Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 747 Restoring Calm

Chapter 747 Restoring Calm
"Okay, everyone, be careful, and avoid the attacks of those giant ancient zombie warriors." Duanmu Hanjiang, the host of Yehua City, said to Li Jie and the others after seeing the giant ancient zombie warriors rushing over.

Beibei saw those giant ancient zombie warriors rushing over, and immediately rushed towards the front one quickly.

After Li Jie and the others saw Beibei rushing towards the huge ancient zombie warrior, they were afraid that Beibei would suffer a disadvantage, so they followed up one after another.

"Aww!" The giant ancient zombie warrior howled excitedly when he saw Beibei rushing towards him quickly, then swung his fist twice the size of the casserole, and punched Beibei. Beibei looked at the fist that hit him, jumped up immediately, and then swung his two sharp claws to grab the head of the giant ancient zombie warrior who attacked him.

With a "bang", the head of the giant ancient zombie warrior who attacked Beibei in the front was directly crushed by Beibei, and the excited howling of the giant ancient zombie warrior stopped abruptly as his head was broken. up.

"You see, these giant ancient zombie warriors are very slow and easy to kill, exactly as my boss said." After killing the giant ancient zombie warrior, Beibei turned to the back The city lords or the leaders of the wild forces shouted loudly.

Only then did Li Jie and the others understand why Bei Bei rushed directly towards those giant ancient zombie warriors. It turned out that it was to prove to the city lords that what Lin Hua said was correct.

Afterwards, Li Jie also used all his skills and rushed up quickly.And those city lords and leaders of the wild forces, after seeing that Beibei killed the giant ancient zombie warrior so easily, they all understood what Lin Hua said. Although these giant ancient zombie warriors have strong defense and strength , but their speed is slow, so as long as they avoid the attack of those giant ancient zombie warriors, and then attack these giant ancient zombie warriors, they can be easily killed.

After Lin Hua left, he flew directly towards the ancient zombie warriors behind the Hollow Mountain. Under Lin Hua's skills, most of the ancient zombie warriors died, and only the remaining ones who were stronger were not. die.

Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon to hit those powerful ancient zombie warriors who did not die.

Although those ancient zombie warriors who were absolutely frozen in Lin Hua's skill were powerful, the ice dragon was so powerful that they were basically destroyed after being hit by the ice dragon.

After Lin Hua flew out for about a few thousand meters, she saw the ancient zombie warriors rushing forward. Lin Hua continued to release the skill Absolute Freeze, and then used the ice dragon to attack those ancient zombie warriors who did not die.

After Lin Hua released Absolute Freeze a few times, he stopped releasing Absolute Freeze, because Lin Hua remembered that he still had to reserve a lot of abilities to deal with that ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo. If the ancient zombie warrior consumes a lot of powers, then he will not have many powers to fight that ancient zombie warrior Emperor Zhe Nuo!
If they can't eliminate that ancient zombie warrior, Shi Huang Nuo, it's still impossible for them to win this battle.

After thinking of this, Lin Hua stopped releasing wide range of skills, and pulled out the Eight Strange Cold Sword pinned to her back, ready to fight hand-to-hand with those ancient zombie warriors rushing over.

After those ancient zombie warriors saw Lin Hua and the ice dragon, they rushed towards Lin Hua and the ice dragon frantically, and soon Lin Hua was surrounded.

Just as Lin Hua thought, these ancient zombie warriors did not continue to rush forward, but surrounded Lin Hua firmly with three layers inside and three layers outside. Lin Hua's large-scale skills consume a lot of abilities, but small The area skills don't consume much power, so Lin Hua kept using ice arrows to attack those ancient zombie warriors who surrounded him nearby. Some of the ancient zombie warriors who were close to him were killed by Lin Hua with the eight strange cold sword. up.

And the ice dragon was controlled by Lin Hua to attack the surrounding ancient zombie warriors. After being hit by the huge body of the ice dragon, those ancient zombie warriors hit a large area.

The battle between Li Jie and the giant ancient zombie fighters was completely one-sided. Although the giant ancient zombie fighters were powerful, their speed and reflexes were not good enough. Li Jie and the others used their The speed advantage quickly wiped out more than 200 giant ancient zombie warriors, and then Li Jie, Yehua City Master Duanmu Hanjiang, and the remaining city masters began to attack those ancient zombie warriors at the entrance of Hollow Mountain. Zombie fighters.

The human supernatural beings at the entrance saw Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of the night talk city, attacking these ancient zombie fighters, which greatly encouraged these human supernatural beings at the entrance.

About ten minutes later, Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, gathered with the human supernatural beings at the entrance.

"Miss Xuewu, these giant ancient zombie warriors have already been killed. Please inform City Lord Lin to let him come back, so as not to take too long and consume too much." Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, looked at it. Xuewu said afterwards.

"Let me go, Sister Xuewu uses the fire phoenix to send everyone back to the mountain." Gui Wu said directly after hearing the words of Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang.

"Well, Gui Wu, you go, be careful." Xue Wu nodded and said to Gui Wu.

Then Gui Wu used the flying artifact Iron Feather Dragon Wings to fly towards Lin Hua's direction.

After Xue Wu saw Gui Wu flying away, he summoned the fire phoenix, divided into two waves and sent Duanmu Hanjiang, the Lord of Yehua City, and the others to the mountain where Gu Tian was.

Ghost Dance said that after flying out of the hollow mountain road for about 1 meters, he saw Lin Hua who was firmly surrounded by ancient zombie warriors.

"Boss, those giant ancient zombie warriors have already been killed, and the city lord Yehua and the others have already gone up the mountain." Ghost Dance shouted loudly after seeing Lin Hua.

After Lin Hua heard Gui Wu's words, she immediately released the skill Absolute Freeze, and the ancient zombie warriors around Lin Hua were instantly frozen into ice sculptures.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Hua swept directly on top of the ice dragon, and quickly controlled the ice dragon to go towards the mountain where they were just now. Those ancient zombie warriors saw Lin Hua fly away, and continued to fly forward. Everything returned to calm again.

(End of this chapter)

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