Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 780 Passionate Brother and Sister

Chapter 780 Passionate Brother and Sister

After hearing what the villager said, the village chief looked at Edil and the others who were still fighting, shook his head and said, "Don't worry about this, let's talk about it after they finish fighting."

After hearing what the village chief said, the villagers didn't say anything, they stared closely at Adil and the others who were still fighting. Alice and the others went to help Adil and the others after Lin Hua killed the zombie fighters. Yes, with the help of Alice and the others, the remaining zombie fighters of extraordinary level were quickly eliminated, but Adil suffered some injuries, not serious injuries, and he will recover after a few days of rest.

After seeing Aidil and the others kill the remaining zombie fighters, the village chief took Lin Hua and the others to Aidil and the others.

Alice's eyes were fixed on Lin Hua at this time, because the control of the ice attribute ability that Lin Hua showed just now was too strong, and she wanted to ask Lin Hua some questions about the control of the ice attribute ability.

The village chief walked up to Adil, and said to Adil very gratefully, "Thank you just now."

After hearing what the village chief said, Edil looked at Lin Hua, then at the village chief and said, "You're welcome, village chief, I think if we didn't do anything just now, these zombie fighters wouldn't do you any harm. After Edil finished speaking, he looked at Lin Hua.

Although Aidier was fighting against the extraordinary third-order zombie fighters just now, Aidier, who is so many zombie fighters on the north side of Lin Hua's machine, has seen them all. He thinks that Lin Hua's strength is particularly strong, at least similar to his own. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to kill so many zombie fighters.

After the village chief heard Aidier's words, he smiled awkwardly and said, "I would like to thank you anyway, but young man, we are here this time for the different cores, and these different cores are very important to us, so Let us leave the alien cores of those zombie fighters killed by Lin Hua just now."

"Okay, of course those alien cores that you killed will be given to you, and you can also take those that we killed just now," Aidier said with a smile after hearing what the village chief said.

"Captain," Dian Lan was about to say something after hearing Edier's words, but was interrupted by Edir's gesture!So Dian Lan didn't continue talking, but the eyes of Dian Lan were full of resentment. Although many people didn't see the resentment in Dian Lan's eyes, they were seen by Lin Hua. Although Lin Hua had amnesia, However, Lin Hua can feel that Dianlan is not a good person from the resentful eyes of Dianlan.

Hearing this, the village chief was very grateful to Adil. Originally, he wanted only the alien cores of the zombie fighters killed by Lin Hua, but he never thought that Adil would give them all the alien cores. The village head thought that it would be difficult for Lin Hua to kill so many zombie fighters. Although the village head knew that they needed the different cores very much now, Didier and the others couldn’t have the different cores. It is the result of their hard work.

Then the village chief said gratefully to Edil, "Thank you, young man, for your kindness. Although we need the alien cores in particular, the alien cores you hunted and killed are all yours. They are the result of your hard work, and we cannot accept them." "

"Yes, young man, we only need the heterogeneous cores of the zombie fighters that Lin Hua killed," Zhang Liang said after hearing what the village chief said.

"Grandpa, just accept it, it's not easy for you," Alice said with a smile after hearing what the village chief said.

The village head still shook his head and said, "You are all good people, thank you so much, but even so, we will not accept your heteronucleus, the people in our fishing village are all rewarded for their labor. of"

After hearing the words of the village chief, Edil frowned. He believed that what the old man said was true, but he was very puzzled at this moment. He didn't know why the old man and the others came back to take risks in this dangerous gray forest from the fishing village, and he could I feel that these heterogeneous cores are very important to the village chief, so Edil wants to give these heterogeneous cores to the village chief, and then he said to the village chief, "Old man, otherwise, let me ask you a question, if If you tell me, these heteronuclei are all yours, and this is also your labor income'

After hearing what Aidier said, the village chief also knew that Aidier really wanted to give them all those alien cores, and then thought about the problems they were facing at this time, and then said with some embarrassing expressions on his face, "What's wrong with the young man?" Questions, just ask directly, but it is still impossible for us to accept those heteronuclei.”

Seeing that the village chief made Edil so stubborn, he was very curious, and then asked the village chief, "Master, since you are all villagers in the fishing village, why did you come to this gray villager to take risks? It's so dangerous inside." Very, very easy to die, your strength level is not high, it is particularly dangerous"

After hearing Aidil's words, the village head said in a sigh of relief, "To be honest, we encountered robbers this time, and we were stipulated to hand over [-] amethyst heterocores within five days, otherwise we would be thrown away." slaughtered by the fishing village"

After hearing what the village chief said, Edil and the others were all full of anger, because they all felt that the village chief and the others were simple fishermen, and what they said must not be a lie!
"Village chief, how about this? Isn't it just five days? We went to help beat those robbers away, isn't that all right?" Alice said directly after hearing what the village chief said.

"Yeah, since that's the case, we don't need a few days to spare. Just let us help beat those robbers away, and you don't need to take risks here anymore." After hearing her sister's words, Adil said directly Said the village chief.

After hearing the words of Aidier and his brother and sister, the village head and the villagers looked at Aidier and them very gratefully, but when the village head thought of the strength of the two robbers who came that day, he directly refused and said, " Young man, it's not that I don't believe in your strength, it's just that the two robbers who came that day were both of the extraordinary second-order strength. The strength of that group of robbers will definitely not be weak. If you help in the past, you will cause casualties. So thank you for your kindness, let’s continue to take risks to collect heterocores.”

After hearing the village chief's refusal, Edil also knew that the village chief was worried that they would not be the opponents of these bandits.

(End of this chapter)

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