Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 773 The Familiar Feeling

Chapter 773 The Familiar Feeling

The villager in the fishing village who rescued Lin Hua was a man of yellow race named Zhang Liang, who belonged to a supernatural power, but the level of supernatural power was a bit low, so he could only support his family by fishing. Zhang Liang had a wife, Wang Tingting. With an eight-year-old son, Zhang Xuedong, and an old mother, after seeing that Lin Hua lost his memory, they took Lin Hua in and taught Lin Hua some fishing skills. Liang fished every day, so Lin Hua lived in this small fishing village for more than a month.

As usual, after Lin Hua and Zhang Liang returned from fishing in the sea, while Lin Hua was drying the fish, suddenly there was a drumbeat at the entrance of the small fishing village. This was the first time Lin Hua heard the drumbeat. I knew what happened, so I just ignored it, and I was still drying the fish somewhere.

At this time, Zhang Liang, who was making fishing nets on the side of the house, heard the sound of the drum, and said to Lin Hua with a serious expression on his face, "Lin Hua, there must be something important happening in the village. I'm going to the entrance of the village." Look, you stay inside"

"Okay, Brother Zhang," Lin Hua replied directly to Zhang Liang after hearing Zhang Liang's words.

And Zhang Liang quickly ran towards the entrance of the fishing village!

At this time, there are many fishing village villagers gathered at the entrance of the fishing village. They don't know why the village chief beats the drums to call all the people over. Generally, the drums are played for some important things.

The head of this fishing village is an old man in his 50s, with gray hair. Although the head of the village is already in his 50s, he looks very strong, with a big knife pinned to her back. , the village head is also a supernatural person, and he is the most powerful one in their village, with the strength of the third level of Amethyst.

At this time, the village head had a worried look on his old face, because two supernatural beings of the first level suddenly came to the village just now. Nei must prepare for them, at least [-] amethyst-level heterogeneous cores, and they will come to get them, otherwise, all the people in their fishing village will be wiped out.

After the two supernatural beings finished speaking, they left the fishing village directly.

The village chief knew that it would be impossible for everyone in the village to produce the different cores of five hundred amethysts, so he could only call the villagers out of the village to discuss the countermeasures.

After a few minutes, the village chief saw that almost 300 villagers had arrived, and said with a sigh, "I called you here today to discuss something with you. Just now, two supernatural beings said It’s the bandits around, and we’re limited to five days to prepare five hundred amethyst-level alien cores, otherwise all the villagers will be slaughtered.”

"What, five hundred amethyst heterocores, where can we get them?" A villager said after hearing what the village chief said.
"That's right, those robbers are a little crazy, even if they rob, it should be based on the actual situation," another villager said.

"Village chief, otherwise, let's fight those robbers, anyway, there are quite a few supernatural beings in our village," another villager said.

"I know that everyone may not be able to accept it now, and I am the same, but the strength of the two supernatural beings who came to deliver the letter just now is much higher than mine, at least a few levels higher, neither of them is what we can do. It can be dealt with, and I don't know how many robbers there are, fighting with those robbers can only lead to a dead end," the village chief said with a sigh after hearing what the three villagers said.

After hearing the words of the village chief, the faces of these villagers showed some expressions of anger and fear. The village chief is the most powerful person in their village. The strength of the third level of Amethyst, the village chief does not have those two The level of a bandit is high, so no one in the village can beat those two bandits, and it's not just a simple matter of two bandits!
"Village chief, think of a way, we will do whatever you tell us to do," a villager said slowly after hearing the village chief's words.

"Yes, village chief, you must think of a way to save everyone, or everyone will die here," another villager said.

At this time, the villager Zhang Liang was very angry when he found out about the incident, but he didn't say much, because the villagers said what he wanted to say.

"Within five days, even if we go fishing desperately and go to the city to exchange for heteronucleus, it is impossible, so we can only venture to the gray forest to hunt some low-level zombies, and then go to the city to exchange for some amethyst. Different cores, so that we have a chance to get enough amethyst different cores," the village chief said slowly after hearing what the villagers said.

This gray forest is about 100 kilometers away from their fishing village. The gray forest is a dense rainforest area, and the area is very wide. There are a lot of zombies in it, but the level of zombies inside is generally quite high. !Some human supernatural beings like to take risks and hunt zombies to obtain different cores to improve their strength, but the outskirts of this gray forest are relatively safe. Where the zombies are relatively low-level, they are all platinum and amethyst-level. If you walk towards the inside, the level of the zombies inside is very high.

When the village chief said about the gray forest, these villagers showed some fear on their faces, because they all knew how dangerous the gray forest was, and the level of the supernatural beings among these villagers was so high. In the low case, it is easy to die even in the periphery.

After seeing the fear on the faces of certain villagers, the village head continued, "There is no other way now, if we don't take risks in the gray forest, then everyone in our village will die, so for your own sake Family, we are also going to take risks."

"Yes, what the village chief said is correct. I, Zhang Liang, will go with the village chief." After hearing the village chief's words, Zhang Liang said directly without the slightest hesitation.

After Zhang Liang took the lead, more than 30 supernatural beings in the village signed up one after another to go to the gray forest with the village chief for an adventure, hunting some zombies to obtain heterogeneous cores.

"Okay, let's meet at the entrance of the village at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Everyone brings their own food. Everyone, let's go home and have a good rest." The village chief said to the villagers after seeing the registration of the supernatural person in the village .

Afterwards, the villagers dispersed one after another and returned to their homes. After Zhang Liang returned home, he looked worried, but he did not tell Lin Hua and the others about the matter after returning home, because Zhang Liang did not want Lin Hua to They worry about themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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