Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 774 0 Broken Picture

Chapter 774 Fragmentary Picture

But paper can't cover fire. Although Zhang Liang didn't say anything, Ma Simeng, the youngest daughter of the village chief, accidentally told Lin Hua about it when she came to find Lin Hua.

This Ma Simeng is the daughter of the village chief. She is 21 years old and she looks pretty. Because Lin Hua is about the same age as her, and Lin Hua is handsome, so she just likes Lin Hua and often comes to see Lin Hua. But Lin Hua treats Ma Simeng like a younger sister.

After Lin Hua found out about the incident, she decided to go on an adventure with Zhang Liang. Although Lin Hua had lost her memory, her strength and physical strength were at the fifth level of Epic. It is much stronger than this Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang originally rejected Lin Hua and didn't let Lin Hua go with him, because Zhang Liang believed that Lin Hua had no supernatural powers. It's a dangerous matter, so I don't want to get Lin Hua involved.

However, under Lin Hua's unanimous request, Zhang Liang could only agree to Lin Hua's request and agreed to go to the gray forest with him for an adventure, but Zhang Liang asked Lin Hua to wait for him in the house for a while.

Then Zhang Liang went out, and only Lin Hua, the village head's daughter Ma Simeng, and Zhang Liang's wife and children were left in the house.

About ten minutes later, Zhang Liang came back, but he took out a transparent rhombus-shaped sword in Zhang Liang's hand. The sword in Zhang Liang's hand was Lin Hua's Ba Qi Han Sword.

When Lin Hua saw the Baqihan Sword in Zhang Liang's hand, she couldn't help standing up, and walked towards Zhang Liang, because he had a particularly familiar feeling with the Baqihan Sword.

"This sword looks so beautiful, even though it feels very fragile." Ma Simeng couldn't help but said excitedly after seeing Baqi Hanjiang.

"This sword was picked up together the day I rescued you," Zhang Liang said after handing the sword to Lin Hua.

"Brother Zhang, why do I feel that I am very familiar with this sword?" Lin Hua said to Zhang Liang after receiving the Ba Qi Han Sword.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Zhang Liang smiled and said, "Maybe this sword used to be yours, so you have a familiar feeling."

"This sword is so handsome. If the owner of this sword is really Brother Lin, then Brother Lin must be a very powerful person." Ma Simeng continued after hearing Zhang Liang's words.

Lin Hua took over the Baqi Hanjiang, and immediately gave Lin Hua a cool feeling. This cool feeling made Lin Hua feel particularly comfortable. Lin Hua looked at this old weapon by herself, although It feels very familiar, but I still can't remember anything. When Lin Hua saw the hilt of the Baqihan Sword, it suddenly exploded in half, and some memories appeared in Lin Hua's head. Fragments, especially blurred, and accompanied by severe pain.

Lin Hua hugged her head because of the pain, with a painful expression on her face. After seeing Lin Hua suddenly like this, Zhang Liang and Ma Simeng couldn't help being anxious, they came to support Lin Hua, and then Zhang Liang looked at Lin Hua said with a painful expression, "Lin Hua, it's been a long time since your body recovered, so don't think about the past, as time goes by, your memories will come back slowly."

"Yeah Brother Lin, your memory loss must have been caused by a severe blow to your head. It's not a solution to think about the past so hard. After a long time, the memories from the past will slowly come back." Ma Simeng looked at it Lin Hua said with a painful face.

And after Lin Hua's head hurt for a while, Lin Hua also didn't want to think about the past. When he saw the name of Ba Qi Han Jian just now, some images appeared in his head, that is, he and the ancient zombie warrior The scene of the last battle between the corpse emperor Nuo and the two people in the sky, and the weapon in his hand is the Baqi Hanjian, Lin Hua only remembered these, and couldn't remember anything else.

As Lin Hua stopped thinking about the past, the pain in Lin Hua's head disappeared, and then Lin Hua said to Zhang Liang and the others, "This eight-odd cold sword is indeed my weapon. I recalled it just now. I fought a zombie warrior at sea, and I killed that zombie warrior, but my head was severely injured, so I lost my memory."

"Fighting a zombie warrior, so you say that, are you a supernatural power user, can you use supernatural powers?" Zhang Liang said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yes, Brother Lin, do you know how to use supernatural powers?" Ma Simeng said with the same curiosity.

"I don't know what a supernatural power is, what is a supernatural power?" Lin Hua asked curiously.

Because he knew that Lin Hua had amnesia and had forgotten everything, so Zhang Liang began to explain the power to Lin Hua. After hearing Zhang Liang's explanation of the power, Lin Hua knew that there was a large amount of power in his body. The ability, but he will not use this ability, and then told Zhang Liang and the others about his physical condition.

Although both Zhang Liang and Ma Simeng were very curious about whether Lin Hua's words were true, because Lin Hua described that there were too many supernatural abilities in his body, which were not acceptable to them at all, and Lin Hua didn't say anything. It's a lie, what he said is all true, because Zhang Liang is only at the first level of Amethyst, and Ma Simeng is only at the fifth level of Platinum, they only have so many abilities in their bodies, and Lin Hua is already at the peak of the fifth level of Epic The strength has increased, and it is faintly about to enter the first-level strength of immortality, so the abilities in Lin Hua's body are beyond what Zhang Liang and the others can imagine!

Although he had some doubts about whether what Lin Hua said was true or not, Zhang Liang began to tell Lin Hua how to use his abilities to fight.

With Zhang Liang's help, Lin Hua has already learned some simple fighting skills, but Lin Hua can't remember his previous skills!

Lin Hua practiced the fighting skills given to him by Zhang Liang until very late before going to sleep.

When Lin Hua was lying down and resting, he recalled the incident with the ancient zombie warrior Emperor Nuo that he had recalled during the day, but Lin Hua's recollection this time was much clearer than when he recalled it just now!Even so, Lin Hua only remembered these things, and didn't know anything about other things.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua got up early, because Lin Hua was going to go adventuring in the gray forest with Zhang Liang and the others today.

When Lin Hua and the others arrived at the entrance of the village, there were already a lot of people. Everyone in the village knew Lin Hua. Because Lin Hua had nothing to do and often helped others with work, everyone was I have a special fondness for Lin Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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