Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 738 The Abnormal Corpse Emperor

Chapter 738 The Abnormal Corpse Emperor

"Yes, if the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo can come and pursue him, it will be even more beneficial to the human army," said a city lord of the fifth level of epic.

Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang shook their heads unconsciously after hearing their words. The thoughts of these city lords are too simple. They have never seen the ancient zombie warrior Zie Huangnuo, and they don't know this ancient zombie warrior The terrifying strength of the Zombie Emperor Nuo, although Lin Hua and Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, did not fight against the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo, they have been in close contact with each other, and they can probably guess the strength of the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo .

Even if Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang teamed up, neither of them was absolutely sure that they could kill this terrifying ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor Nuo. How could these city lords say it was so easy to fight Lightweight.

However, Lin Hua and Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, could not say anything discouraging. They were afraid of affecting the stability of the army of these city lords, and fearing that these city lords would fear the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo!
Lin Hua and Yehua City Master chatted together, while Ghost Dance and Xuewu, the two of them, seized the time to recover their abilities, and tried to restore their abilities as soon as possible. After that, they went to the ancient zombie warrior army to fight again At that time, they can go back and have a good rest overnight, waiting for the final battle with the ancient zombie warrior army tomorrow.

In this way, another ten hours or so passed, and Xuewu and Guiwu had almost recovered their consumed powers. After Lin Hua talked to Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, he summoned the ice dragon to face the ancient zombie warrior for the last time. The army flew away. This was the last chance for Lin Hua and the others. At this moment, everyone was praying in their hearts that the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo could pursue Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua on top of the ice dragon still told Xuewu and Guiwu to pay attention to the movements of the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, as usual, and not to have any accidents this last time. Condition.

Although Xuewu and Guiwu had listened to Lin Hua's advice many times, they didn't feel annoyed at all, because they understood that Lin Hua cared about them, so they said that.

At this time, on the giant chariot in the center of the ancient zombie warrior army, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo calculated the time, knowing that Lin Hua and the others should be arriving soon, and then said to several corpse kings with epic fifth-level strength, "Then those few A few humans should be coming soon, if I don't hold back and choose to chase those humans this time, you don't need to worry too much'

"Your Majesty, please think carefully about this matter. You have held back so many times. This time, you must also hold back and chase those people, so as to avoid any risks for you." The ancient zombie warrior No. [-] corpse king said with an anxious expression on his face after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor Nuo.

"Yes, the emperor, this is the last time. It will be fine after today. You must think carefully and think twice. Those cunning humans will definitely ambush you. You are only waiting for you to chase them." The sixth corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior with the strength of the fifth level of epic, said directly.

After hearing the words of the two corpse kings, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo showed some hesitation on his face. How could he not have thought that Lin Hua and the others would ambush him, but what happened these days made him very angry. The warrior corpse emperor Nuo really wanted to go after Lin Hua, and then kill Lin Hua to discourage him.

Then the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo looked at the corpse kings, and said, "Well, I will try my best to restrain myself." After the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo finished speaking, he waved his wings and directed towards their army of ancient zombie warriors. He flew forward to wait for Lin Hua and the others to arrive. This was the first time he was waiting for Lin Hua and the others to arrive. The eight epic fifth-level lung-protecting zombie warriors saw their Emperor Fei After leaving, worrying about their emperor's safety, he hurriedly followed their ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo on the ground.

After the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo arrived in front of the army of ancient zombie warriors, he slowly flew in the sky and followed the ancient zombie warriors, waiting for Lin Hua and the others to arrive.

After more than half an hour passed like this, Lin Hua and the others on the ice dragon finally appeared. When Lin Hua found out where the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was on the ancient zombie warrior army ahead, he knew that he was waiting for him. Himself, and then said to Xuewu and the others, "You all be careful"

Xuewu and Guiwu both nodded after hearing Lin Hua's words, and then flew away to both sides with the flying artifact.

And Lin Hua summoned the ice dragon back, and directly used the flying artifact to fly towards the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo. Lin Hua summoned the ice dragon back because he was afraid that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo would suddenly attack him. Lin Hua didn't want to be here at the end A few accidents occur once in a while.

The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo looked at Xuewu flying towards both sides, and Guiwu, and then looked at Lin Hua who summoned the ice dragon back. There was no expression on his face. The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo saw Lin Hua calling When he came back, Binglong knew that Lin Hua was worried that he would sneak attack her.

Soon Lin Hua came to the front of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, and stopped at a distance of more than 30 meters from the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo. Usually it was more than 20 meters away, but Lin Hua saw this ancient zombie warrior. Nuo Lingtian, the zombie warrior, is waiting for him. Of course, the careful Lin Hua has to keep a safe distance from this ancient zombie warrior, Nuo Lingtian.

After Xuewu and Guiwu arrived above the ancient zombie warrior army on both sides, they started their work. They released a wide range of skills against the ancient zombie warrior army below. They remembered it immediately after the skills passed. , a howl of ancient zombie warriors.

After the howls of these ancient zombie warriors reached the ears of Lin Hua and the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Shi Nuo, Lin Hua did not change at all, and the expression on the face of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo showed some anger. looked at Xuewu and Guiwu who were flying on both sides, then looked back at Lin Hua coldly, and said to Lin Hua, "Are you particularly curious today, why didn't I attack you, and why did I not attack you?" Waiting here for your arrival."

(End of this chapter)

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