Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 739 Peaceful Conversation

Chapter 739 Peaceful Conversation

"Well, I'm very curious. I think you can't help but want to chase me down." Lin Hua said slowly after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Zhannuo!
What the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor said was correct. Lin Hua felt particularly strange about the behavior of this ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo Lingtian. Normally, this ancient zombie warrior would never come over to wait for Lin Hua and the others. Arrived, and as long as he sees Lin Hua, he will chase Lin Hua and want to kill Lin Hua, but today is particularly abnormal, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo did not attack Lin Hua, but is still waiting for Lin Hua .

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo shook his head and said, "You are wrong. Although I am very angry at you attacking our army, I especially want to kill you, but I know you will definitely Ambush me, how could I go after you?"

Lin Hua heard the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo and said it directly. There was no surprise about their ambush, because Lin Hua knew that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo must have guessed them on the first day of his visit. will ambush him.

"However, I really admire you. Your endurance is really strong. If it were someone else, you would have been unable to resist chasing us, but you can hold back, and How can I hold back so many times?" Lin Hua said directly after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo showed some smiles on his angry face, and then said, "Because I am the emperor of corpses, and I am the emperor of corpses who wants to destroy you humans. emotions, to affect this great plan to destroy human beings." After the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo finished speaking, his face showed a strong color of confidence, as if his idea wanted to destroy all human beings It might be the same.

After Lin Hua heard the words of this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, a smile appeared on his face and said to the ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, "You are right, you are the Emperor of Corpse, and you are also a powerful Emperor of Corpse! , but I think you need to get rid of the idea that you want to wipe out the human beings in this world, because your idea is simply impossible to realize, even if you are a powerful corpse emperor, it is impossible."

"Hehe..." After hearing Lin Hua's words, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo began to laugh loudly, with a strong expression of disdain on his face. Lin Hua saw the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo laugh wildly, Lin Hua continued, " Why, don’t you believe what I said, even if you don’t believe what I said, but what I said is true, every zombie who wants to exterminate human beings, I will personally kill him.”

The laughing ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo stopped laughing wildly after hearing Lin Hua's words, but he looked at Lin Hua with disdain and ridicule in his eyes, and then said to Lin Hua, "Why do you say so?" What a big talk, do you feel that just relying on the three of you, you can eliminate me and my army of ancient zombies? If you really think so, the real corpse is a bit whimsical."

Lin Hua glanced at the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo with a sarcastic face, without the slightest anger, and then said, "We may not be able to defeat you and your army of ancient zombie warriors with just a few of us, but our human army can do it." Such a thing,'

"Human army, isn't your human army always avoiding my army, and you have never dared to fight me. It's really wishful thinking to defeat me like this." The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo heard Lin After Hua's words, he said to Lin Hua with a face full of sarcasm, although Lin Hua's strength is quite strong, already at the peak of the fifth level of the epic, but if he wants to deal with himself, then there is only one result and that is to die in his own hands .

"Hehe, don't provoke me so much. It is impossible for me to fight you alone. I know that I will not be your opponent. I need to join forces with others to kill you." Lin Hua heard The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nord said directly after the words.

"It's the other coach of the human army, but I want to say that even if you two join forces, you may not be able to defeat me, not to mention that I will not give you a chance to defeat me at all. There are many zombie kings, and high-level zombie fighters, do you think there is a chance?" the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo said slowly.

"Opportunities are created by yourself, not given by others. No matter how many powerful corpse kings are around you to protect you, it will be in vain. In the end, your army will still lose to us humans. By the way, let me tell you, Our human army is waiting for your army to make the final decisive battle at the Hollow Mountain," Lin Hua said directly after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo.

When the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo heard that Lin Hua and his army were waiting for them in the Hollow Mountain for the final decisive battle, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo showed some complicated expressions on his face. The army has lost a lot now, but he thinks that the human army can be easily defeated, but the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor Nuo and the eight ancient zombie warrior corpse kings of the fifth level of the epic have already discussed it, because they can't find a human army. The opportunity for the army to fight, in order to avoid the army being attacked by Lin Hua and the others, they have already decided to march to the right after passing the Hollow Mountain to attack the nearby cities.

Lin Hua suddenly told her that she would have a final decisive battle at the Hollow Mountain, which surprised the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo.

Lin Hua looked at the expression of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, then smiled and said, "Didn't you always speed up to catch up with the human army? After hearing the news this time, why are you surprised? You don't have confidence and Can you defeat our human army with confidence?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo smiled and said, "There's nothing to be surprised about, it's just that the happiness came too suddenly. I'm really sorry to hear you say that the decisive battle in Hollow Mountain What’s more, I can’t wait. I want to see how your so-called human fall was easily defeated by our ancient army of zombie warriors. After your human army is defeated, you humans will move forward step by step. destroy."

(End of this chapter)

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