Chapter 787
"Ice blade!" With Lin Ye's roar, several diamond-shaped ice flakes as thin as cicada's wings appeared out of nowhere along Lin Ye's straight right hand, but don't underestimate its sharpness. In the direction Ye pointed, he rushed towards the gate of the courtyard.

"Oh! Brother Lin Ye, you are trying to murder me!" With a cry, the brothers and sisters of Adil and Alice came in from outside the courtyard, and Alice was holding back a smile and her face was flushed, and Adil said: "It's okay My level is not bad, otherwise, if I were replaced by someone below Amethyst, I would just hang up!"

Lin Ye looked embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not very proficient in using the skills that I just remembered from amnesia. Why don't you get up in the morning and practice them, for fear of making mistakes."

After hearing this, Alice couldn't help laughing anymore, and said, "Oh brother Lin Ye! It's okay, my brother is thick-skinned, there is nothing wrong with it at all, you don't have to be embarrassed!"

"Hey! You little girl! Brother Lin Ye, who has only known you for a few days, has helped him deal with your own brother!" Aidil teased.

After hearing this, Alice tangles her hands together and hesitates to speak. She lowers her head and dare not look at Lin Ye.

At this time, the sun had all risen, which meant that it was time to hand over the robber's crystal nucleus. The three of them were thinking about it when they heard a shout from the village gate.

"Get out of the village chief, that old bastard! Don't you know what day it is today? Hurry up and take out all the crystal nuclei I want, and tell you old bastard, if I lose one piece, I will make your village bleed like a river!" No need to ask, it must be that the two robbers came to ask for debts.

Upon hearing this, Lin Ye said, "Let's go! The one who dies is here!"

When Lin Ye and Aidil brothers and sisters arrived at the entrance of the village, there were already a lot of people around. Seeing Lin Ye, they automatically parted ways to go to the village chief.Lin Ye saw that the two robbers were holding a cigarette in their mouths, wearing leather jackets with rivets, and one of the robbers had a scar from nose to ear on his face. The appearance of my second child and my third child does not make me feel like a good person at first glance.

"I'm not dead! The crystal nucleus is on that kid, right? Boy! Hurry up and give me the uncle's crystal nucleus! Don't force me to grab it, you can't afford the consequences!" Scarface said.

"The crystal nucleus is indeed with me, come and get it." Lin Ye said while taking out a bag of crystal nucleus from the space ring, and put it in front of his toes.

"Boy! Are you wearing a space ring on your finger?! Fourth brother! This time we sent it! Haha!" Dao Scar walked towards Lin Ye with a smile on his face. They came together behind Scarface.

When Scarface walked three meters away from Lin Ye, Lin Ye yelled: "Aidil! Do it! Kill that fourth brother first! Capture Scarface alive!" His strength is definitely stronger than that of Scarface, because he is too calm, neither arrogant nor arrogant, he must be a character, even if he captures the fourth child alive, he should not be able to ask anything.So Lin Ye immediately told Adil to kill the fourth child. With Adil's extraordinary strength of the third level, it must be a sneak attack. Adil rushed forward, pulled out the long knife behind his back with both hands, swung it hard, and issued a golden knife. The yellow wave blade cut off the head of the fourth child in an instant, and the fourth child did not say a word from the beginning to the end.

Scarface, who was walking in front of the fourth brother, hadn't reacted yet. Looking back, he found that his accomplice had been decapitated and lying in a pool of blood, with scarlet blood gushing out from the severed neck, "Fourth brother!" Scarface said. Shouting, he didn't even see Aidier's knife, and the fourth brother died just like that. The key point is that the fourth brother was stronger than himself, but he was still killed in seconds. It seems that he can only surrender. The man can bend and stretch, it's nothing.

Scarface had a lot of thought activities in an instant, and immediately turned around and knelt down to Lin Ye's group with a plop, crying and said: "Masters! It's my fault, it's because the boy has no eyes. The elders will spare the younger one." Let’s do it once! I don’t dare to do it again!” After speaking, he began to kowtow, and blood flowed from his forehead.

Scarface's behavior made everyone look down on him even more. He is worthy of being a robber, so shameless!

Adil stepped forward, kicked Scarface, stepped on Scarface's chest, and asked, "Tell me! Who ordered you to come here to rob? Huh? Answer honestly, or die!"

"Don't! Brother! Don't kill me! I came from Gun Mountain. Our boss told us to come here to rob. The boss said that this place is close to the forest. There must be a lot of crystal nuclei in the village. Let us come here to rob." Dao Scarface kowtowed and said.

At this time, the village head told Lin Ye: "The Gun Mountain is 30 miles southeast of us. It got its name because the whole mountain looks like a long gun."

Lin Ye stepped forward and asked, "How many people are there on Gun Mountain, and what is their strength?"

"We have seven brothers on Gun Mountain, the eldest and the second is the third-order Transcendent, I am the third, the fourth is the one you asked to kill, and the other three are all the second-order Transcendent." Scarface said.

After hearing this, Lin Ye asked strangely, "Oh? Then why are you both ranked third and fourth when both of you are first-order Transcendents?"

"It's like this big brother. My fourth child and I have played together since we were young. We are like one person, inseparable, so we are actually tied for third." Scarface explained.

"Okay! You didn't take us to Gun Mountain tomorrow." Lin Ye told him.

"Don't play tricks, or you'll die!" After saying that, Adil kicked Scarface again.Then he shouted to his subordinates: "Both of you! Watch him! Don't let him get away! Or I'll ask you!"

After solving this matter, it was almost noon, and the village chief and the villagers happily prepared a sumptuous lunch for the scattered guilds who helped them.

"Everyone is welcome, this is what our Sanren guild should do. Our guild just likes to help people in difficulty." Adil said with a smile.

Lin Ye stood up suddenly at this moment and said, "Fellow folks, it is because of you, especially Zhang Liang's family, that I, Lin Ye, survived. I owe you my life. What I want to talk about next is about my personal future. Everyone knows that Lin Ye has lost his memory, so I am also curious about what I was like in the past. I have made a decision. I will set off with the Sanren Guild to Gunshan Mountain tomorrow. Suppress the bandits, and then I won’t come back again, I’m going outside to find my relatives and friends, everyone, take care of yourself.”

"Lin Ye! Take me with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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