Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 786 Fishing Village

Chapter 786 Returning to the Fishing Village

So Lin Ye has a better way now. After all, Lin Ye feels that it is impossible for him to stay in the fishing village forever. He has to go to the outside world to see and find his own life experience.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Ye felt that this wave of robbers should be dealt with more, so that they would not come to burn, kill and loot again when he was not around in the future.

The way back was very safe, because they were all returning the same way, and everyone didn’t want to cause trouble. Everyone talked and laughed all the way back to the fishing village, but every time Lin Ye chatted with Alice, Dianlan always used He looked at Lin Ye with jealous eyes, but Lin Ye himself was too nervous to think of this, because he just treated Alice as a younger sister.

After returning to the fishing village, Lin Ye summoned the village chief and Sister Adil Alice to Zhang Liang's house.

"Lin Ye, everyone is quite tired just now, did you call us here for something important?" the village head asked first.

The rest of the people also looked at Lin Ye. It seemed that they had the same problem as the village chief.

Lin Ye looked at everyone and said: "The reason why I didn't let everyone rest is to let everyone come here, there is only one thing I want to discuss with you, everyone, don't forget why we went to the deep mountains for this adventure, and it was because we were killed by two robbers." Forced to go..."

At this moment, Edil suddenly shouted: "What? Robbers? It's unreasonable. I said why you are not strong enough to run into the deep mountains. It turns out that's the case. I will take care of this matter with the Sanren Guild! Where are they?"

"Captain Adil, don't be impatient, you can help us, we are very grateful, but those two robbers are both first-order extraordinary, don't worry, I know you must want to say that they are only first-order extraordinary, just raise your hand and kill them , but killing them is not the most important thing, what is important is the gang behind them, otherwise our village will still be robbed by them after Sister Adil and Alice leave, so why don't we put them all together to avoid future troubles!" Lin Ye said.

"Okay, just listen to Brother Lin." Adil said.

"Okay! The meeting is over. Tomorrow, capture the two robbers alive and force them to reveal their hiding places. The meeting is over!" Lin Ye said.

After the meeting, Alice said to Adil: "Brother, you go back first, I'm here to ask Brother Lin Ye about the ability."

"Okay, brother Lin Ye, I'm sorry to trouble you. My sister is like this. She was spoiled by me. Don't mind." Adil said.

"How could it be? It's a good thing that Alice is so eager to learn. Although I have lost my memory and don't remember many things, I remembered something recently. I will try my best to teach her." Lin Ye replied.

"Okay, brother! Let's go! Brother Lin Ye, come with me to find a place where no one is around, and ignore them! Hmph!" Alice said as she ran out holding Lin Ye's hand with her lips pouted and blushing.

While running, I could hear the hearty laughter from Adil behind him. How could Adil not know how careful his sister is. She has been with me for more than twenty years, and I know her every move. I fell in love with Lin Ye!But my sister, Lin Ye doesn't look like those little faces. He looks like a big man at first glance, but good is good, but good is a bit beyond our reach!How could Jinlin be a thing in the pool, he must have been an upright man before he lost his memory!I don't know if you can catch his heart, sister!

Here, Alice took Lin Ye's hand and ran to a meadow outside the village. There was a pond beside the meadow, and a full moon hung in the sky, reflecting against the water, lighting up the night like day.

Alice ran here and stopped, turned around and said with a smile, "Brother Lin Ye, look how beautiful this place is!"

At this moment, Lin Ye was stunned. Alice's face with distinct features, her slender waist without a trace of fat, and the beautiful scenery under the night were perfectly integrated. The beautiful moonlight shone on her body. It makes people feel that she is like a fairy in the sky, attracting Lin Ye's gaze, staring at her obsessively, without speaking for a long time.

Alice saw her favorite brother Lin Ye staring at her so straightly, her heart slammed like a deer, the redness on her face became more and more obvious, and she thought to herself: "Oh! What is brother Lin Ye doing? Looking at him like this, Necrosis, no, I have to calm down!"

At this time Lin Ye was still immersed in his own world, especially when he saw the two blush on Alice's cheeks, which added to the temptation, he couldn't help but blurted out: "Not as beautiful as you!" After finishing speaking, he suddenly woke up and apologized: " I'm sorry Alice, I didn't mean it, I just couldn't help it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

But at this time, Alice still had ears to listen to Lin Ye's apology, her heart was already beating a hundred times, her ears automatically blocked the outside sound, her face was already on fire, and she said coquettishly: "Brother Lin Ye, you are bad! Will praise others, hum! Ignore you!"

Lin Ye's elm head didn't realize that it was his words that turned Alice into this. She only saw that Alice's face was flushed, and thought she was sick. She hurriedly put her hand on Alice's face and asked: "Alice, what's wrong with you? Do you have a fever? Why is your face so red?" She said and pinched her twice.

Alice was about to collapse, and thought to herself: "You Lin Ye, why do you still ask me like this? And what happened when you pinched someone's face just now?" Although she thought so in her heart, she couldn't say it out of her mouth. , hurriedly explained: "It's okay, Brother Lin Ye, I was in a hurry to run just now, and I got out of breath. Okay, Brother Lin Ye, I have something to ask you. You see that you have lost your memory. What are your plans for the future? You can't be in this fishing village. Take it with you for the rest of your life, when we annihilate the robbers tomorrow, you can go with us, it can be regarded as helping you find your lost memories."

Lin Ye replied after hearing this: "I have considered the question you mentioned, but at the beginning I was alone and I didn't have any self-protection ability at that time, so the idea was shelved, but since you brought it up, Well, tomorrow, after we succeed in suppressing the bandits tomorrow, I will set off with you, just don't dislike me."

"Really! That's great! How could you dislike you? Brother Lin Ye is so powerful, it's good that you don't dislike us for being too weak! Hehe!" Alice couldn't hide her joy after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, didn't you ask me to come out to learn supernatural powers? Do you still want to learn? If you don't learn, I can go back!" Lin Ye suddenly remembered that she hadn't done her serious business yet and asked.

"Learn, learn, learn, I'm so happy! Hee hee! Brother Lin Ye, what do you think about this..."

"Ah, you should..."

Silent all night.

In the blink of an eye, the next day, the sun had already risen halfway, but Lin Ye had already woken up. He was recalling and practicing the skills and moves he had learned to ensure that he could use them in a safe manner in today's bandit suppression operation. A string of ice blades galloped and shot , Willing to make a deep mark on the outer wall.

(End of this chapter)

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