Chapter 754
Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, is also very worried at this time. If the number is small, then they can stop them if they go down, but there are too many ancient zombie warriors at the epic level [-] below. There are several times the number of people on these mountains, and the ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic are not so easy to kill. If they go down, they will definitely be dragged down by the ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic, and then More and more ancient zombie warriors surrounded them, and they would be unable to escape if they wanted to.

But if you don't go down now, it won't work. If you don't go down, these epic four-level ancient zombie fighters will break through the defense at the entrance of Hollow Mountain, and their human army will undoubtedly be defeated.

"The number is too many, several times that of our people." Li Jie looked at the ancient zombie warriors of the epic level [-] below and said.

"There are a lot of them, and they are all at the fourth level of Epic. It seems that the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huang is really determined to break through the defense at the entrance of Hollow Mountain." Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, said with some concern.

"Well, I can't go down, and I can't go down," Huo Guang said after hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City.

After Lin Hua heard what they said, the expressions on his face kept changing. He thought about what they should do now. After thinking about it for half a minute, Lin Hua said slowly, "Now we can only go down. If we don't go down, then Those ancient zombie warriors of epic level [-] will break through the entrance of Hollow Mountain, and it will be very unfavorable to our situation at that time."

"I also agree with what City Lord Lin said, go down and prevent those ancient zombie warriors of the fourth epic level from breaking through the entrance of the Hollow Mountain," Duanmu Hanjiang, the city owner of Yehua, said slowly.

"Okay, boss, call out the ice dragon, send us down, and we'll be done if we go down." Li Jie said directly after hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang and Lin Hua, the lords of the night talk city, although they are the four-level epics below. There are a lot of ancient zombie warriors, but there is no trace of fear on Li Jie's face at all, as if Li Jie doesn't take the ancient zombie warriors of the fourth epic level below seriously.

"Yes, yes, just go down and do it. There is no retreat now. If we don't go down, the entrance to Hollow Mountain is broken. We still have to go down and fight. We will become more passive by then. I think it is better to go down now." beibei then said.

"Yes, we're more active going down now. If we go down after the entrance of Hollow Mountain is broken, then we will be completely passive," Gao Fei said excitedly.

Although Li Jie and the others didn't have the slightest fear, the remaining city lords and leaders of the wild forces were particularly worried about whether they would be able to come up again after going down this time, because this time they had to deal with the fourth-order epic There are many ancient zombie warriors, and the number is several times that of them, how can this not make him afraid and worried.

Then a city lord of level [-] epic said to Lin Hua and the others, "City lord Lin Hua, let's go down this time, can you stop those ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic? There are so many of them below, I think it's us Everyone has gone down, so it’s not enough to stop them.”

"Yeah, City Lord Yehua, City Lord Lin, there are too many ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of epic below. It's not that I discouraged our confidence. I'm worried that even if we all go, we won't be able to stop those level [-] epic The ancient zombie warriors broke through the entrance of the hollow mountain, so we will go down in vain, and we will be dragged back by those ancient zombie warriors," said another city lord of the fourth level of epic.

After Lin Hua heard the words of the two epic fourth-level city lords, the expression on his face did not change at all. Lin Hua also knew that what they said was correct, so he looked at the number of the epic fourth-level ancient zombie fighters below. It is useless for him and the others to go down, and they cannot be stopped at all. It is very likely that they will be surrounded by ancient zombie warriors, unable to escape, and finally die below.

But even so, they are going to go down. If they don't go down, the result will be the same. The entrance of the hollow mountain will be broken. They will have to go down by then to fight those ancient zombie fighters. And by then, all the ancient zombie fighters They will all rush over, and the advantages of the number of ancient zombie warriors will be fully utilized, which is particularly unfavorable for their human army.

After hearing the words of the two city lords, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, fell silent for a while, and then said to the city lords, "Although going on now may not be able to stop those epic fourth-order ancient zombie warriors from breaking through the defense at the entrance of Hollow Mountain, but we I have to give it a try. If I don’t try it, then those ancient zombie warriors of the epic level [-] will definitely break through, but our human army is too passive at that time, so no matter from which angle we look at it I’m going down, I’m going to give it a try.”

"Try it, it's a try with your life. Everyone has seen the number of epic fourth-order ancient zombie fighters below. That's not a small number. Obviously, we don't know if we can go down this time. How many people went back alive," said a fourth-level city lord.

Lin Hua sneered after hearing the words of the fourth-level city lord of the epic, "Go back alive. If you get rich in this war, no one can go back alive. Since you have come to participate in this war, then don't think about whether you will live or not." The thing is, the only thing we want to think about is the victory of this war, how can we humans win the victory of this war”

"What City Lord Lin said is right. Since we are all here, don't think about life and death. The only thing to consider is that we humans win this war. Humans can continue to exist in this world. If we lose, then humans It will disappear in this world and cease to exist," said a fourth-level epic city lord.

"Yes, we must go down this time. Even if we know that we will die, we must go down. We can't let these ancient zombie warriors break through the entrance of Hollow Mountain so easily. Even if our human army loses this war , and kill as many ancient zombie warriors as possible, probably because we killed more ancient zombie warriors, our human army defeated the army of ancient zombie warriors," said Bai Zhantang, the fourth-rank city lord of the epic.

"I also agree. If you are a man, you should die in battle. There is nothing hiding here. If you don't fight hard, how will you know whether we can stop it? Even if I die, I will die before Hollow Mountain is broken." Another city lord at the fourth level of epic said.

(End of this chapter)

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