Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 767 Closing Phantom

Chapter 767
Therefore, after careful defense of the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] Zombie King at the peak of the Epic Tier [-], he was also injured a lot by Lin Hua's two supernatural bodies. The speed at which the warrior's first corpse king lost.

In this way, about 3 minutes passed, and the ancient zombie warrior No. [-] corpse king with the peak strength of the epic fifth rank died in the hands of Lin Hua's two supernatural beings.

At the moment when the No. [-] Zombie King, the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, died, Lin Hua took back two supernatural bodies!Lin Hua, who recovered the two supernatural powers, immediately increased a lot of supernatural powers, about [-]% left.

After the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo saw the death of the first corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior with the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic, some angry expressions appeared on his face, because the first corpse king of the peak strength of the fifth level of the epic was in He is the most powerful zombie king under him. After he was killed by Lin Hua's supernatural body, this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, wanted to kill Lin Hua immediately.

However, Lin Hua was no longer worried about the consumption of powers, so he calmly resisted the attacks of the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, and if he couldn't resist, he used the ice phantom to dodge.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, saw that the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo went crazy and attacked Lin Hua. If Nuo was seriously injured, then the rest of him would simply not be able to deal with this ancient zombie warrior Dinuo.

Therefore, Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of the night talk city, also desperately attacked the ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo, but for this ancient zombie warrior Di Nuo, it didn't play the slightest role at all. Attacking him, this ancient zombie warrior Shidino resisted calmly!Can't hurt this ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo in the slightest.

Even though the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo could not be hurt, Duanmu Hanjiang and Lin Hua, the city masters of Yehua, had no other choice but to maintain it like this.

The battle between Li Jie and that ancient zombie warrior, the Fifth Corpse King, is still going on. After fighting for a long time, the two still can't decide the winner. This makes Li Jie very anxious, because he saw that many human city lords are already dead. Died, the longer the time drags on, the more people will die. By then, it will not only be those human supernatural beings who will die, but probably their companions.

There is only one way to quickly defeat the ancient zombie warrior Fifth Corpse King with the strength of the epic fifth level, and that is to fight desperately, so Li Jie let go of the battle, no longer defending the ancient fifth level of the epic The attack of the zombie warrior Fifth Corpse King was an attack with all his strength. Finally, under Li Jie's desperate attack, the ancient zombie warrior Fifth Corpse King died under Li Jie's dragon pattern epee, but Li Jie's The left abdomen was also injured, and the blood kept flowing. Li Jie casually pulled a piece of cloth off his clothes, and quickly bandaged the wound on his left abdomen. It is said that the fourth zombie warrior, the ancient zombie warrior injured by the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, is currently fighting an epic fourth-tier city lord.

Although the fourth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior was injured by Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, he is also the strength of the late fifth level of the epic, infinitely close to the peak of the fifth level of the epic, how could the city lord of the fourth level of the epic be his opponent Oh, in the battle just now, the fourth zombie warrior of the late fifth stage of the epic has already killed several city lords, so Li Jie directly swung his dragon pattern epee and rushed towards the late fifth stage of the epic The powerful ancient zombie warrior fourth corpse king.

As for Beibei's battle with that ancient zombie warrior, the Sixth Zombie King, although Beibei's speed had a great advantage, but after fighting for more than 20 minutes, there was no difference in the increase, but this epic fifth-order The sixth corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior was scratched several times by Beibei's two sharp claws!

The ancient zombie warrior Sixth Zombie King with epic level [-] strength, although the wounds scratched by Beibei kept flowing black blood, but his attacks on Beibei were not affected by these injuries.

And after Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, eliminated the ancient zombie warrior Ninth Corpse King who was fighting with him, he went to help Heisha deal with the ancient zombie warrior Eighth Corpse King, because Heisha and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, were the two of them. The speed is very fast, so soon the ancient zombie warrior Eighth Corpse King died on Heisha's sharp claws. After finishing the Eighth Corpse King, Heisha and zombie slayer Wu Yu planned to help other There are more than a dozen epic fourth-order ancient zombie warriors rushing over, entangled the two of them at once!
Heisha and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, can only fight these ancient zombie warriors of level [-] epic, and they can't help other people at all.

Huo Guang and Gu Tian also dealt with the two zombie kings who were fighting with them one after another, but then they were also entangled by some ancient zombie warriors who rushed up, and they couldn't help other people at all!

Although Lin Hua and Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, did not have much advantage against the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo, but as those corpse kings continued to die, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo began to become more violent , like a raging lion, madly attacking Lin Hua and Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang.

Just now, Duanmu Hanjiang could find a chance to attack the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, but as the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo became more and more violent, Lin Hua and the others had no chance to attack at all. It is passively defending against the attack of the ancient zombie warrior Shi Huangnuo.

If the defense is not timely, if you are hit by this ancient zombie warrior, at least you will be seriously injured.

After Lin Hua saw such a berserk attack by the ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, she couldn't help but smiled and said to the ancient zombie warrior, "What's the matter, it's just a few dead kings, I can't stand it." , isn’t there still a corpse king who didn’t die?”

After hearing Lin Hua's words, although the ancient zombie warrior Shihuang was particularly violent at this time, he was very rational despite being violent. He understood that it was Lin Hua who deliberately stimulated him. Without the slightest weakening, he said with a smile, "Hehe, although our corpse king is almost dead, but you human supernatural beings are also dead, I want to see how many dreams are still alive in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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