Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 756 The situation worsens

Chapter 756 The situation worsens
This ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of epic strength, the ninth corpse king, shouted loudly to the ancient zombie warrior of level four of the epic, "Rush over now!" The ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of epic shouted while rushing upwards After hearing the words of the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior Ninth Corpse King, the ancient zombie warriors at the fourth level of the epic rushed up quickly.

This ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of epic strength, the Ninth Corpse King, took those ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of epic strength, and within a few steps, he saw Lin Hua and the others, jumping off the ice dragon or the fire phoenix one after another. , blocking their way.

At this time, the ancient zombie warrior Ninth Zombie King of the epic level [-] strength saw Lin Hua and the others blocking the way, his eyes showed a strong killing intent, and without the slightest hesitation, he came to kill Lin Hua and the others.

After Lin Hua and the other human supernatural beings saw the aggressive fifth-level ancient zombie warrior Ninth Zombie King bringing those ancient zombie warriors of the fourth epic level to kill them, they waved their swords without the slightest fear. The weapons rushed towards the epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors who rushed over.

"Brothers, meet on a narrow road and the brave wins" Li Jie shouted excitedly as he watched the epic fourth-tier ancient zombie warriors rushing over. At this time, Li Jie's skills were fully activated. It turned blood red, coupled with the excited and crazy expression on Li Jie's face now, as if he was a demon who just came out of hell.

And Li Jie's words undoubtedly encouraged these city lords and the leaders of the wild forces even more. Although they knew that they might not be able to survive this time when they came down to stop these epic fourth-level ancient zombie fighters, they didn't want to die. So they are all extremely ferocious, trying to kill their opponents so as to survive.

Lin Hua rushed to the front of everyone. Lin Hua was the one who dealt with the fifth-tier epic zombie warrior, the Ninth Corpse King. Ice dragons attack other epic fourth-level ancient zombie warriors. The power of ice dragons is huge. Those epic fourth-level ancient zombie warriors simply cannot resist the huge power of ice dragons. Every epic fourth-level warrior who fights with ice dragons The ancient zombie warriors were all thrown into the air by the ice dragon, some fell heavily to the ground, and some fell to the pass on both sides of the mountain!

However, although the ice dragon is powerful, it is not so easy to kill these epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors. The six epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors worked together to hold the ice dragon back!When the ancient zombie warrior epic reached the fourth level of epic strength, they all possessed wisdom no less than human beings, so the six ancient zombie warriors of the fourth epic level who fought the ice dragon knew that the ice dragon was powerful, so They didn't collide with the ice dragon at all, but kept avoiding the impact of the ice dragon. The ice dragon's size was huge and its reaction speed was slow, so it was easy to be dodged by those epic four-level ancient zombie warriors. The six ancient zombie warriors of level [-] Epic couldn't do much damage when they attacked the ice dragon, they just held the ice dragon back temporarily.

On the other hand, Xuewu controlled the fire phoenix to spray out flames to attack those ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic, while wielding his long sword to fight with two ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic.

At this time, all of Li Jie and the others were fighting those ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic.

The epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior Ninth Corpse King who fought with Lin Hua saw that those epic fourth-level ancient zombie warriors fought and were firmly held back by their opponents, while the epic fourth-level ancient zombie warriors behind The zombie warrior couldn't rush through because there were not many positions in front of him, so he couldn't help being a little anxious, and then shouted loudly, "Don't be dragged back, remember that our task is to break through the defense at the entrance of Hollow Mountain and create opportunities for our army to win."

After Lin Hua heard the words of this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, the ninth corpse king, she secretly screamed that it was not good, and accelerated her attack on this epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior ninth corpse king, wanting to quickly kill this The ninth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth epic.

And after hearing the words of the ancient zombie warrior Ninth Corpse King with the strength of the epic level [-], some two or three people dealt with an ancient zombie warrior of the epic level [-], put aside their opponents one after another, and rushed towards the entrance of the Hollow Mountain in front , and these city lords, the leaders of the wild forces, just now they were under a lot of pressure on two or three epic fourth-level ancient zombie fighters, but they didn't have the slightest fear, because they tried their best to hold back their opponents, but they saw The opponents who were fighting with themselves rushed forward one after another, and they all wanted to stop them, but their opponent, the remaining epic fourth-level ancient zombie warrior, held them back so that they could not stop those The epic four-rank ancient zombie warrior rushing forward.

Because the extra epic fourth-level ancient zombie warriors rushed towards the entrance of the Hollow Mountain in front, so they couldn’t just give up a lot of positions, and those epic fourth-level ancient zombie warriors who had no position in the back rushed over one after another !These epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors who rushed over from behind did not help their companions who were fighting, but rushed directly to the entrance of Hollow Mountain, because their task was to break through the defense of the human army at the entrance of Hollow Mountain, and then Seeing these ancient zombie warriors of the epic level [-] rushing towards the entrance of Hollow Mountain, Lin Hua knew that the situation was getting worse.

Although he knew that the situation was deteriorating, Lin Hua had no way to change the current situation at this time, because these were ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic, and it was impossible for him to kill them directly with his wide range of skills!

And those city lords who were fighting and the leaders of the wild forces felt a sense of powerlessness when they saw those epic fourth-order ancient zombie warriors rushing towards the entrance of Hollow Mountain, and they all tried their best to stop those There are ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic, but because their number is on Mount Tai, it is simply impossible to stop them all.

Lin Hua repelled them fiercely with the Baqi Hanjian, and the ancient zombie warrior with epic fifth-level strength, the Ninth Corpse King, shouted at the city lords, "Everyone, don't be discouraged, try to get rid of your opponents quickly, and then Go to the entrance and kill"

(End of this chapter)

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