Chapter 768 Twist
What the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo said is not wrong. Although he has already killed six corpse kings, many of their city lords died, and more and more people died. Although the king is dead, those ancient zombie warriors have not decreased in the slightest. If this continues, Li Jie and the others will be killed by the ancient zombie warriors around them.

The words of the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo made Lin Hua and the others feel a little anxious. They must get rid of the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo as soon as possible, so that they can effectively attack the surrounding ancient zombies. Zombie warriors, otherwise, everyone will die here.

But no matter how anxious Lin Hua and the others were, they still couldn't change the situation of fighting the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, because the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo was too powerful.

"Hehe, why are you two in a hurry? Are you worried that all of you will die here?" Feeling that Lin Hua and the others were in a hurry, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo sneered at Lin Hua and the others. said
Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang were a little angry when they heard the words of the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo, but what the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo said was the truth!If the current situation is not changed, everyone will really die here.

After thinking of this, Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, had an idea in his mind, that is to create an opportunity for Lin Hua, let Lin Hua use the skill to move the ice phantom to kill the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo, but the opportunity is not so easy to create What's more, now that both of them are being beaten by the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo, the city lord Yehua tried hard to find a way, and finally Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, decided that he would not defend against this ancient zombie. The warrior Emperor Nuo attacked himself, and completely fought the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo in a bloody battle. The ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo was so careful, he would definitely relax his attack and start defending. The Warrior Corpse Emperor has more chances to attack.

The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo saw the sudden change of the owner of the night talk city. After not defending against his own attack, he began to be vigilant, because if he and the night talk city mainly played desperately, although they could be seriously injured or It is to kill him directly, but my ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo himself will be seriously injured, so if he is seriously injured, his strength will be greatly reduced, and it will not be so easy to deal with Lin Hua at that time!

After hesitating for a while, this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, decided not to fight head-on with Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk. Now, as long as he delays the time, all the humans here will die in a short time. If they fall, there will be only Lin Hua and the others left, so Lin Hua and the others will die here sooner or later.

After thinking of this, the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo began to defend himself. After Lin Hua saw the change of the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo against the attack of the city lord Yehua, he also attacked the ancient zombie warrior Shi Nuo without defense. Emperor Nuo, the situation immediately reversed.

After seeing Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang both of them playing desperately, the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo said with a smile on his face, "Hehe, let me see it is the time for me to persist." Long, or the remaining human beings persist for a long time.”

Lin Hua and Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, were desperately attacking the ancient zombie warrior, the Emperor of Zombies, because time was really running out for them, and now they came to forcibly kill the ancient zombie warrior, Emperor of the Dead. There are more than 100 people in Nuo, and now there are less than 60 people left, and there are more than [-] people left, and many of them are injured. Everyone will die here, even if the remaining two people, Duanmu Hanjiang and Yehua city lord, are of no use at all, so many ancient zombie warriors rushed to protect this ancient zombie warrior Shididi Nuo, they just There is really no chance to kill this ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Shi Nuo.

So they must take advantage of this opportunity to kill this ancient zombie warrior Emperor Shi Nuo, no matter how much they pay, they will kill him.

No matter how hard Lin Hua and Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang tried to attack, the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo's defense was very timely, and he couldn't hurt the ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo at all.

After Lin Hua looked at the fallen city lords or leaders of some wild forces around him, she couldn't help but make a decision, that is to summon two supernatural beings, so that four people can attack this ancient zombie warrior If the corpse emperor said, then this ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor nuo must not be able to block all of them, and then there will be a chance to seriously injure him.

However, Lin Hua's idea is very risky, because the strength of the two supernatural bodies is weaker than Lin Hua's body. Fighting is like fighting this ancient zombie warrior Shidi Nuo now, and the power gap between the supernatural body and the main body will be revealed at once. If the two supernatural beings, Lin Hua, are destroyed by the ancient zombie warrior Shidinuo If so, then Lin Hua's body's abilities won't last long, but if they don't do this, the result will be the same if they continue to fight, so now it can only be a risk.

After Lin Hua had an idea, he immediately released the clone of the skill "Ice Mystery". The moment the two supernatural bodies came out, Lin Hua's body controlled the two supernatural bodies to attack the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo crazily. stand up.

Originally, the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor Nuo could calmly resist the attacks of Lin Hua and Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang, but after two more Lin Hua's supernatural bodies suddenly appeared, his defense began to change. It was very hasty.

This ancient zombie warrior, Emperor Nuo, knew that if he continued to defend against the attacks of Lin Hua and the four of them, he would definitely be unable to defend in the end, and would be defeated at that time. He was thinking hard about how to solve the current situation at this time. The situation, the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo soon discovered that Lin Hua's two supernatural powers were relatively weak, and then planned to kill one of Lin Hua's supernatural powers first, so that his situation would change a lot .

(End of this chapter)

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