Chapter 781 Concerns
Even if the robbers are beaten away, it is impossible for Adil and the others to stay in the fishing village. After Adil and the others leave, when the robbers come again, there will be no one to help them, and the fishing village will be destroyed by then. Those robbers slaughtered.

So Edil didn't continue to say anything, knowing that it would be the best result to collect five hundred amethyst's different cores for those robbers, but Edil still wanted to help these villagers, because these villagers made him feel a little pitiful.

Then Edil said to the village chief, "How about the village chief, let's take an adventure together in this gray forest now, so that everyone will be more relaxed."

The village chief and the villagers also understood that Edier said that he wanted to take an adventure together at this time to help them, and they were all very grateful to Edir and the others.

After hearing what Adil said, the village head knew that the villagers would be much safer following Aidil and the others, so he didn't refuse, but the village head insisted on rejecting Aidil's heteronuclei.

After seeing that the village head and the others didn't want it, Aidier didn't let the village head and the others go, and then the village head and Aidier and the others continued to walk into the gray forest.

Alice had been staring at Lin Hua all the time, because he wanted to ask Lin Hua some knowledge about the ice attribute ability, but Alice was very embarrassed to ask Lin Hua directly, because the two of them were about the same age!Besides, Alice was still a girl, so she felt that this was very bad. In the end, Alice told Lin Hua about asking Lin Hua some questions about the control of the ice attribute, and told his brother Adil, who also saw Lin Hua just now. Release skills to kill those zombie fighters!I also know that Lin Hua's ice attribute ability is particularly powerful.

So in the end Edir took Alice towards the village chief while they were resting. Although they took risks together, they kept a certain distance.

After the village chief saw Adil walking towards him, he looked at Adil in particular doubts, not knowing what Adil and Alice meant.

Then the village chief asked Edil, "What's the matter with the young hero?"

After hearing the words of the village chief, Edir smiled awkwardly and said, "Village chief, I would like to ask the village chief for help, because my sister is also a user with ice attribute abilities. The villager who used ice attribute abilities just now, His ability to control the ice attribute is particularly powerful, so my sister would like to ask some questions about the control of the ice attribute."

"Ah, you're talking about Lin Hua," the village head said slowly after hearing Aidil's words.

After hearing what the village chief said, Alice nodded and said, "Yes, yes, it is Lin Hua."

The village head looked at Aidier and the two of them, and there was some embarrassing expression on his face, because the village head knew Lin Hua's situation very well, Lin Hua had lost his memory now, and the skills that Lin Hua released just now were all thought of by him. Wake up soon!The village chief didn't know how well Lin Hua controlled the ice attribute ability.

After Alice saw the embarrassment on the village chief's face, she also guessed that the village chief was a little embarrassed, and then said to the village chief, "Forget it, I won't ask, anyway, these all need to rely on your own understanding. Even if you ask, you don’t realize it by yourself.”

After hearing what Alice said, the embarrassing expression on the village chief's face became a little awkward, because Adil and his team went with them to help them, and asked Lin Huabing about the control of the attribute abilities, and things within his power , Then the village chief looked at Alice and said, "I don't mean I don't want to help, but Lin Hua is losing his memory now, and the skills he released just now were all he remembered before the battle. I'm afraid you will ask Lin Hua , and I don’t know how well he has control over the ice attribute abilities.”

"What, he is in a state of amnesia now." Alice said in surprise after hearing what the village chief said.

The village chief looked at Alice with a surprised face, nodded and said, "Well, Lin Hua is in a state of amnesia now, and doesn't remember anything from the past,"

"Ah, why did he lose his memory? I think the strength he showed just now is at least stronger than me. I really don't know why he lost his memory." Edil said after hearing what the village chief said.

"I don't know why Lin Hua lost his memory. He was rescued by the villagers of our village at the seaside, and he lost his memory after that, so he stayed in our village to fish. If it wasn't for the robber, maybe Lin Hua Hua still doesn't know that there are supernatural powers in his body," the village chief said with a sigh.

Indeed, if Lin Hua and the others hadn't come to this gray forest because of the bandit incident, Lin Hua might still not have recovered a bit of memory, and would not have remembered her own skills.

"In that case, sister, don't ask Lin Hua." Aidil said slowly after hearing what the village chief said.
"What did the village chief say?" At this moment, Lin Hua walked towards the village chief and the others, because the village chief and the others had been watching Lin Hua and talking, and Lin Hua knew that they were talking about his own affairs, so Lin Hua left. coming.

The village head looked at Lin Hua who was coming over, and then smiled and said, "Miss Alice would like to ask about your control over ice attribute abilities."

Lin Hua frowned after hearing the village chief's words, looked at Alice, and then said with a troubled expression on his face, "I don't know how to control the ice attribute ability. The skills I released just now are all in my hands." What I learned in my memory"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Alice smiled and said, "If that's the case, forget it."

"Yeah, since you can't remember it, then I won't bother you. You still need to understand these problems by yourself," Aidier continued.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but although I don't remember the matter of controlling the ice attribute, I think this one of mine should help you to control the ice attribute to some extent. See if you can feel something." Lin After looking at Alice, Hua said, after Lin finished speaking, he handed the Baqi Hanjian to Alice.

Originally, Alice felt that Lin Hua's sword was an ice-type sword. He wanted to see Lin Hua's sword just now, but because he was embarrassed, he didn't say anything. After handing it over, he hurriedly took the sword over.

When Alice just took over the Baqihanjiang, she felt a particularly pure ice-water ability, which indeed contained some profound meanings of ice attribute control, all of which were realized by Lin Hua herself using the Baqihanjian before. It came out, but Lin Hua couldn't understand it at all now, because when he recalled his own past, Lin Hua's head seemed to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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