Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 729 2 Purposes

Chapter 729 Two Purposes
After hearing what Xuewu and the others said, Lin Hua smiled and said nothing.

After working together for many hours, the ice dragon where Lin Hua and the others were located has successfully reached the sky above the army of ancient zombie warriors!
Lin Hua and the others split up and acted separately. Gui Wu and Xue Wu used the flying artifact to fly to a position about [-] meters away from Lin Hua!Avoid duplication of skills!

After Lin Hua looked at Xuewu and the others flying away, she immediately started to release her skill Absolute Freeze, facing the ancient zombie warriors below.

After Xuewu and the others reached the designated position, they also began to release a wide range of skills to attack the ancient zombie warriors.

Just when Lin Hua released his skills for the seventh time, the epic fourth-level ancient zombie warrior who delivered the news drove up, and the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo was in front of the giant chariot.

The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo frowned after seeing this epic fourth-order ancient zombie warrior who delivered the news, because their army's news is usually a big deal, and small things don't need to be delivered at all.

"What news, just tell me directly." The ancient zombie warrior No. [-] corpse king of the fifth-level epic looked at it, and the ancient zombie warrior of the fourth-level epic who came to deliver the news said slowly.

"The human who controls the ice dragon is here again. This time, there are two women with him. Those two women can fly. As soon as they come, they will use a wide range of skills to attack our army," said Epic Four who delivered the message. After hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King with the peak strength of the fifth-level epic, the ancient zombie warrior said.

After hearing the words of the fourth-tier epic zombie warrior who delivered the news, several ancient zombie warrior corpse kings of the fifth-tier epic world showed some anger on their faces, because Lin Hua saw the harmfulness of Lin Hua's skills. Except for the high-level and strong ancient zombie fighters, they were basically attacked, and they were seriously injured even if they were not dead. This was a serious drain on their army, so they were so angry.

And the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo frowned even more after hearing this, the ancient zombie warrior who delivered the news!
"My lord, these human beings come to attack our army. We can't just ignore it. If this continues, our army will be completely consumed before it reaches its destination." The fifth-level ancient zombie warrior of the epic The Six Corpse King said with an angry expression on his face.

"Yes, the emperor, those human's large-scale skills, large attack range and high damage, this is not a small consumption for our army." Another epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the corpse king, said slowly.

"My lord, I see that the purpose of these humans coming here is not as simple as attacking our army, because you have already warned the two commanders of the human army, their purpose of coming this time should be to consume our army Strength, plus causing your anger, it’s good to fight those two human army commanders.” The ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King who lost the strength of the fifth level of the epic thought for a while after hearing what the two corpse kings said.

"Yes, the emperor, these human beings are so cunning, they must have thought so. They used those who attacked our army to arouse your anger and force you to fight with them." Another epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the fourth corpse king , after hearing the words of the first corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, he said directly to the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo.

After hearing the words of these corpse kings, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo frowned. The ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Corpse King and the fourth Corpse King who had the peak strength of the epic fifth-order just now said that he had already I thought of that possibility, but he can't just ignore Lin Hua and the others, or he will really do what the ancient zombie warrior corpse king who is called the epic fifth-level strength said before, and they haven't arrived yet. When the human city was a city, the army suffered countless casualties.

Then the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo thought for a while and smiled and said, "Well, the first corpse king and the fourth corpse king are right. These humans must have come here at this time to provoke me to fight with them, but Even if I know this is the case, as the emperor, I will not just sit and watch our army be consumed in vain."

After hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang, these ancient zombie warriors of the fifth level of epic strength all understood the thoughts of the ancient zombie warrior Shihuangnuo, and knew that Dinuo planned to fight Lin Hua and the others to stop Lin Hua They consume their armies.

But the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo is the commander of their army. If there is any mistake in their corpse emperor, then their huge army of ancient zombie warriors will become scattered sand, and the consequences will be disastrous. Kings can't fly, and the only way to stop Lin Hua and the others from attacking is the dead emperor Nuo!
Then the No. [-] Zombie King, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level in the epic, faced the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo and said, "My lord, although we can't fly, the battles on the ground are no less than those of human coaches. You You just need to shoot them down, and then we can leave the rest to us, so as to avoid unnecessary consumption from you.”

"Yes, Emperor, you just need to get these humans underground, then we can keep them," said the eighth corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior with epic fifth-level strength, slowly.

After hearing the words of the two corpse kings, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo showed no expression on his face. He understood the meaning of the two corpse kings in his heart, and was afraid that she and the commander of the human army would cause unnecessary problems!

Then the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo nodded and said, "Well, you guys follow me."

After the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo finished speaking, he waved the wings on her back and flew towards Lin Hua and the others.

And the eight ancient zombie warriors of the fifth level of epic strength, the corpse king, all got under the giant chariot after seeing the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuofei leaving.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" , and those ancient zombie warriors heard howl After the sound, the advancing ancient zombie warriors retreated to both sides one after another, making way for a road more than 20 meters wide in the middle of the army of ancient zombie warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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