Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 751 Sudden Armistice

Chapter 751 Sudden Armistice
For a while, everyone on the mountain was improving their strength except for Lin Hua, who was watching the battle situation on the mountain road below.

Just like what Lin Hua thought, the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo knew that after those ancient zombie warriors of the epic level below the third epic level were wiped out by Lin Hua and the others, although he was a little angry, the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo was quite angry. I didn't immediately send epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors to attack the entrance of Hollow Mountain. Instead, I summoned all the ancient zombie warriors in the hollow mountain road, and the battle between the two armies came to a halt.

After Lin Hua saw the ancient zombie warriors in the mountain road backing away, she couldn't help but frowned. She wondered in her heart what the purpose of that ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was doing, and why he suddenly withdrew his troops, but Lin Hua thought After a long time, I didn't want to understand why the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo suddenly withdrew his troops.

But it's also good to withdraw troops like this, just to let the human supernatural beings guarding the entrance of Hollow Mountain get a rest and eat some food.

In this way, about an hour after the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Zombie promised to withdraw his troops, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, and the others had already improved their strength. Breakthrough, but the strength can be regarded as an increase.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, woke up and found that the ancient zombie warriors in the hollow mountain road had already withdrawn their troops, so he couldn't help worrying!Because now no one can think of why this ancient zombie warrior would suddenly order to withdraw his troops.

"City Lord Lin, now that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Shi Emperor has promised to withdraw his troops, you should also increase your strength. If there is anything, I will call you in time." Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, thought for a while and then turned to Lin Hua Said.

Lin Hua nodded, then sat up cross-legged, and began to eat the different cores it obtained. After Lin Hua ate up all the different cores he obtained just now, his strength level has not improved, and he is still at the peak of the fifth epic level. Where, nothing has changed.

However, during the period when Lin Hua was improving his strength, Xuewu and Guiwu used the flying artifact to go to the back of the Hollow Mountain, and observed the state of the ancient zombie warrior army at this time. All the ancient zombie warriors, in ancient times After the order of Zombie Emperor Nuo, the zombie warrior, they were all at the exit of the Hollow Mountain, and the ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, was still sitting and resting on the giant chariot.

After Lin Hua finished raising her strength, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, told Lin Hua about the situation of the ancient zombie warrior army that Xuewu and the others observed when Lin Hua was promoted just now.

"What the hell is this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, thinking?" Lin Hua said with some doubts after hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua.

"I can't guess what this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo is thinking, but I think he will never give up his idea to wipe out human beings, or he doesn't want to waste their army's strength like this, and find a way to break through the hollow The defense of the entrance of the mountain" Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, said after thinking about it.

"Could it be that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo saw the ancient zombie warriors in their army fighting hard and wanted them to rest. This is completely impossible. The ancient zombie warriors don't know how tired they are." Li Jie said Said to himself.

"I think it was the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo who thought of how to break through the defense of the Hollow Mountain. The solution is to temporarily cease fighting, and then suddenly start a war at that time, trying to break through our defense line in the Hollow Mountain." Huo Guang After thinking for a long time, he said.

"Is there any good way, the most is to let those ancient zombie warriors of the epic level [-] come over and attack the entrance of Hollow Mountain for defense," Li Jie said after hearing Huo Guang's words.

"Well, I think it should be, this possibility, otherwise, it would be impossible to break through just cleaning the ancient times of some low-level ancient zombie fighters," Lin Hua said slowly.

"I'm a little hungry. Anyway, we don't want to fight now. We went to eat, otherwise how could we fight when we were hungry?" Beibei touched her stomach and said a little embarrassedly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Okay, everyone hasn't eaten yet, Miss Xuewu, why don't you take a few people down and bring up the food?" Duanmu Hanjiang, the host of Yehua City, said directly after hearing Beibei's words.

In fact, he just wanted to say it, but because Lin Hua was still improving his strength, he just didn't say it all the time.

After Xuewu heard the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, she found six epic fourth-order supernatural beings and followed him to the camp of the human army to get food in the fire phoenix.

At this time, behind the army of ancient zombie warriors, on top of the giant chariot, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo has been closing his eyes since he ordered the withdrawal of troops, thinking about what to do next. He has no idea. The ancient zombie warriors of the highest level would be killed by Lin Hua and the others so easily. The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Noben thought that those ancient zombie warriors of the epic level would easily break through the defense line at the entrance of Hollow Mountain!
On the giant chariot, the eight ancient zombie warriors with fifth-level epic strength, the corpse king, have worried expressions on their faces, because their battle with the human army this time is very important to them in terms of the current situation. The disadvantage is that although their army has an advantage in numbers, they have consumed too much these days!In the past, if they continued to consume like this, their huge army of ancient zombie warriors would be wiped out by the human army.

The only way now is to find a way to break through the defense of the human army in Hollow Mountain, so that the superiority in the number of their army can be shown.

The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time, then slowly opened his eyes, and then said to the eight ancient zombie warrior Zombie King of the fifth level of the epic, "Do you have any good way now, you can How about breaking through the defenses at the entrance of this hollow mountain?"

"The emperor, if I say so, we should send the remaining epic fourth-level fighters to break through the defense line. If those low-level fighters continue to break through the defense line, it is unknown whether the defense line can be broken through, and it will cause even more damage. A lot of losses," the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King with the peak strength of the fifth-level epic said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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