Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 778 The Real Periphery

Chapter 778 The Real Periphery

In this way, after Lin Hua thought about it for about 2 minutes, the pain in his head really made him a little unbearable, so Lin Hua stopped thinking about his previous things, but just remembered a few skills, all of which are The skills that Lin Hua used in the early days were Frost Blade, Frost Arrow, and Ice Wall.

The reason why Lin Hua can remember these three skills is that these three skills are all Lin Hua's previous skills, because Lin Hua has some powerful skills later on, and he rarely uses these weak skills in the early stage. And those powerful skills Lin Hua often used, and the last time Lin Hua fought with the ancient zombie warrior Shi Di Nuo, he used a lot of powerful skills. Lin Hua was injured because of that battle with the ancient zombie warrior Shi Di Nuo Amnesia, so when Lin Hua thought about those skills, his head hurt even more, because Lin Hua only thought of these three skills that he didn't use much before.

After the village chief and the others saw that the pained expression on Lin Hua's face had decreased a lot, they were relieved a lot.

Lin Hua slowed down and said to the village chief, "I just remembered the skills that I didn't use often before. These three skills are not very powerful, so I don't use them very much. There are some powerful skills because I use them often. My injury had a huge impact, so I can't remember it"

"It's a good thing to think about it. Think about it slowly in the future, don't embarrass yourself too much," the village chief said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yes, yes, Lin Hua, don't be too hard on yourself. I can't bear to see you in pain just now." After hearing Lin Hua's words, a villager said with some sighs on his face.

"Yes, Lin Hua, the past may not be so good for you. Since God made you lose your memory, maybe it just doesn't want you to remember the past." After hearing the words of the village chief and the others, Zhang Liang said Lin Hua said.

"Well, maybe God just doesn't want me to think about the past, or else my head won't hurt like this when I think about the past," Lin Hua said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, let's continue on our way. Don't forget the purpose of our coming here. Time is short, and there is not much time left for us." The village chief said to the villagers after looking at Lin Hua.

Then Lin Hua and the others continued to walk towards the gray forest, but after Lin Hua and the others walked for less than half an hour, Aidier and his small team reached the place where Lin Hua and the others fought with the zombie fighters just now.

"It seems that the strength of those villagers is not bad, and there are no casualties." Dian Lan said with a smile after looking at the corpses of the zombie fighters on the ground.

"Dianlan, don't you really want those villagers to die, so you're happy?" Alice said a little unhappy after hearing Dilan's birch.

"No way, Alice, I saw that there was no trace of human blood on the ground, and the corpses were happy for the villagers. Look, you misunderstood me again." After hearing what Alice said, Dian Lan hurriedly said explained.

"Hmph, by the way, why don't we hurry up? Although the villagers haven't suffered any casualties yet, where are their strengths? Since they have encountered them, please help if you can." After thinking about it, Alice said to Adil.

"That's right, Captain, there's nothing wrong with Alice Leaf. Those villagers must have encountered some trouble or something. Otherwise, I don't think they would have come here. Let's help if we can." A first-order Transcendent said the supernatural being.

After hearing the words of Alice and the extraordinary first-order supernatural being, Aidil thought for a while and said, "If I can meet you again, I will help you."

After Dianlan heard what Adil said, although he didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction on his face, in his heart he wanted to kill Adil a long time ago, and then he came to control the team, and then got Alice.

Afterwards, Edil and the others continued to walk forward. Lin Hua and the others encountered a dozen or so zombie fighters here and there in half a day. They were easily killed by Lin Hua.

Until twelve noon, Lin Hua and the others rested by a small river and ate some food. They planned to continue heading in after eating the food. Although the village chief and the others knew that it was particularly dangerous inside, there was nothing they could do about it. , because it took them a whole morning to collect two amethyst-level heterogeneous cores and more than 20 platinum heterogeneous cores, which was far worse than the [-] heterogeneous cores stipulated by those robbers.

After resting for more than half an hour, Lin Hua and the others continued to move forward, but as Lin Hua and the others walked towards the interior of the gray forest, the environment around Lin and the others changed, and the originally noisy surroundings began to move forward. It became very quiet, basically except for the sound of Lin Hua and the others walking, no other sounds could be heard, and those tall green trees gradually disappeared, leaving only some dead trees, compared with There are some huge boulders, which means that they have officially reached the outer area of ​​the gray forest. The places with green vegetation that Lin Hua and the others passed just now belong to the outermost area of ​​the gray forest. Said that it is not a gray forest at all, what Lin Hua and the others see now is the real appearance of the gray forest.

After Lin Hua sensed the change in the environment, although he lost his memory, he also clearly felt that the gray forest they were in was full of dangers.

Just when Lin Hua and the others reached the outer edge of the real gray forest and walked less than 100 meters, they saw more than 100 zombie fighters staggering towards Lin Hua and the others. Most of them are at the platinum level, there are about 100 at the amethyst level, and there are three at the extraordinary level, two at the first level of extraordinary, and one at the third level of extraordinary.

When the village chief and the others saw the scent of more than 100 zombie warriors and they staggered over, their faces showed some expressions of fear, especially the village chief, because the village chief was at the third level of Amethyst. There are at least eight zombie fighters whose level he can't see, which means that the eight village chiefs can't see the level of zombie fighters, at least they are all amethyst-strength. In terms of individual strength, there is no comparison with these more than 100 zombie fighters!

(End of this chapter)

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