Chapter 782
Alice looked at the Eight Wonders Cold Sword in her hand for a long time, but she didn't feel the slightest bit of insight. Then she handed Lin Hua's Eight Wonders Cold Sword to Lin Hua and said thank you to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua looked at Alice, and said with some embarrassment, "I only know about the release of skills, and I don't know anything else. If I remember something, I will tell you."

"Yeah, thank you so much," Alice said after hearing Lin Hua's words with a smile on her face.

Then Lin Hua left and went to Zhang Liang's place to rest, while the village chief and Edil continued to talk about Lin Hua, because Alice was very curious about Lin Hua.

After resting for more than an hour, Lin Hua and the others continued to drive forward. They did not encounter any particularly powerful zombie fighters until the evening, but Alice always came to chat with Lin Hua along the way. Their enthusiasm helped them, so they had a good impression of Alice. When Alice asked him to talk, Lin Hua talked to Alice.

But all of this was taken into account by Dianlan, because Dianlan likes Alice, so he doesn't want Alice and Lin Hua to get too close, but he can't show it, he still has to wait for an opportunity , kill Adil, and then force Alice to be with him.

Lin Hua and the others walked until after seven o'clock in the evening, chose a place and rested there.

But when Lin Hua and the others were resting for more than half an hour, suddenly in front of where Lin Hua and the others were resting, there were a lot of hurried running sounds, the direction was towards Lin Hua, they came here!

After hearing these footsteps, the village chief and the others picked up their weapons one after another, staring closely at the direction of the sound.

Soon, more than 30 zombie fighters appeared. These zombie fighters were of extremely high strength levels. The lowest level was the fifth-level strength of Amethyst. There were eighteen of the extraordinary level and ten first-level extraordinary , four extraordinary second ranks, three extraordinary third ranks, and one extraordinary fourth rank zombie warrior.

When Edil saw the zombie fighters in front of him, he had a very serious expression on his face!Although the number of those zombie fighters is very small, not as many as them, but the level of strength is indeed not low. He has the strength of the third level of extraordinary, but there are three of the third level of extraordinary on the opposite side, and there is one he sees. Those who don't know the level, at least have the strength of the extraordinary fourth level, these zombie fighters are simply not something they can deal with.

Then Edil said to his sister Alice, "I will try to hold back those zombie fighters as much as possible later, you can run as far as you can."

"Don't run, I want to fight with you, bro" Alice said directly after hearing Edil's words.

Adil is also aware of her sister's personality, and it is absolutely impossible for his sister Alice to run away.

After the villagers heard Edil's words, they all understood that these zombie fighters in front were simply not something they could deal with, and each of the villagers showed some scared expressions on their faces.

Dian Lan looked at the zombie fighters above, and knew that those zombie fighters were not something they could deal with at all. He didn't want to die here, and then he looked at the two extraordinary second-order aliens who were better than him. Those who are capable, then directly said to Adil, "Adil told you to keep me in the loop. This group of villagers' business, this time we are all out of class. You can wait here to die, I will not accompany you"

After Dianlan finished speaking, he turned around and ran to the back, and then five other people with supernatural powers also ran away!After Adil saw Dianlan and the others running away, although he was very angry, he didn't say anything, and now nothing can solve the problem, because even if Dianlan and the others don't run away, the zombie fighters in front of them are not something they can deal with .

If you don't run, you will die. Although Dianlan ran away with five supernatural beings, the village chief and the others did not leave alone!They are all holding their weapons tightly to fight those zombie fighters at any time. Although their strength is not high, not as strong as the Dianlan who ran away just now, they also want to fight these zombie fighters. Now If they run, maybe some people can escape, but once they run, the rest of Aidil and the others will die.

The extraordinary fourth-order zombie warrior looked at Dianlan who ran away and they smiled and said, "You humans are really ridiculous. At the critical moment, you abandoned your so-called teammates, but don't worry, just now None of those who ran away could survive.”

Just as the voice of this extraordinary fourth-order zombie warrior fell, there was a sound of fighting from the direction they were fleeing from.

Then, a large number of zombie fighters appeared around Lin Hua and the others, surrounding Lin Hua and the others. There were at least 300 zombie fighters, and they were all Amethyst-level zombie fighters.

And Dianlan, who had just escaped, screamed one after another, and then more than 20 zombie fighters ran out from behind, all of these zombie fighters were of extraordinary level.

After seeing this, the village chief, Aidier and all the villagers showed expressions of fear on their faces, because they had already thought that they would all die here today.

"What's the matter, are you too scared to speak?" After seeing the fear on the faces of the village chief and the others, this extraordinary fourth-order zombie warrior smiled mockingly.

After Lin Hua heard the taunting words of this extraordinary fourth-level zombie warrior, she walked forward directly, without the slightest fear on her face, and said coldly to this extraordinary fourth-level zombie warrior, "Let everyone go, forgive me!" you don't die"

Lin Hua's words completely confuse everyone, and they don't understand why Lin Hua said these words suddenly.

When this extraordinary fourth-order zombie warrior heard Lin Hua's words, he said with a more mocking expression on his face, "What kind of thing are you? You don't have the slightest ability at all, but you still want to kill me."

After hearing what the zombie warrior said, Lin Hua didn't look angry at all, and immediately released the skill ice arrows on the zombie warriors surrounding them on the left, and hundreds of ice arrows shot at the zombie warriors on the left in an instant. .

"Bang bang bang bang" Under Lin Hua's ice arrow, the zombie fighters on the left all fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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