Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 737 The Last Chance

Chapter 737 The Last Chance

"Well, I know all of this. As long as we pass the Hollow Mountain, everything will be fine, but I don't understand one thing. I don't understand why we speed up the march of those human armies, and why they haven't been there for several days. Are you catching up?" the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo asked Zhihu after listening to the words of the two corpse kings.

"This subordinate is also very curious, because our army's original marching speed is much faster than that of the human army, and the human army needs to rest at night. It stands to reason that we should have caught up long ago." The ancient zombie with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic The first corpse king of the warrior said directly after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo.

"Yes, this is really a curious thing. Could it be that there is no human army at all, and those humans came with more than 100 people?" The eighth corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior with epic fifth-level strength, said slowly .

"This should not be possible. Even if humans are arrogant, it is impossible for humans to send so few people to attack our army. They definitely have a human army. It may be because those few people can consume a lot of the strength of our army. , so in order to reduce casualties, those human armies chose to retreat, and they marched at an accelerated pace, but it is useless to think about these now. After passing the Hollow Mountain, a brand new day awaits us." Ancient Zombie Warrior Corpse Emperor Nuo said after thinking about it.

After the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo finished speaking, he closed his eyes, thinking about what happened during their march these days. Nothing that happened these days was beneficial to their army of ancient zombie warriors. It was all because of Lin Hua A few of them haven't formally declared war on the human army yet, and the strength of their ancient army of zombie warriors has been consumed so much.

Although the army of ancient zombie warriors consumes a lot of strength, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo has no worries at all, because he is confident that he can easily defeat the so-called human army with the number of troops left.

The accelerated march of the human army in the past four days finally reached the area of ​​the Hollow Mountain at noon, and the deputy city lord of the fourth level of the epic was ten miles away from the entrance of the Hollow Mountain according to the arrangement of the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang. Set up camp!Let the human army have a good rest for a day, because the army of ancient zombie warriors will arrive here soon, and then their human army and the army of ancient zombie warriors will sit here for the final decisive battle!
After Lin Hua, Xue Wu, and Gui Wu had finished attacking the army of the ancient zombie warrior Corpse Emperor in the morning, they returned to the night talk city lord Duanmu Hanjiang and the others where they were resting. Expression, because tomorrow is going to war with the army of ancient zombie warriors, although Lin Hua and the others have consumed nearly one-third of the ancient zombie warriors in the army of ancient zombie warriors through their hard work in the past few days, but the remaining ancient zombie warriors The number of zombie warriors is still about seven or eight times that of the human army!If the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang didn't pursue Lin Hua and the others, if he didn't kill the ancient zombie warrior Shihuangnuo, it would be an unknown victory or defeat for their human army.

"Okay, city lords don't need to worry too much. It's best for us to fight the army of ancient zombie warriors at the entrance of Hollow Mountain tomorrow. Even if we delay, we won't be able to escape for a day." Ye The city lord Duanmu Hanjiang said slowly after looking at the stern-looking city lords.

"Yes, what City Master Yehua said is not wrong. Even if the human army is moving backwards, it will only delay for a day at most, and the two armies will meet. At that time, our human army must be very anxious because we are in a hurry. Tired, that would be even more detrimental to our human army. It would be better to ambush the army of ancient zombie warriors at the entrance of Hollow Mountain. It would be more beneficial to ambush the army of ancient zombie warriors at the entrance of Hollow Mountain. It is beneficial for us to fight," Lin Hua said directly after hearing the words of Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang.

"The two city lords are right. Now City lord Lin and the others have consumed more than 600 million ancient zombie warriors. It is indeed our best choice to ambush the army of ancient zombie warriors at the entrance of Hollow Mountain. If we change to other In terms of places, there is only one answer: our human army is surrounded by an army of ancient zombie warriors, then our military morale will be affected, which is very unfavorable to us," Bai Zhantang, the city lord of the fourth level of epic, said slowly.

These city lords also know that Lin Hua and the others are right, but they don't want to go to war with the huge army of ancient zombie warriors, and they can delay it for a day, so that Lin Hua can consume more of the taste of ancient times The strength of the zombie warrior army, but these city owners thought about it comprehensively. Although Lin Hua and the others increased the chance to consume the ancient zombie warrior army, they lost a very favorable terrain for their human army to fight. Due to the problem of the human army marching on the road, the superhumans in the human army were exhausted and did not get better rest, which greatly affected the combat power. This was very unfavorable for their human army, so these city lords who were afraid of death did not want to go to war. Also started a war.

"What's more, today is the last chance. We are here to ambush the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo. If he doesn't come to chase us today, then after City Lord Lin and the others finish attacking the army of ancient zombie warriors this time, we will Join the human army and prepare for tomorrow's battle," Duanmu Hanjiang, the host of Yehua City, said slowly.

"Well, I hope that this last chance, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Zombie will come and pursue him." Li Jie said worriedly after hearing Hua, the lord of the night talk city, Duanmu Hanjiang.

"It's not up to us to decide whether the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo pursues him or not. It all depends on the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo himself. If he doesn't want to pursue him, then all our efforts will be in vain, but This morning, I could see in the eyes of that ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo that it really wanted to chase me down, but he still held back in the end, just a little bit" Lin Hua heard. After the intense words, he said with a sigh.

"Hey, it would be a good thing if this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, was exhausted and chased after her. If we kill her, then we will surely win," Beibei sighed after hearing Lin Hua's words. .

(End of this chapter)

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