Chapter 779
The village chief and the others thought that if there was a fight, the plants would die, but it was too late to run now. Those zombie fighters had already discovered them and started running towards the village chief and the others.

"Everyone be careful, look for a chance to escape, there are at least eight zombie fighters whose strength is above the fourth level of Amethyst, this is simply not something we can deal with." The village chief looked at the zombie fighters who were running towards them Said to the villagers behind him.

After hearing the words of the village chief, these villagers all looked ashen, and they were all worried that they would all die at the hands of these zombie fighters in a while.

But at this moment, some hurried footsteps came from behind Lin Hua and the others. It turned out that it was Edil and the others running over behind Lin Hua and the others!
When the village chief saw Aidier and the others running over, his face showed some joy, because Aideer and the others obviously came to help them.

"Grandpa, you should step back first, these zombie fighters are of relatively high level, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties," Edil said to the village chief while running.

"Yes, old man, you should go back a little first, we can deal with these zombies," Alice said after hearing what his brother said.

After hearing what Alice and the others said, the village chief and the others retreated one after another, making way for Edil and the others.

Then Aidier and the others fought with those zombie fighters, while Lin Hua and the others watched Aidier and the others fight from behind.

Edil fought the extraordinary third-order zombie warrior alone, while other supernatural beings fought with the remaining supernatural beings one after another. Alice was an ice-type supernatural being, and Alice activated some ice-attribute supernatural powers The skills attacked those zombie fighters, but because the number of those zombie fighters was much larger than that of Aidier and the others, Aidier and the others were quickly surrounded by these zombie fighters.

After the village chief saw that Adil and the others were surrounded by these zombie warriors, he couldn't help but feel a little worried about Adil and the others, because Ail and the others were surrounded by these zombie warriors because they came to help them, so the village chief planned to go to help them. Then he said to Lin Hua and the others, "Everyone, go over and help,"

After hearing what the village chief said, Zhang Liang and the villagers took up their weapons one after another, ready to help.

But at this moment, Lin Hua suddenly stopped him with a sentence, "I'll just go over and help, you stay here, or you will die."

After Lin Hua finished speaking, he walked forward. Although the village chief and the others were very puzzled after hearing Lin Hua's words, they all stopped when they saw Lin Hua walking forward, and stared at him closely. Lin Hua.

After Lin Hua looked at Edil and the others who were surrounded by zombie fighters, he released more than 30 ice blades directly at the zombie fighters who surrounded Didier and the others.

"Bang bang bang bang" Lin Hua released the ice blades, each of which hit the heads of these zombie fighters and directly smashed the heads of more than 30 zombie fighters, and then these heads were crushed by Lin Hua The zombie warrior whose head was smashed by the skill ice blade fell heavily to the ground.

All of this happened in an instant. At the moment when these thirty or so zombie fighters fell to the ground, the remaining zombie fighters except for a few zombie fighters of extraordinary level who fought with Edil and the others, the rest of the zombie fighters were all dead. He rushed towards Lin Hua.

The village chief and the others looked at Lin Hua dumbfounded when they saw Lin Hua killed more than 30 zombie fighters. They don't believe it, the facts are there.

And Alice, who was surrounded by these zombie fighters, saw that so many zombie fighters died at once, and the rest of the remaining zombie fighters all rushed towards Lin Hua, and they all looked at Lin Hua with special doubts. Lin Hua, especially Alice, because Alice is an ice attribute user, he has a special understanding of the ice attribute. Although the ice blade released by Lin Hua just now is a special and low-level skill, Alice will also , but Alice can only release five ice blades at most, and the accuracy control is not very good, but Lin Hua released more than 30 ice blades at once, and the accuracy is very well controlled. The ice blade killed a zombie warrior, all with headshots, and none of them failed. This made Alice admire Lin Hua very much.

Because the strength that Lin Hua showed just now proved that Lin Hua has a high attainment in ice attribute abilities.

After Lin Hua looked at the zombie fighters rushing towards him, without the slightest fear, an ice wall more than 30 meters long and five meters wide was created between Alice and the zombie fighters, and Alice They were isolated from the government zombie fighters, and then Lin Hua directly released the skill ice arrows at these zombie fighters rushing towards him, hundreds of ice arrows shot at these zombie fighters rushing towards Lin Hua,
"Bang bang bang" The zombie warrior who was shot by the ice arrow fell to the ground directly.

"Papa, papa" Those ice arrows on the body of the zombie warrior who didn't hit you all hit the thick ice wall!

It turns out that just now Lin Hua didn't want to attack Alice and the others as long as the ice wall was there. None of the zombie fighters who charged towards Lin Hua survived, and all of them died under Lin Hua's ice arrows. moment.

When everyone didn't realize what was going on, Lin Hua had already dealt with these zombie fighters. When everyone saw that these zombie fighters had been dealt with, they all had thick expressions on their faces. smile.

After Lin Hua killed the zombie warriors, she didn't move on, but retreated to the village chief and the others.

"Lin Hua is great. There are at least 100 of these zombie fighters, and many of them are of amethyst level. You are really amazing." A villager saw Lin Hua walking back After that, he said with a thick smile on his face.

"That's right, Lin Hua, with the move you just made, your level is at least extraordinary," the other said to Lin Hua.

The village chief looked at Lin Hua and didn't speak, but he could see a deep appreciation in his eyes.

"By the way, the village chief, these zombie fighters were all killed by Lin Hua. Should we collect the different cores of these zombie fighters now?" A villager said after looking at the village chief.

(End of this chapter)

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