Chapter 750 Get Ready
"Okay, let's go down together, but everyone should be careful," Lin Hua said after looking at the city lords around him after thinking about it.

Then Lin Hua summoned the ice dragon and flew down with the human city lords.

When the army of ancient zombie warriors in the hollow mountain road saw Lin Hua and the others coming down, they couldn't help being startled. When Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon and was less than ten meters away from the ground, Lin Hua directly After releasing the skill Absolute Freeze, almost all the ancient zombie warriors in the hollow mountain road were frozen instantly, only a few were not frozen.However, those few ancient zombie warriors who were not frozen could not move half a point, because they were surrounded by ice sculptures of frozen ancient zombie warriors.

The moment Lin Hua finished releasing her skills, she directly controlled the ice dragon to descend rapidly. When it was less than three meters away from the ground, Lin Hua stopped controlling the descent of the ice dragon, and then faced the city lords behind. Said, "Everyone, get ready to go down." After Lin finished speaking, he immediately jumped down immediately.

After seeing Lin Hua jumping down, Duanmu Hanjiang and Li Jie, the city lord of Night Talk, also jumped down one after another!

"Papa papa" A series of ice sculptures of ancient zombie warriors frozen by Lin Hua's skills began to shatter continuously.

The rest of the ancient zombie warriors who were not completely frozen by Lin Hua's skills, after seeing Lin Hua and the others coming down, he rushed towards Lin Hua and the others like crazy.

"Bang" Lin Hua directly crushed the head of the ancient zombie warrior of the fourth epic level in the front with the eight strange cold sword.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, and the others began to attack one after another. The rest of the ancient zombie fighters, although the strength of the remaining ancient zombie fighters is relatively strong, but Lin Hua and the others are even stronger. The ones with the lowest supernatural power levels are epic fourth-order strengths, so basically there is not much pressure, so I killed those ancient zombie fighters left by Lin Hua's skills that were absolutely frozen. Although these ancient zombie fighters were killed, But more ancient zombie warriors rushed over from behind.

Lin Hua released the skill Absolute Freeze five times in a row. After Lin Hua's five skills, the ancient zombie warriors at the epic level were basically killed by Lin Hua and the others. Lin Hua and the others killed those epic zombie fighters. After the ancient zombie warriors of the same level, they sat on the ice dragon again and flew to the top of the mountain without stopping.

"Haha, there should be about [-] ancient zombie warriors we killed just now." Li Jie said to Lin Hua just after returning to the mountain peak.

"Yeah, I paid special attention just now, and there were almost [-] of them, and [-] ancient zombie warriors of epic level were wiped out at once. That army of ancient zombie warriors should not have many epic levels. Right?" Gu Tian said after hearing Li Jie's words.

"No, those are all ancient zombie warriors below the third level of the epic. I think there should be a lot of ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic. It's the second level of epic, the first level of epic." Lin Hua shook her head and said.

"City Lord Lin is right. What he killed just now were only some low-level epic-level ancient zombie warriors. There should still be quite a few ancient zombie warriors with epic-level [-] or above in the army of ancient zombie warriors." Ye Ye The city lord Duanmu Hanjiang said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

After Li Jie and the others heard the words of Lin Hua and Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, they couldn't help but recall the ancient zombie warriors who fought with them just now.

Then Li Jie and the others discovered that it was exactly what Lin Hua and the others had said. The ancient zombie warriors of the epic level just now were all below the third level of the epic, and there was really no one of the fourth level of the epic.

"In the situation just now, why didn't the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo not send an ancient zombie warrior of level [-] epic over here? If that's the case, maybe we can't solve it so easily." After Li Jie figured it out, he said Lin Hua asked.

"It may be the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King, who thinks that those ancient zombie warriors below the third level of the epic are enough to break through the defense of the entrance of the Hollow Mountain, so he didn't want to use the ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic to attack, I want to use It won't be long before the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo will send those epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors to attack," Lin Hua said after thinking about it.

"It turned out to be like this. The ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic came to attack the entrance of the Hollow Mountain. Then, don't we just need to fight a tough battle?" Gao Fei said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"That's right, it's not so easy to kill the ancient zombie warriors of the fourth epic level," Xue Wu said with some concern.

"Okay, let's eat the heterocore we picked up just now to improve our strength," Lin Hua said after thinking for a while.

After Lin finished talking, he turned his head to look at the Yehua City Master, and then said, "Yehua City Master, you should improve your strength first. I will watch here for the time being. I think it is the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo who wants to send the fourth-level epic. It may take a while for the ancient zombie warriors to break through the entrance of Hollow Mountain."

"Well, then there is City Lord Laurin." After hearing Lin Hua's words, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Night Talk, said slowly, and then Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Night Talk, began to sit cross-legged and took out the alien cores he had just obtained!
After the other city lords saw that Yehua City lord Duanmu Hanjiang started eating different cores, they all took out different cores one after another to improve their strength.

"Boss, should we wait for you to join us?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua, because just now Li Jie and the others thought it was to let the Yehua City Lord and the others improve their strength!

"That's right, Boss, we watched with you. After they finish improving their strength, let's improve together." Beibei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

After hearing what the two of them said, Lin Hua shook his head and said, "You should also improve your strength. It is enough to have me here. The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo shouldn't send those epic fourth-level warriors so quickly. The ancient zombie warriors came here"

Li Jie and the others didn't say anything after hearing Lin Hua's words, but Li Jie and the others sat up cross-legged and began to improve their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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