Chapter 749

Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, was also the same as Lin Hua, looking at that place, vigilant for emergencies.

Time passed by like this minute by minute. After more than an hour passed, there was still no slight change. This made Lin Hua and the others feel strange. Why did the battlefield remain the same after such a long time? There is no change at all.

"The howling just now, it's not an order of sudden death, maybe it's the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo, after staying for a long time, it didn't feel very interesting, just shouting casually." Li Jie saw that more than an hour passed , said after there was no slight change on the battlefield.

"That's right, I feel that's the case too. If it's the same as last time, what kind of order does that howling sound represent? Then Sister Shan Luna's ancient zombie warriors down there must have changed a bit." Gu Tian heard Li Jie's words said afterwards.

"I don't think the howl just now was a special order, or the form of the battlefield would have changed a long time ago," said a fourth-level epic city lord.

Because after more than an hour, there was no change at all, so everyone relaxed their vigilance a little bit, thinking that the howl just now was an ordinary howl, not an order from the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor.

Lin Hua shook her head after hearing what Li Jie and the others said, "Everyone, don't let your guard down. You must always pay attention to the changes of the ancient zombie warriors below. You can't be sloppy, because this is about whether this war can be won or not." , whether we human beings can still survive in this world'

"What City Lord Lin said is right. Everyone, don't let your guard down in the slightest. Before this war is over, we will always be vigilant to prevent emergencies," said Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City. After hearing Lin Hua's words, he said.

After hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang and Lin Hua, the city lords of the night talk, everyone else knew what this war represented, so they once again stared vigilantly at the following Those ancient zombie fighters.

Another hour passed like this, and the ancient zombie warriors in the mountain road still did not change their words in the slightest. This was deliberately done by the order of the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor, so that the gathered ancient zombie warriors of epic level would first Don't be in a hurry to attack those supernatural beings who can't find the human army at the entrance of Hollow Mountain. I want Lin Hua and the others to relax their vigilance.At that time, a sudden attack will be launched, and then it will be the supernatural beings who break through the human army guarding the entrance of Hollow Mountain.

After more than four hours passed like this, the ancient zombie warriors in the hollow mountain road still haven't changed in the slightest.

At this time, Lin Hua and Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, both relaxed their vigilance, because more than four hours had passed, and the battlefield was still so calm.

But not long after they relaxed their vigilance, the ancient epic warrior No. [-] Corpse King with the peak strength of the epic level [-] suddenly uttered again, howling, this time howling was an order, those who were already far away from the fat man Well, the ancient zombie warriors above the epic level are going to break through the defense line of the human army at the entrance of Hollow Mountain.

After the howling of the first corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the epic level 8, the gathered ancient zombie warriors of the epic level began to move towards the hollow mountain. There are about [-] ancient zombie warriors of the epic level. There are many of them, most of them are of the strength of the first level of epic, and the rest are of the strength of the second or third level of epic!But there is no epic level [-], because those epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors are protecting the safety of the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo near the giant chariot where the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo is.

In the climate where Lin Hua and the others wanted to relax their vigilance, after suddenly hearing the howl of the ancient epic warrior No. [-] Corpse King who was at the peak of the fifth epic level, Lin Huatan became vigilant again.

"Everyone should pay attention, it should be coming soon." Lin Hua said to everyone after hearing the howl of the ancient zombie warrior No.

Because it has been so long that there has been no change in strength. Although Lin Hua has the convincing power in their hearts, the city lords and leaders of the field forces don't take it seriously.

Because they all thought that this time it was the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo who yelled casually.

But soon they dismissed the idea that they thought it was the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo yelling.

Because at this time everyone has discovered that the strength of the ancient zombie warriors on the mountain road below has increased a lot, and they are all above the epic level.

"It seems that the free time between the two howls of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo just now should be to gather these ancient zombie warriors of epic level." Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of the night talk city, saw the ancient epic level below. The ancient zombie warrior said afterwards.

"It should be like this. It seems that this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo intends to use these epic-level ancient zombie warriors to attack the entrance of Hollow Mountain." After hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, Lin Hua looked at it. Look at the densely packed epic-level ancient zombie warriors below.

"The ones below the boss are all at the epic level, and the highest level is the third level of epic. Doesn't this just correspond to your skill Absolute Freeze?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua with a smile.

"Well, my skills are just right enough to kill these epic-level ancient zombie warriors," Lin Hua said after hearing what Li Jie said.

"Boss, if it's not like this, you use your skills to attack the ancient zombie warriors in Kuanshan Road, we will kill those ancient zombie warriors who are not dead, and then collect their different cores, which is quite a lot for us What about the benefits?" Gu Tian said after thinking about it.

"That's right, Boss, those ancient zombie warriors with lower epic levels are the most powerful ones at the third epic level. There is not much danger for us to go down, so we will go down with you, just to improve our strength" Beibei listened After hearing Li Jie and Lin Hua's words, he said directly.

"Since everyone wants to go with you, City Lord Lin, let's go together," Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, said after hearing what Li Jie and the others said.

(End of this chapter)

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