Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 728 Other Advantages

Chapter 728 Other Advantages

"Yeah, this is indeed a very good tactic, but according to the time calculation, then we must hurry up. When we reach the entrance of Hollow Mountain, we must not be overtaken by the army of ancient zombie warriors." Lin Hua talked to the city lord at night Duanmu Hanjiang said.

"Well, don't worry about this. I will let the deputy city lord Wei Chen speed up and let the army go on the road. Try to go on the road and rest less every day. When you get to Hollow Mountain, you can rest." After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, slowed down. Said slowly.

"Castle Master Yehua, don't you plan to go back?" Lin Hua asked slowly after hearing what City Lord Yehua said.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, smiled and said, "It is necessary to go back, because we still have to pass orders and get the flying artifact, but after we go back, we still have to follow, that ancient zombie warrior Although the Zombie Emperor Nuo is very careful, if he sees the army of ancient zombie warriors being consumed for a long time, then he might come out angrily and chase you, and then ambush him, wouldn't that kill two birds with one stone?"

Lin Hua showed a cunning smile on his face after hearing the words of the city lord Yehua and said, "Yes, yes, if the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King really can't help it, it is really possible to chase us. When we ambush him, as long as we kill the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo, then our human army will definitely win this battle."

Afterwards, Lin Hua chatted with Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, and talked about the details of the ambush of the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang. Although the chances of the ancient zombie warrior coming out to chase them were a little small, there was still the slightest chance for Lin Hua and the others They must be fully prepared, because they must win this war. If they do not win, then their human race will perish, and all their efforts will be in vain.

The ice dragon soon flew to the resting place of Li Jie and the others. At this time, Li Jie and the others saw that Lin Hua and the others had been away for so long and hadn't come back. They were particularly worried about the safety of Lin Hua and Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang!
But when Lin Hua and the others came back, the worries on Li Jie's and the others' faces completely disappeared.

Then Lin Hua told Li Jie and the others about what they had just seen the ancient zombie warrior Corpse Emperor. If it wasn't Lin Hua, the Yehua City Master and Huo Guang felt something happened in advance, and everyone went with Lin Hua and the others, then not necessarily how many people came back alive now.

After listening to Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others began to worry about the number of the ancient zombie warrior army, because the strength of the ancient zombie warrior army could not be consumed now.

Lin Hua also saw that Li Jie and the others were worried that they would not be able to consume the ancient zombie army now, and then smiled and told Li Jie and the others about the methods discussed with the Lord Yehua just now.

After hearing the solution Lin Hua and the others came up with, everyone's faces showed joyful expressions. Now it can be said that although the human army is at a disadvantage in numbers, it is absolutely superior in other aspects.

After Lin Hua finished talking to Li Jie and the others, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, used the flying artifact to fly towards the human army alone, while Lin Hua and the others rested in place.

The purpose of Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang's return is to give orders to Deputy City Lord Wei Chen to rush to the Hollow Mountain before being overtaken by the army of ancient zombie warriors, and to retrieve Wei Chen's flying artifact.

About eight hours later, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, flew back and joined Lin Hua and the others. Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, gave each of Xuewu and Guiwu two flying artifacts, and Lin Hua used them. It was Murong Xian's flying artifact.

When everything was ready, Lin Hua, Xue Wu, and Gui Wu set off, while Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, led the others to rest in place, waiting to bring Lin Hua and the others. The human army at that time, led by Wei Chen, had already started marching towards the entrance of Hollow Mountain at an accelerated pace, because Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, had already given the death order to Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of the fourth level of the epic. Get to Hollow Mountain before you arrive.

And Lin Hua and the three of them were sitting on Lin Hua's ice dragon and flying in the direction where the ancient zombie warrior army was coming.

Lin Hua looked at Xuewu and Guiwu who were sitting on top of the ice dragon and said slowly, "Although the flying speed of that ancient zombie fighter, the ghoul emperor Nuo, is not as fast as the flying artifact, you should pay special attention. If Di Nuo is approaching, then we must avoid the attack of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Di Nuo in time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Lin Hua said with a worried expression.

Because what they will do later is to put all their eggs in one basket. It is easy to say that they are not caught up by the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang. If they are caught up by the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang, then there is only one result. Kill the zombie warrior Shidi Nuo. Lin Hua has seen the physical strength of the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo. Binlong and Ice Dragon will be crushed in an instant, let alone Xuewu and Guiwu. A mage-type body.

In fact, Lin Hua didn't want Xuewu and Guiwu to take risks with him, but their time was limited, and they needed to kill as many ancient zombie warriors as possible before the army of ancient zombie warriors reached the entrance of Hollow Mountain, so that they could have a chance in this war. Bigger odds.

Now that the human army wants to defeat the army of ancient zombie warriors, it must first face two problems, that is, the huge army of ancient zombie warriors, and the powerful ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, as long as these two problems are solved , then the human army is sure to win.

After Xuewu heard Lin Hua's words, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, Boss, I've told you so many times, I've already remembered it, so don't worry too much."

"Yes, boss, how many times have you said that we are not children anymore, and we all remember clearly. When attacking the army of ancient zombie warriors, we must be vigilant against the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo." , if we find Dino, then we will turn around and run, and we will definitely not be attacked by him," Ghost Dance said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

(End of this chapter)

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