The mountain road is narrow and cannot rush through so many ancient zombie warriors at once. We can guard the exit. Firmly surround the ancient zombie warriors at the exit, although there are a large number of ancient zombie warriors, they can't get through, and the superhumans of our human army on the periphery of the exit occupy an absolute advantage in number."

(End of this chapter)

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