Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 757 About to break through the defense

Chapter 757 About to break through the defense

"Yes, we still haven't lost yet, and the outcome of the battlefield is still unknown," Duanmu Hanjiang, the host of Yehua City, shouted loudly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

Although Lin Hua and the others cheered, the strength of these city lords was similar to that of their opponents, the ancient zombie warriors, so even if they wanted to solve the battle as soon as possible, it was not so fast!

However, Li Jie, the others, and Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, are all at the fifth level of epic, so it is much easier to deal with those ancient zombie fighters at level [-] of epic, especially Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua, because his His strength was already at the peak of the fifth level of the epic and his speed was extremely fast, so those ancient zombie warriors of the fourth level of the epic would die in the hands of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, before they could walk for a few rounds.

After Yehua City Master and Li Jie killed their opponents, they wanted to go to the front to stop the epic fourth-level ancient zombie warriors running towards the entrance of Hollow Mountain, but they were quickly rushed by the epic fourth-level ancient zombie warriors who rushed over from behind. The zombie fighters were stopped.

Because of Lin Hua's skill, Sword Rain of Ice Profound Truth, in order not to cause accidental injury, Lin Hua controlled the release range of the skill, and only released the skill 200 meters away from the entrance of Hollow Mountain, leaving the ancient zombies 100 meters away. The warrior didn't die.

Those epic fourth-order ancient zombies who rushed over were blocked by ordinary ancient zombie fighters in front of them, so they couldn't rush to the front for a while, and attacked the human supernatural beings at the entrance of Hollow Mountain. They could only wait. , Waiting for the ordinary ancient zombie fighters in front to die before they can rush up.

On the huge stage outside Hollow Mountain, Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of Yehua City, saw that Lin Hua and the others failed to completely stop the ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic, so he directly ordered to send a large number of human abilities with relatively high levels. Or, go ahead and block the entrance of the main Hollow Mountain!

Although Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of the fourth level of the epic, sent high-level human supernatural powers to block the road, he still had no idea in his heart, because Lin Hua, the most powerful city lord and leader of the field forces, did not block the road. As for these ancient zombie warriors of the epic fourth level, how could the remaining human supernatural beings with lower levels than Lin Hua and the others be able to resist them.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of Yehua City, said to the supernatural being next to him who knew the third level of the epic, "Let everyone prepare, the entrance to the Hollow Mountain is about to be unstoppable, and then we will fight with the ancient zombie warriors." It's a head-on fight"

After hearing the words of the deputy city lord Wei Chen, the Epic third-level power user immediately went to pass on the order. Although Wei Chen, who is at the fourth epic level, is the deputy city lord of Yehua City, but when Yehua City lord Duanmu Hanjiang was about to leave. It has already been handed over to Wei Chen to command the remaining human army.

Wei Chen saw the Epic Level [-] superhuman, and after passing the order, Wei Chen drew out his broadsword and walked towards Hollow Mountain.

Because Lin Hua's strength is far higher than that of the fifth-level epic zombie warrior Ninth Corpse King. The ninth zombie warrior, the ninth zombie warrior, was killed by Lin Hua when he fought with Lin Hua for about 5 minutes. After Lin Hua killed this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, Lin Hua went to the front to deal with it. Those ancient zombie warriors at the entrance of Hollow Mountain, because there is still less than ten meters away, those ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic are going to rush to the front, but some ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic saw Lin Hua After killing the epic fifth-tier ancient zombie warrior, the Ninth Corpse King, he rushed towards Lin Hua, and Lin Hua was dragged back again.

Seeing the ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic rushing to the front, they were less than a few meters away from reaching the front of the entrance, Lin Hua and the others couldn't help but become more anxious, because those ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic , Even if they want to kill, it is not easy, let alone those supernatural beings whose strength levels are lower than theirs.

The number of ancient zombie warriors at the epic level [-] is only a few hundred, so except for those who fought with Lin Hua and the others, the rest are waiting to rush out at the entrance of Hollow Mountain.

And after these epic level [-] ancient zombie fighters, the ordinary ancient zombie fighters behind them also rushed over.

Lin Hua looked at the entrance of Hollow Mountain, and knew that it was inevitable that the defense of the entrance would be breached. The situation on their battlefield became even more unfavorable. Now there is only one way to solve this war, and that is to kill Get rid of that ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, as long as they kill that ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, then they can win this war.

After Lin Hua thought of this, he shouted loudly to the city masters who were fighting, "Everyone, get closer. After the ordinary ancient zombie fighters behind have rushed over, we will find a chance to leave and kill Emperor Nuo."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, these city lords slowly moved closer while fighting.

And just as Lin Hua and the others approached each other, those ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic lined up at the entrance of Hollow Mountain finally reached the front. These ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic were all extremely powerful. , and they were all extremely brave, frantically attacking those defending human abilities around them.

Most of these human supernatural beings defending at the entrance of Hollow Mountain are extraordinary and amethyst-level strengths. Although they have an advantage in numbers, they want to kill those who are much stronger than their epic level [-] Ancient zombie warrior is not an easy task either!And these epic fourth-order ancient zombie warriors showed abnormal ferocity once they arrived at the entrance of Hollow Mountain, so the casualties of the human army guarding at the entrance of Hollow Mountain accelerated a lot, because the speed of dead and injured human supernatural beings increased. Quite a few, some human supernatural beings in the back didn't make up their positions in time, and were slowly expanded outward by those epic fourth-order ancient zombie fighters.

At the beginning, the expansion speed was very slow, but because of the expansion, the number of epic fourth-level ancient zombie fighters rushed out was a little more, and the expansion speed was getting faster and faster like a snowball!Although many ancient zombie warriors of epic level [-] had already died in the hands of human supernatural beings, the ordinary ancient zombie warriors behind all rushed over!More and more ancient zombie warriors rushed out of the entrance of Hollow Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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