Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 775 An Adventure Team

Chapter 775 An Adventure Team

Especially the village head, because the village head knows that his daughter likes Lin Hua!The village head also thinks that Lin Hua is a good person. Although he has no abilities, because the level of the village head's abilities is too low, he can't see Lin Hua's abilities. However, Lin Hua loves to help other people. work!
When the village chief saw Lin Hua following Zhang Liang with the Baqi Hanjian on his back, he couldn't help but wonder why Zhang Liang brought Lin Hua with him.

Then the village chief asked Zhang Liang, "Zhang Liang, Lin Hua doesn't have supernatural powers, why did you take him to follow us to the gray forest?"

"It wasn't the village chief, I didn't ask Lin Hua to go with me, it was he who wanted to go, Lin Hua didn't have supernatural powers, he had supernatural powers in his body, but because of Lin Hua's amnesia, he simply didn't want to go. Can control abilities, I taught him some simple ways to use abilities to fight yesterday," Zhang Liang said directly after hearing the words of the village chief.

"Lin Hua also has abilities, so why can't I see that Lin Hua has abilities? Zhang Liang, are you joking?" A villager said in disbelief after hearing Zhang Liang's words.

"Yeah, I can't tell that Lin Hua has supernatural abilities. If you say that Lin Hua has supernatural abilities, isn't that higher than our supernatural abilities?" A villager continued.

"I don't know about this, but Lin Hua himself said that he has a lot of supernatural powers in his body. If you don't believe me, you can ask Lin Hua yourself." Zhang Liang said directly after hearing what these villagers said.

After hearing Zhang Liang's words, these villagers all looked at Lin Hua. Lin Hua looked at the villagers and looked at her, then scratched her head and said in embarrassment, "Brother Zhang is telling the truth, there is something inside me. There are a lot of abilities, but I don’t know how to use them.”

After hearing Lin Hua's words, these villagers couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Looking at Lin Hua's appearance, they weren't lying, but they really didn't see the slightest fluctuation of abilities in Lin Hua's body.

The village chief looked at Lin Hua and frowned, because he couldn't see any abnormal fluctuations in Lin Hua's body, and then said to Lin Hua, "Lin Hua, the gray forest we went to this time is particularly dangerous. , you want to repel and follow, but when the time comes, everything will depend on you, and we don't have much ability to protect you."

"Yes, what Village Chief Lin Hua said is not wrong. The zombies in that gray forest are relatively powerful. We will fight at that time, and we don't have much energy to protect you. If you don't want to go now, you can stay here In the village, this is at least safer," Zhang Liang said slowly to Lin Hua after hearing what the village chief said.

Lin Hua looked at the village chief, then at Zhang Liang, and then said with a smile, "I understand your kind intentions, but there is nothing wrong with it. I will protect myself when the time comes."

After hearing what Lin Hua said, the village chief and the others didn't say anything!After that, Lin Hua followed the village head and more than 30 people to the gray forest.

This gray forest is about a day's journey away from Lin Hua's fishing village. Because the time is particularly tight, Lin Hua and the others are moving towards the gray forest at a faster pace.

It wasn't until after six o'clock in the evening that Lin Hua and the others arrived at the outer part of the gray forest. Because the sky was gradually getting dark, Lin Hua and the others did not directly enter the gray forest, but were at the outer edge of the gray forest. About a few hundred meters away, there was a rest.

Today, during Lin Hua's journey to this gray forest, they encountered some zombie fighters with relatively low strength, and they were wiped out by these villagers, because the strength level of those zombie fighters was very low, around the level of gold , so these villagers did not suffer any casualties.

However, today is Lin Hua’s first time seeing zombie warriors after amnesia, which reminds Lin Hua of many things. These things Lin Hua recalls are the skills and experience of fighting those zombies. Other memories about Lin Hua Lin Hua didn't think too much about it.

After collecting some dry wood nearby and lighting a bonfire, Lin Hua and the villagers roasted next to the fire and ate some food.

They came this time, counting Lin Hua, there are a total of 32 people, and there are 47 people with supernatural powers in the fishing village. Some of the supernatural beings came down to protect the villagers.

Except for Lin Hua, among the 31 villagers, the village chief Ma Teng has the best strength, which is at the third level of Amethyst, while most of the remaining villagers are at the Platinum level, and only six of them are Amethyst. In terms of levels, this includes Zhang Liang, who is at the first level of Amethyst.

When Lin Hua and the others were resting for about half an hour, some footsteps suddenly came out in the distance. These footsteps were getting closer and closer, and they were walking towards Lin Hua and the others.

After hearing these approaching footsteps, Lin Hua and the others held their weapons and stared vigilantly at the source of the footsteps, ready to fight at any time.

Just after Lin Hua and the others stared vigilantly at the direction of the source of the footsteps, the shadows of more than a dozen people slowly approached. As the distance got closer, Lin Hua and the others discovered that these were not zombie fighters, but human beings. Lin Hua and the others didn't relax their vigilance too much, because although they are all human beings, it's normal to be on guard.

The dozen or so people who came here are all Caucasians, with big eyes, high nose bridges, and particularly fair skin. However, the colors of the eyes and hair of these Caucasians are all different, some are red, brown, green, yellow...

There are fourteen people in total, nine men and five women. The leader is a 27-year-old man of the second rank of extraordinary, with short red hair and a big knife on his back. He is the captain of this small adventure team named Aidil. , the pretty girl behind Eddie with brown eyes and long brown hair is his sister named Alice!The strength of the first-level extraordinary, and the strength of the remaining twelve people, there are two second-level extraordinary, three first-level extraordinary, and the rest are all amethyst-level.

After Adil and the others walked into us, they looked at us who were on guard, frowned, and then loosened their frowning brows and said to the village chief with the best strength, "Old man, don't get me wrong, we are not bad people. It's from the Loose Labor Union in Hawaii City, an adventurous team, there's nothing malicious about it."

(End of this chapter)

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