Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 753 Come too early

Chapter 753 Come too early
Because the army of ancient zombie warriors started to attack again, Lin Hua and the others ate very fast!

These ancient zombie fighters still attack in the same way as before, they are all ordinary ancient zombie fighters, but Lin Hua and the others did not relax their vigilance at all, because they cannot lose this war, and they cannot afford to lose.

After half an hour passed like this, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior of the epic, the ninth zombie king, knew that the time was almost up. He led hundreds of ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic, followed those ordinary ancient zombie warriors, along the The direction of the mountain road of Hollow Mountain is towards the entrance of Hollow Mountain.

The weapon used by this epic fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior, the Ninth Corpse King, is a giant mace. His size is relatively large, so it matches his weapon very well!This epic level [-] ancient zombie warrior ninth corpse king's mission is to lead the hundreds of epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors behind him to break through the defense of the human army at the entrance of Hollow Mountain .

Halfway through the journey, the fifth-tier epic zombie warrior, the ninth corpse king, turned his head to the fourth-tier epic zombie warriors behind him and said with a serious face, "I want to wait for those human aliens on the Huishan Mountain." After those who can find us, they will definitely attack us. At that time, everyone should avoid fighting with those people. Our task is to break through the defense of the entrance of Hollow Mountain. It is important to complete the task. Whether we can break through the entrance of Hollow Mountain this time is very important. important to this war of ours'

"Ninth Zombie King, don't worry, we all know that the task of breaking through the entrance of the Hollow Mountain is very important, so we will not let the humans on those mountains hold us back." An ancient zombie warrior of the fourth level of the epic heard the ancient strength of the fifth level of the epic. After the words of the zombie warrior Ninth Corpse King, he said slowly.

"Yeah, don't worry, Ninth Corpse King, we all know that this mission is important," said another ancient zombie warrior of level [-] Epic.

The Ninth Corpse King, an ancient zombie warrior with a fifth-tier epic strength, nodded after hearing the words of these two ancient zombie warriors, who was a fourth-tier epic. You have to do it even if you die," the ninth zombie king, the ancient zombie warrior with fifth-level epic strength, continued to walk forward after finishing his speech.

"Boss, you said that we have been fighting for almost a day. If we continue to fight like this, I think we will win this war." Li Jie looked at the ancient zombie warriors below and said.

"Yeah, it seems that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo has nothing to do. I haven't seen anything special about this corpse emperor. He can make so many ancient zombie warriors obey his orders." Bei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

"It's not that the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King is not strong enough, but that the boss and Yehua City Lord are even more powerful, that's why it's so easy now." Xue Wu said slowly after hearing what Li Jie and the others said.

"That's right, that's right, don't say that the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang Nuo is also very smart, but his smartness is not as good as that of the boss, Night Talk City Lord," Li Jie said with a smile.

In fact, what Li Jie said is not wrong, it is not that the ancient zombie warrior Shihuangnuo is not smart enough, but that Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang are smarter, every time the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang wants to break through the entrance of Hollow Mountain Defenses can be easily resolved.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of the night talk city, smiled awkwardly after hearing what Li Jie said about Hua, but didn't say anything.

After Lin Hua heard what Li Jie and the others said, she shook her head and said, "It's too early to say these things. This war is not over yet, so the outcome of this war is still unknown."

"Leader Lin is right. This war is not over yet. We can't be too happy. As the saying goes, a proud soldier must be defeated." Huo Guang continued after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Old Youtiao, we are not proud, you are really using bad words indiscriminately." Beibei said a little dissatisfied after hearing Huo Guang's words.

"That's right, the old fritters are just stinking words. Since when did we get proud? We're just talking about that ancient zombie warrior, the Zombie Emperor, right?" Li Jie said with some dissatisfaction.

Huo Guang curled his lips when he heard what Li Jie and the others said, smiled awkwardly and said nothing, Li Jie and Bei Bei yelled at each old fried dough stick, and he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, what Huo Guang said is right. We are not happy yet. I think if the entrance of the Hollow Mountain is not broken, the result of the war will happen within three days." Lin Hua saw that Huo Guang was defeated by Li Jie and After Beibei and the others were too hot to talk, they said to Li Jie and the others.

However, just as Lin Hua finished speaking, he heard the voice of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, "Look, a zombie king of the fifth level of the epic is leading a group of ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic."

After hearing the words of the city lord of the night talk, Lin Hua cried inwardly. Lin Hua had already guessed that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo would definitely send ancient zombie warriors of epic level [-] to attack the defense at the entrance of Hollow Mountain. But Lin Hua didn't expect it to be so soon. It would be best if it was a day or two later, so there is no need to worry so much.

If the ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic attack the defense at the entrance of the Hollow Mountain, then the defense of the entrance of the Hollow Mountain will be easily broken through, because the strength of the ancient zombie warriors has reached the fourth level of the epic, so their strength, speed, and vitality defense The power is extremely powerful, and it is not easy to kill. Even if there are a large number of human supernatural beings at the entrance of Hollow Mountain, they will not have much advantage.

So if they want to keep the defense of the entrance of Hollow Mountain from being breached, then they must kill these ancient zombie warriors of epic level [-], otherwise, the defense of the entrance of Hollow Mountain will be broken sooner or later.

When everyone heard the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, they all looked in the direction that the lord of Yehua City said below, and they found an ancient zombie warrior corpse king of the fifth level of the epic, leading hundreds of epic monsters. The fourth-level ancient zombie warrior came over.

Some city lords and field force leaders with poor mental qualities turned pale with fright when they saw it, because there are too many ancient zombie warriors of the fourth-level epic below. If the ancient zombie warriors continue to move forward, the entrance defense of Hollow Mountain will not be able to defend at all.

(End of this chapter)

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