Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 746 I have to go down

Chapter 746 I have to go down

These two city lords are right. They all know Lin Hua's strength. Lin Hua's skills are not able to kill those giant ancient zombie warriors. It can be seen that those giant ancient zombie warriors are not so easy to deal with.

Lin Hua nodded after hearing the words of the two epic level [-] city lords and said, "Well, there is no way now, we can't let those giant ancient zombie warriors rush to the entrance, otherwise the entrance of Hollow Mountain will be impossible to defend. If we can’t defend the entrance, our army will definitely be defeated, so we have no choice but to go down and get rid of those giant ancient zombie warriors.”

"What City Lord Lin said is correct, we must go down and stop those giant ancient zombie warriors, otherwise, it will be very disadvantageous to us." Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, said after looking at the words of the city lord.

"Those giant ancient zombie warriors are not so easy to deal with. I think that under the attack of Lin Chengzhu's powerful skills just now, they didn't kill those giant ancient zombie warriors. If we go down, we may not be able to kill them. A giant ancient zombie warrior." A city lord of the fourth level of epic said a little worried after hearing the words of Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang.

Some of the other city lords nodded their heads to express their agreement with the epic four-level city lord just now, those giant ancient zombie warriors are not right.

"Those giant ancient zombie warriors have powerful defense and attack power, but their speed is extremely slow. Speed ​​is our advantage. As long as we seize the advantage of our speed, we can easily kill those Giant ancient zombie warriors," Lin Hua said, looking at the worried city owners.

"There are so many of you who are afraid, just be obedient. I don't know if you are tired of worrying about this and that all day long." Li Jie said to the city lords with some displeasure after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yeah, didn't our boss just say that speed is our advantage, those giant ancient zombie fighters react very slowly, we just need to avoid their attacks, and then attack the fatal points of those giant ancient zombie fighters. " Beibei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

Although what Li Jie said just now was very unpleasant, none of the city lords expressed anger or displeasure.

Lin Hua looked at the giant ancient zombie warriors who were getting closer, and immediately summoned the ice dragon, and then said to the city lords, "There is not much time now,"

After Xuewu saw Lin Hua summoning the ice dragon, he also summoned his fire phoenix.

Duanmu Hanjiang and Li Jie, the city lords of Yehua, did not hesitate at all, and went up immediately after Lin Hua summoned the ice dragon.

And those city lords who are afraid of death and the leaders of the wild forces are a little afraid of the giant ancient zombie warriors below, but they all go up to the ice dragon and fire phoenix one after another.

At this time, in addition to those giant ancient zombie fighters, there are also a large number of ordinary ancient zombie fighters!Lin Hua looked at it and said, "After I release my skills, those ordinary ancient zombie fighters will be frozen to death. Everyone, go face those giant ancient zombie fighters. I will block the ones behind from the ones rushing over Ancient zombie warriors, if we are surrounded by them, it will be difficult for us to leave,"

"Okay, don't worry," Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of the night talk city, said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Boss, I'll go with you. There will still be a lot of powerful ancient zombie fighters left behind. If you go by yourself, you will be easily dragged back," Li Jie said worriedly.

"Yeah, Boss, I'll go with you too, otherwise I won't worry about it," Beibei said with some concern to Lin Hua.

"I'll go by myself, you just need to get rid of these giant ancient zombie warriors here quickly," Lin Hua said after hearing what Bei Bei and the others said.

When Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon to descend to about ten meters from the ground, he directly released the skill Absolute Freeze. Under Lin Hua's skill Absolute Freeze, just as Lin Hua thought, those giant ancient zombie warriors did not Frozen, only those ordinary ancient zombie fighters are frozen.

Taking advantage of these ordinary ancient zombie warriors being frozen, Lin Hua quickly controlled the ice dragon to descend, and Xuewu also controlled the fire phoenix to descend. When they were about three meters away from the ground, Li Jie and the others turned towards the ground. Jumped up and down.

"Papa papa" After the ordinary ancient zombie warriors frozen into ice sculptures were shattered, those giant ancient zombie warriors rushed towards Li Jie and the others on the ground frantically.

Lin Hua didn't go down. After seeing Li Jie and everyone else going down, Lin Hua also hugged the ice dragon tightly, and controlled the ice dragon to quickly rush towards the ancient zombie warriors rushing over.

There was a loud "bang", although these giant ancient zombie warriors were powerful, Lin Hua's ice dragon was much stronger than these giant ancient zombie warriors.

The giant ancient zombie warrior rushing to the top was directly knocked out by the ice dragon, and hit one of his companions heavily.

After Lin Hua knocked a giant ancient zombie warrior into the air, the rest of the giant ancient zombie warriors began to avoid the ice dragon that was flying towards them quickly on both sides after they knew the great power of the ice dragon.

Lin Hua also didn't want to waste too much time on these giant ancient zombie warriors, so she flew directly to the back. What Lin Hua had to do was not to deal with these giant ancient zombie warriors, but to deal with the monsters in the mountain road behind. Ordinary ancient zombie fighters, because if those ordinary ancient zombie fighters rushed up from the ancient times, Lin Hua couldn't release their skills, or they would cause accidental injuries to their own people. If Lin Hu couldn't release their skills, then all of them who came down would be He will be held back by those ancient zombie warriors!

Lin Hua made a rough calculation. Thank you. There are about [-] giant ancient zombie warriors, most of which are of the first-tier epic strength, and only a few of them are the second-tier or third-tier epic. These Li Jie They were enough to deal with, so Lin Hua wasn't too worried about Li Jie and the others.

After Li Jie and the others went down, they saw that the giant ancient zombie warriors hadn't attacked enough, so they started to clean up some ordinary ancient zombie warriors in front!

But soon after those giant ancient zombie warriors avoided the ice dragon's attack, they started running towards Li Jie and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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